Hi, I am just updating to say that through some troubleshooting I have found the problem. Yay!! It seems that the unofficial Skyrim patches were causing this issue. I did run a basic SRLE profile with only the vanilla esp and the USKP esp, loading the save in the tavern without the patches while I was able to speak to Faida and have all dialogue options, with the patches I couldn't. Specifically both the heartfire esp and the hearfire patch were screwing in turn the skyrim patch causing the issue to present itself. What I did was to update all unofficial skyrim patches, including the one for the dlcs, with the latest file as today and dialogue worked fine. Note, the SRLE guide was updated few days ago in this regard while my build was done couple of weeks ago. Regarding the jarl not giving the option to buy an home, I did some research and it seems you need to be lvl20 to start the "Thane of the reach" quest, which is early for me as I am still lvl16. Special thanks to ModOrganizer for making troubleshooting this sort of things very easy stuff. Have a good day folks.