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  1. :o Ehhhhrrr... It worked . Blood decals don't come out that often, but now they are definitely there. Thank you so much Double, those lines were not on the .ini file itself nor in the MOD Organizer "Decals" section of the Configurator, I had no idea they existed to begin with. Thank you again!
  2. Hey there. I recently installed STEP, basically all the "Core" part except Realistic Water (I am trying Purity) and some mods from the extended part of the guide (which in turn forced me to opt for the Step Combined Plugin instead of one of the more comprehensive patches). At first I had installed Enhanced Blood Textures (EBT), and it was working as usual, but I decided to drop it: I can't say I really appreciate the new textures (if only Crimson Tide wasn't broken!), plus it's too script intensive, and since I wanna install other script intensive mods on top of STEP, I am trying to drop all I don't consider really essential. After uninstalling EBT, tho, I realized I see no blood at all in game: when I hit an npc with a weapon I see a little "spray" of blood, but no decals at all: not on the weapon, non on myself, not on the npc I am hitting and not on the floor. I double-checked my .ini settings to be sure decals are activated and all the Step suggestions are followed to the letter. I tried rising values for the decals number and duration. I double-checked my mod to be sure I had not left behind compatibility patches for EBT (as far as I remember, the only one was the one for Audio Overhaul, and I removed it). By the way, I am using Mod Organizer (I uninistalled EBT just by un-ticking it on the list). I also sort my load order with LOOT, although it shouldn't be an issue in this particular case. I tried to google my problem and I found an old forum topic with people complaining about blood "disappearing" (or becoming transparent and almost invisible) after uninstalling EBT. Which sounds absurd, but I seem to have the same problem (and that topic seemed to offer no solution). So my question is... has anybody else ever experienced the same issue? Am I missing something really obvious (that wouldn't surprise me, I AM idiot!)? Is there something else I can try? Ps Forgot to write I use no ENB except ENBoost and enhanced lighting for ENB-lite. Pps (Edit) Obviously I started a new game after uninstalling EBT. Not a big deal since I am still in the process of testing my baseline mod list and I use Alternate Start to skip the tedious and lenghty opening "vanilla" intro Ppps My plugin list copied straight from LOOT Thanks in advance!
  3. EHM... Sorry to bother again, but I would be interested in setting something along these lines. Just to be clear... Did you sete Adaptive Vsync and max fps to 30 by Nvidia inspector? And ifpsclamp should be the .ini setting for minimum fps, right? What value did you set it to? Lastly (sorry for the dumb question, but just to be sure) If I activate Vsinc by driver, I have to disable it both in Skyrim.ini settings and ENB local.ini, right?
  4. Wow... So it's not my poor Notebook's fault after all... In a sense I feel relieved :D (Ps... I have similar framerate drops while approaching some villages like Riverwood, after installing Expanded towns and cities... Suppose this is normal as well, then). On a side note... I gave a look to the city overhaul mods you suggested, and I must say I am really intrigued by SNOW city (Windhelm). It is quite extensive tho, changes even the docks (so not compatible with Better Docks I suppose... right?) and guards outfits as well. This is probably something that a good bashed patch can solve tho...
  5. Hi all! I just got back to modding Skyrim (I should say I just got back to damnation!) and after installing Step (except for some script intensive and compatibility annoying mods like Enhanced Blood and Dual Sheat Redux) I proceeded to REGS, which I found to be fantastic as I remembered. I have a pretty beasty notebook, but a notebook nontheless, so I'll be installing just SOME selected mods. But I can't live without cities and villages overhaul, So I decided I should install at least JK's Skyrim (major cities only) and Enhanced Towns and villages. I have a couple of questions tho: 1) Is there a particular reason for selecting JK's Skyrim over Dawn of Skyrim collection (This one: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58275/? )? Is it because Jk's is less resource taxing (no scripts), or because of compatibility issues, or just a matter of personal preference by the REGS authors? EDIT: I did a bit of searching on this thread and saw the topic has been discussed a lot. I seemed to understand the "Dawn of... " cities are gone because of performance issues, for example right at the entrance in Whiterun. But I happen to have exactly the same issues with Jk's (See point 3). Am I the only one? 2) What does the REGS version of Nernie's add, exactly? Do I lose REALLY much in terms of content if I skip it to give more breath to my system? I ask because... 3) ... Truth is I am already testing Jk's and Enhanced towns and villages plus Purity, Elfx and most of the mods and textures suggested by STEP, (ENBoost included) and I run between 40 and 60 fps pretty everywhere on the outside locations, but in some spots inside Whiterun my fps drop to 20-25 with no apparent reason (for example tight at the entrance of the city, or in a spot on the right corner of the Companions Hall, along the city walls.... even when I look at the rocks textures only. Maybe because I am in a spot where different cells are loaded simultaneously?) I really hope to get your insight! Thanks in advance, and sorry if my English sucks or if I didn't explain myself well enough, English is not my mother tongue...
  6. Sorry to exploit this topic, but actually I have a very similar problem, just with snowy rocky textures. I tried to look aroud with google for an answer and I noticed it seems to be a recurrent problem. It is especially noticeable at the very exit of the cave at the beginning of the game (just before going out and looking at Alduin flying away in the distance) and in many other places on the way to Riverwood and around that village. I didn't take screens myself, but the effect is very similar to the one shown on the 3rd picture at this link: https://imgur.com/a/SHt50 Ehm... am I the only one? And is there a way to solve this, perhalps with that "no stretching" mod linked above? Thanks in advance!
  7. I am using Mod Organizer and I placed your compilation at the very bottom of the left panel list. There is nothing overwriting it. Here is a couple of quick screenshots I took in Whiterun. In certain conditions the seam is barely noticeable, in others it really sticks out, esp. on the back of the neck. Perhaps just adding a re-lighting mod ala Climates of Tamriel or an enb (but I don't plan on using one) would change things drastically, but for the moment here is what I seem to get: As I wrote before, it could be much worse, but I think there's still margin for an improvement
  8. Good day everybody and my apologies if I come out of nowhere... I have just (re) started my adventure in skyrim modding, and as I made my way through the Step guide I got to the characters section. Unsatisfied as I was about the female npcs appearance, I tried searching the internet for a body replacement with full compatibility with vanilla assets... and I got here. Long story shot: Dragon King, I am testing your compilation right now and I believe it's the only hope for us poor mortals who are just asking for something along the lines of Better males.Well... for the moment, I must report 2 issues: first of all, neck seams. True, they are barely noticeable. But it depends from npc to npc. For example, I noticed in Ysolda (whiterun) the neck seam sticks out quite badly Also (issue n.2) Old people have "young" textured body. At least while wearing clothes. I tried moving "consistent old people" after your mod in the MO left pane, so as to overwrite, but it doesn't seem to solve the issue. All in all, Dragon King, I believe your compilation is already the best option for people who wanna improve the vanilla female body. I forgot to add so far I am testing in full-vanilla light environment: I have installed no ENB nor lighting overhaul yet. BTW.. Sorry if that may seem nitpicking, but one of the things i most hate of the vanilla female body (and unfortunately, only the most "intrusive" body mods seem to properly address it) is the shape of the calfs (lower leg muscles). It's really too low poly. It may be because i am not using the HRDLCs but just the optimized unofficial version tho. For the moment, these are me humble 2 cents... I'd like to know if you all experience the same issues (may be just me). Thanks in advance and I'll try to help with testing, altho my vacation days are almost over T_T PS And sorry for my bad English... I am Italian
  9. True, but ATI switchable graphics was even worse -.-
  10. Damn am I unlucky... I have just managed to make ENBoost work and passed to the actual mod installation process (Section 2.D od STEP, "fixes") and again I am forced to stop. I am not able to install mods from Nexus using MO. I checked "Automatically log-in to Nexus" and added my Nexus profile data to MO setting, I even pressed "Associate with "Download with manager" links" button (even tho nothin seems to happen), but when i press the globe icon in MO and try to download a mod from Nexus clicking on "Download with manager"(ex. the very first one in the step list, "Distant decal fix") I get redirected to a blank page with an error message stating more or less: "one of the following protocols (nxm) is not associated to any program". My os is Windows 7 64 bit and I currently use Firefox as my main browser, but I tried the same procedure with Internet Explorer and I get a similar error message. I have installed MO only yesterday, so it's the last version: 1.2.11. I even tried checking "Automatic archieve invalidation" on my MO profile tab to no avail... I am really lost. I could install the mods manually, but it would be a real pain in the butt, esp the Fomod ones... Any idea about what the problem may be? Thanks in advance and sorry for abusing of your patience... EDIT: I tried downloading Chrome and setting it as my default browser. First thing I noticed is MO doesn'teven log-in my profile when connecting to Nexus, despite setting it to do so. But contrary to Firefox, after pressing the "download with manager" button of one of the mods, Chrome asked me to confirm if MO was the program I wanted to use in order to handle nxm protocol pages tho, and after i gave my ok MO was finally able to download the mods. Still nothing to do with firefox anyway. It really looks like none of the MO settings regarding Nexus actually work, not even the "Automatically log-in" one... I am desperate
  11. Ok, after a good degree of trial and error I managed to solve the problem myself. It indeed had to do with my pc being a laptop with dual-gpu technology (optimus). Wrapper version of ENB binary is not able to detect my high-spec GPU. First of all, I installed the last version of direcx runtime. Secondly, I installed the injector (not wrapped) version of ENB binary, adding only the local.ini file from the wrapped version and applying the edits as instructed by Step. I also edited the enbinjector.ini file by adding "skse_loader.exe". Injector version must be launched every time before Skse, but oh well...
  12. Hi all. I am Italian, so forgive me for my bad English. I am coming back to Skyrim after more than one year and started the long STEP installation process. So far I got to the "Extenders" section (Section 2.C of the guide). I installed SKSE and it's scripts to MO, and all seemed to work, altho a couple of caveats apply: - MO asks me to launch steam even tho it's already running. If I do, instead of launching the game it launches the Skyrim launcher. I've found another topic about the same issue and I've read and verified I have to let MO open Steam in order for all to work properly - also, by reading the Step guide I couldn't understand if I have to check (activate) the skse mod in MO's left pane (the one you open with explorer in order to create the .ini file). SKSE seems to launch both ways, but just to be sure I checked it. Anyway, the real problem came when i went on to the ENBoost installation. I followed STEP instruction by downloading last version - enbseries_skyrim_v0262 - and tweaking the emblocal.ini file). After installing ENBoost, if I launch SKSE from MO the game doesn't launch... Well, I should say it tries to load and CTD before the main menu. Just to be sure, I deactivated my anti-virus (Microsoft security essentials), and run MO as administrator. I also double-checked the security properties of my C: drive (I installed skyrim on C:, same as my Windows 7 OS, but in a separate folder, NOT Program Files X86). Unfortunately, nothing seems to work. If I remove the ENB files from the Skyrim folder, tho, the game runs again. At this point, I have no idea what to do, and I'd like to know is anybody else experienced the same issue. May it depend from the hybrid graphics system of my laptop (it mounts an integrated intel GPU and a GeForce GTX 870M with 6Gb DDR5 Ram... Switches automatically to the latter when I launch demanding programs. Have to say I am not accustomed to that system) I should again point out that I followed the STEP guide TO THE LETTER, including ini tweaks and so on. EDIT: may it be that i need to install the injector version instead of the wrapper one since I am using la dual GPU laptop? I found a reference to something like that in the readme, but I am not sure how to proceed with the Injector... Thanks in advance for your precious advice and insight and have a good day
  13. @ Neovalen You are right to point that out, sorry. I posted this just cause I was curious about the strange issu that arised. I suppose it means the tweak DOES indeed trigger "something", or else it wouldn't black-screen my game. So apparently no one else experienced anything similar. -.- This damn HP laptop really keeps being the best when it comes to random crap happening -.- And what about the "similar" tweak from other ini tweak guides? Is that plain wrong? Ps Thanks for the answers!
  14. Hi all! I am in the process of installing Skyrim revisited. My rig isn't that powerful (laptop -.-) So I am being very selective, especially on the retexture mods side. Anyway, today I tried the "CPU Threading Tweak", this one: [General] iNumHWThreads=X. My laptop CPU is an I5 dual core with hyperthreading, so instead of "X" I inserted the value "2". Well, I am sure the tweak does something. In fact, as soon as the save game load up ends and I switch to the "real" game, I get a black screen and the game stops responding. I tried using the value "02" and I get the exact same problem. With "03" (just for the sale of trying) the game loads normally, but I suspect that way I get no real effect on the CPU usage. Ehm... any idea about what the problem may arise from? The only thing in my setup that is different from skyrim revisited is that I use just a portion of the mods listed on that guide, and I use Ulo (a SweetFX preset) instead of an ENB, just to keep my average outdoor fps above 30. Also, I have another dubt. I noticed many other ini tweaking guides feature a different CPU threading tweak: instead of "[General] iNumHWThreads=X", "[HAVOK] iNumThreads=XX". Had anybody noticed that? Can anybody enlighten me whether they are both the same, or if instead the second one is plain wrong? I shall add I tried that one too. No black screen or freeze, but apparently no change in fps either, not even a slight one. I can't understand whether it works or not. Sorry for my bad English, and I am eager to hear the community opinions on this issue
  15. :S Guys... I don't get it, really. Both here and on the mod's page on Nexus is a constant bashing at ULO cause "it's just a preset" and "people don't understand the different between this and an ENB (which is true, but aren't ENBs out there just presets as well, anyway?)". You may state it's not "bashing", but really, that's how it sounds. This objection of people "non understanding mechanics behind modding" is simply pointless, I am sorry. People who understand what Sweet FX is understand what ULO is all about. People who do not, instead, won't probably understand about anything else they download from nexus, so what's the point in complaining about it? As long as they appreciate the final effect and the performance gain, there's nothing to get so fussy about semantics. At least that's my opinion. I personally play with a laptop, and I had problems running Zoners high performance (the original version) which is arguably one of the lighter ENBs out there. No matter how much I love the way ENBs really IMPROVE the game, I can't enjoy both them and a fluent gameplay. I wish it wasn't like that, but it is, and that's when ULO makes it's appearance. You may all say what you want, but it makes a hell of a good job in improving the visuals of the game, and it's also highly adaptable and adjustable by the average end user, provided he is able to run notepad and do some image comparison. Which is NOT a bad thing. On the contrary. Not to say that from a "technical" and "stylistic" point of view, in my opinion it adheres to the basic STEP mandate much more than most ENBs on the Nexus. But ofc that's something we could discuss about for the years being :D
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