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  1. I have been changing the INI's inside MO, and BethINI was pointed to the correct files. I didn't delete the INI's from the My Documents folder and replace them like I said I would do. I realized I had backed up the default INI's in MO, in the default profile, so I just copied the content across to the other profile, then followed the INI guide to amend/change the appropriate settings. I have forced frame limiting in nvidia inspector and it works. its not perfect because I still get screen tearing but if it stops the poltergeists then it's ok. Thanks for the help guys.
  2. I followed the INI guide, and even with proper INI files, Skyrim just doesn't care that I have Vsync enabled in there, even in nVidia Inspector. I'm at a loss.
  3. Guys could someone point me to a guide detailing how to modify the ini files manually please? This BethINI program is Satan himself, it keeps slapping everything on the end of the file, not replacing what is already there and messing up the files. No wonder the settings are never applies since I assume the game is loading the first ones it finds, which never change. I have attached the files in case anyone wants to have a look. Edit: Found the guide here, this is the right thing follow yes? skyrim.ini skyrimprefs.ini
  4. Just to add, I have also enabled Vsync in nvidia inspector so I have no idea whats happening. EDIT: I've discovered the problem, something has gone very wrong with my ini files, several copies of the whole file are contained in each one. I need to clear them and start again. Here is how I think I'm supposed to do that, first delete them (from My Documents/My Games/Skyrim), then run the launcher and launch the game once. Then run bethINI and follow the instructions in the guide. Im gonna do that now.
  5. Damn, then it's another case of skyrim not caring what's in the ini file, because vsync is enabled, but my fps does go above 60, over 100 usually.
  6. Yes, I'm using MO to edit the ini, I also use BethINI, it says AA is enabled, inside the ini file the appropriate setting is enabled, the game is simply ignoring it, I'll post a screenshot soon. DoF is also an ingame setting but the game ignores it, I had to use DynaVision to get Dof. OH and I seem to get a lot of poltergeist activity, objects moving and falling, any idea what causes that?
  7. Any idea why DoF doesn't work? It is enabled in Skyrimprefs.ini (bDoDepthOfField=1), also AA is set to 4 (iMultiSample=4), but I see none in game. I have used nvidia inspector to make the changes the step guide mentioned. Edit: I installed DynaVision and that gave me DoF, but I'm still lacking AA, shame there isn't an AA mod :/
  8. I fixed bethINI, so don't worry about that. "PATCH SPEEDHACK ENBoost turned on in enblocal.ini, graphic modification disabled" is the exact wording of the red text, I am assuming that's normal but I just want to make sure.
  9. Hi, everything installed and works fine. But there are two things I'd really like to add. What would be the best way to add DoF? Also, SkyUi doesn't seem to like ultrawide resolutions, so I'm playing in 16:9 until I know how to fix it. Thanks Edit: I notice that DoF is actually enabled in BethINI, I guess it's not working. Also, when starting the game I get red text from the ENB saying that since the speed patch is on graphics enhancements are not enabled, I don't know if that's normal or not. Edit 2: BethINI doesn't seem to be able to change the settings of the game :/
  10. I scanned the plugins again, Cutting Room Floor didn't actually have any <Error: Could not be resolved> errors, WetAndCold.esp now (for some reason) does not contain any errors. The problem I ran into was with the STEP Extended Patch, I tried to find [19001D8A] and [19007212] to delete them but they don't seem to exist. Since nothing has changed, rather then re-run DynDOLOD again, I'll just provide the log that it generated last time, it's attached to this post, I had to compress it because it's 400kb over my upload limit. I decided to do a search for 00023775 (the number in the error) and found it inside Skyrim.esm, but I didn't do anything with it, I don't want to delete anything I shouldn't. DynDOLOD_TES5_log.zip
  11. I've looked through my list and there is definitely no esp file by that name.
  12. But I don't have a DynDOLOD.esp file, so how can there be an error in it? I will delete all the <Error: Could not be resolved> references in STEP Extended Patch, WetAndCold, and Cutting Room Floor. Then I'll run the program again and if it doesn't work I'll post the correct log (sorry about that).
  13. I followed the step guide but this program gave me this error: "Duplicate FormID [00023775] in file [74] DynDOLOD.esp." The output said to include the contents of this log. In Mod Ordganizer mod 74 is ExplosiveBoltsVisualized (not hex) in TES5edit mod 74 (hex) is dual sheath redux. Neither have errors after being scanned in TES5Edit and I don't have a DynDOLOD.esp file so I'm at a complete loss for what to do or what has an error. What can I do? Here are the errors it did find (or what look like errors to me): Here is the output of Skyrim.esm which is too large to post here. [00:00] Checking for Errors in [72] STEP Extended Patch.esp [00:00] BYOHHouse1Falkreath "Lakeview Manor" [CELL:03002FEC] [00:00] CELL \ LTMP - Lighting Template -> [19001D8A] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:00] CELL \ XCIM - Image Space -> [19007212] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:00] Checking for Errors in [60] WetandCold.esp [00:02] _WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C] [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:02] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "_WetApplyGearColdQuest [QUST:600BAA2C]"> [00:00] Checking for Errors in [0D] Cutting Room Floor.esp [00:01] WERoad02 "Nobles Traveling with Bodyguard" [QUST:001027A5] [00:01] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "WERoad02 "Nobles Traveling with Bodyguard" [QUST:001027A5]"> [00:01] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "WERoad02 "Nobles Traveling with Bodyguard" [QUST:001027A5]"> [00:01] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "WERoad02 "Nobles Traveling with Bodyguard" [QUST:001027A5]"> [00:01] QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Aliases \ Alias \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ Alias -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "WERoad02 "Nobles Traveling with Bodyguard" [QUST:001027A5]"> [00:00] Checking for Errors in [04] Dragonborn.esm [00:00] MGRSummonDremoraCOPY0000 "Summon Unbound Dremora" [SPEL:0010E38C] [00:00] SPEL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Object Bounds, Name, Menu Display Object, Equipment Type, Description, Data, Effects [00:02] DLC2ApocryphaWeatherNew [WTHR:04034CFB] [00:02] WTHR \ Sounds \ SNAM - Sound \ Sound -> [020FB625] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:02] DLC2ApocryphaWeather [WTHR:0401DFF5] [00:02] WTHR \ Sounds \ SNAM - Sound \ Sound -> [030FB625] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:24] [INFO:000CEFBE] (in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:000CEFBA]) [00:24] INFO -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Response flags, Previous INFO [00:25] [INFO:0402A70A] ('Well you know it as well as I do. Raven Rock Mine wasn't empty at all... it's still rich in ebony ore.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC2DDRCresciusTLImperialBranchTopic01 "Ridiculous? Why?" [DIAL:04024768]) [00:25] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC2RR03 "The Final Descent" [QUST:04018B15]"> [00:25] [INFO:0402477F] ('Solsthiem is still rich in ebony ore. I know there's more down there... I can smell it.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC2DDRCresciusTLImperialBranchTopic01 "Ridiculous? Why?" [DIAL:04024768]) [00:25] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC2RR03 "The Final Descent" [QUST:04018B15]"> [00:29] BloodDecalPlaceExplosion [EXPL:000F3A8C] [00:29] EXPL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Object Bounds, Model, Data [00:30] All Done! [00:00] Checking for Errors in [03] HearthFires.esm [00:06] WIChangeLocationNode [SMBN:000A39C6] [00:06] SMBN \ SNAM - Child -> [010162A0] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:06] All Done! [00:00] Checking for Errors in [02] Dawnguard.esm [00:00] DLC1VampireLordBlocker [ACTI:02014760] [00:00] ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0307B5B9] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:01] DA13VineCeiling01NoCol [STAT:000BD6A5] [00:01] STAT -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Object Bounds, Model, Direction Material [00:02] SoulCairnAurora [WTHR:0200959F] [00:02] WTHR \ Sounds \ SNAM - Sound \ Sound -> [01007011] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:02] DLC1Eclipse [WTHR:02006AEC] [00:02] WTHR \ Sounds \ SNAM - Sound \ Sound -> [0201DF89] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:02] WTHR \ Sounds \ SNAM - Sound \ Sound -> [0201DF8C] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:07] [REFR:02013821] (places NorDoorSmLoad02HiddenMinUse "Iron Door" [DOOR:000988DF] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) at 43,-13) [00:07] REFR \ XNDP - Navigation Door Link \ Teleport Marker Triangle -> <Warning: Navmesh triangle not found in "[NAVM:00079A5A] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:0000BB64] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 43,-13))"> [00:12] [REFR:02015DC3] (places sc_towerfloatingrocks02 [STAT:02010BAD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeper [CELL:02002C75] (in DLC01SoulCairn "Soul Cairn" [WRLD:02001408] at 6,3)) [00:12] REFR \ XATR - Attach Ref -> [02006718] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:12] [REFR:02015DC8] (places FXSmokeWispsLg2x1Adjust [MSTT:0001643B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeper [CELL:02002C75] (in DLC01SoulCairn "Soul Cairn" [WRLD:02001408] at 6,3)) [00:12] REFR \ XATR - Attach Ref -> [02006718] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:12] [REFR:02015DCA] (places sc_towerfloatingrocks03 [STAT:02010BAE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DLC01SoulCairnCraterKeeper [CELL:02002C75] (in DLC01SoulCairn "Soul Cairn" [WRLD:02001408] at 6,3)) [00:12] REFR \ XATR - Attach Ref -> [02006718] < Error: Could not be resolved > [00:14] [INFO:02002B0A] ('You must help me find my Arvak. He doesn't deserve to be in a place like this!' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1SCHorseQuestBranchTopic [DIAL:02002B07]) [00:14] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:15] [INFO:02013FDC] (in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:02004DCA]) [00:15] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:15] [INFO:02013FDD] (in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:02004DCA]) [00:15] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:15] [INFO:02013FDF] (in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:02004DCA]) [00:15] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:15] [INFO:02006AE4] ('Ah, my rescuer! It's good to see you again.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1VQ03HunterDexionStage100Topic1 "Glad you made it here safely, Dexion." [DIAL:020069DD]) [00:15] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ03Hunter "Prophet" [QUST:020098CB]"> [00:17] [INFO:02019081] (in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:02015BF2]) [00:17] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:17] [INFO:02019082] (in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:02015BF2]) [00:17] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:17] [INFO:02019083] (in GRUP Topic Children of [DIAL:02015BF2]) [00:17] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:18] DLC1TolanSharedHello1 [INFO:0201A1B8] ('Someday, we'll rebuild the Hall of the Vigilant. Mark my words, I'll see it done before they put me in the ground.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1VQ01Shared [DIAL:02019A26]) [00:18] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:18] DLC1TolanHello2 [INFO:0201A1B9] ('Vampires are worse than Daedra. I wish we Vigilants had taken them more seriously while we we had the chance.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1VQ01Shared [DIAL:02019A26]) [00:18] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:18] DLC1TolanSharedHellos3 [INFO:0201A1BA] ('One thing about living in Skyrim I could never stomach... all the damn vampires!' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1VQ01Shared [DIAL:02019A26]) [00:18] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:18] DLC1TolanSharedHellos4 [INFO:0201A1BB] ('There will be time to honor the fallen later. For now, we've got to put a stop to these vampires.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1VQ01Shared [DIAL:02019A26]) [00:18] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:18] DLC1TolanSharedGoodbyes1 [INFO:0201A1BC] ('Stendarr watch over you.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1VQ01Shared [DIAL:02019A26]) [00:18] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:18] DLC1TolanSharedGoodbyes2 [INFO:0201A1BD] ('Thanks again for saving my life.' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1VQ01Shared [DIAL:02019A26]) [00:18] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "DLC1VQ01 "Awakening" [QUST:0200352A]"> [00:18] [INFO:0201A675] ('Begone! You're not welcome here!' in GRUP Topic Children of DLC1VQCastleGuardTopic1 [DIAL:0201A66E]) [00:18] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "DLC1VQCastleGuard [QUST:0201A415]"> [00:21] DLC1WE07GroupMovement [PACK:020041FF] [00:21] PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PTDA - Target \ Target Data \ Target -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "DLC1WE07 "SPECIAL ATTACK: Vampires vs Player Dawnguard" [QUST:020041FE]"> [00:21] PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PTDA - Target \ Target Data \ Target -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "DLC1WE07 "SPECIAL ATTACK: Vampires vs Player Dawnguard" [QUST:020041FE]"> [00:21] DLC1WE01GroupMovement [PACK:0200876F] [00:21] PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PTDA - Target \ Target Data \ Target -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "DLC1WE01 "Werewolves" [QUST:0200876E]"> [00:21] DLC1WE01SandboxPostEncounter [PACK:02008770] [00:21] PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PLDT - Location \ Location Value -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "DLC1WE01 "Werewolves" [QUST:0200876E]"> [00:00] Checking for Errors in [01] Update.esm [00:01] [INFO:000DA25A] ('No doubt requesting to garrison his men in my castle. How many times must I deny him?' in GRUP Topic Children of CW03BalgruufTopic "I have an important message for you." [DIAL:000DA228]) [00:01] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "CW03 "Message to Whiterun" [QUST:000D661C]"> [00:01] [INFO:000E40AD] ('Did he now? The man is persistent, I'll give him that.' in GRUP Topic Children of CW03BalgruufTopic "I have an important message for you." [DIAL:000DA228]) [00:01] INFO \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Quest Stage not found in "CW03 "Message to Whiterun" [QUST:000D661C]"> [00:00] Checking for Errors in [03] HearthFires.esm [00:06] WIChangeLocationNode [SMBN:000A39C6] [00:06] SMBN \ SNAM - Child -> [010162A0] < Error: Could not be resolved >
  14. Looking at the log file it says "completed Successfully" but I don't have a DynDOLOD.esp file.
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