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Everything posted by strangerism

  1. they did the reasonable thing in my opinion. Too early to start using plugins and there is probably tons of newcomers who are new to modding Bethesda games and they have already ****ed up theirs save games probably. After the GECK will be out things will be normal. In my opinion Bethesda knows pretty well that the reason of their success lies with their game being modifiable most than anything else. Heck Nexus just reached 10 millions registered users, that's an hefty user's base.
  2. Hello I have been testing MO2 today and I have noticed this particular issue, I wonder if anyone has experienced the same or it's just me. Installing and enabling mods works fine with most of the mods, but if I disable any mod and launch the game straight away the disabled mod will cause issues. For instance if it was a texture mod the game will not load the corresponding vanilla texture anymore instead things will be purple etc. For other types of mods effects might vary some could even crash the game like a mod to replace pipboy textures and its meshes. To fix things one has to restart the MO after he has disabled any mod, in that case with the mods disabled in MO the game will now load the corresponding vanilla assets correctly. Anyway I wanted to know if anyone has tried disabling a mod and what were the results. Cheers.
  3. It seems to me they are problems that needs to be addressed with the relevant mod author/page, nether the less is it good to know in advance. thanks
  4. Final update. The issue related to some instances of dialog missing was not caused by the official patches as claimed before but instead due to an error I made myself while running the SUM proccer. In the SRLE guide it states to delete the cell node in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp in order to run the SUM Proccer and then when it is complete replace it again with the original one. Unfortunately I think I had missed that final step or not deemed necessary for the build. I figured this out while I was redoing the proccers after some mods updates. As read in a post in SUM nexus page, I created a clone of the USKP in MO called "USKP no cell" (with the cell node in the esp removed) which I then activate before running the SUM proccer and deactivate when it is complete. Cheers
  5. Hi, FYI the Merge Plugins Standalone PUBLIC BETAlink in the SRLE guide is broken.
  6. I had a similar issue with inkeepers which I have fixed by updating to USKP 2.1.3b
  7. Hi, I am just updating to say that through some troubleshooting I have found the problem. Yay!! It seems that the unofficial Skyrim patches were causing this issue. I did run a basic SRLE profile with only the vanilla esp and the USKP esp, loading the save in the tavern without the patches while I was able to speak to Faida and have all dialogue options, with the patches I couldn't. Specifically both the heartfire esp and the hearfire patch were screwing in turn the skyrim patch causing the issue to present itself. What I did was to update all unofficial skyrim patches, including the one for the dlcs, with the latest file as today and dialogue worked fine. Note, the SRLE guide was updated few days ago in this regard while my build was done couple of weeks ago. Regarding the jarl not giving the option to buy an home, I did some research and it seems you need to be lvl20 to start the "Thane of the reach" quest, which is early for me as I am still lvl16. Special thanks to ModOrganizer for making troubleshooting this sort of things very easy stuff. Have a good day folks.
  8. Hi, I am having a problem with certain npc missing dialogue options. i.e. bartender/innkeepers not presenting any conversation option like sleep or buy rumors etc. One jarl in Markhat had the buy house option gone or inkeepers are missing the rumors diagogue. Another example is the inkeeper in the Four Shields tavern in Dragon bridge. Could alternate start affects this sort of things? I have installed full SRLE as in STEP guide and Perkus Maximus, which required me to do some manual load order changes. I have been suggested that my load order might be the cause and one way to verify was to, on a new game, to rush in Whiterun and see if Carlotta and Ysolde could give me the their quests which was the case anyway. Not sure if this rule could out the load order problem completely though. I have noticed while doing the aforementioned test that in both cases (SRLE vanilla and SRLE + PerMa) the cart rider in Riverwood don't have dialogue option albeit can't use his fast travel options. this is my current load order for reference (apologies for the wall of text but I could not find how to put a spoiler tag) many thanks. EDIT: The spoiler tags can either be entered manually or by the 3rd icon from the left: "Special BBCode"
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