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Everything posted by apenney

  1. I also suspected RWLE but it happened without it, and also on an unmodded profile with just ENB. I ended up picking an ENB which made it bearable. I had terrible performance stuttering this time around however, good old fnv...
  2. I don't seem to be able to edit posts but I did discover that using shift-enter and ticking "use effect" has a drastic improvement. Looks like ENB is doing this to me, but I'm not sure why yet. I guess my choices are "pick an ENB and use that" or... fiddle with ENB further.
  3. Hi guys, I just finished running through the guide from scratch but it seems like textures that the sun shine on are way too bright now. I tried disabling obvious texture mods and light mods but I can't figure out what the hell is going on. I threw up a couple of quick screenshots at https://imgur.com/a/FLU7b - has anyone seen this/got any suggestions? I'm almost certain I bungled something but it doesn't seem to be: * My optimized textures * FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting
  4. Ahhh, fantastic, I'll try removing it, thanks!
  5. Made it to the furthest I've managed to get by following the guide: It crashes after I choose a face. Sadly I feel like this is a victory, as my last attempts couldn't even get fallout to start, yet alone select a new game. Anyone got any suggestions for what might be causing this? There's no conflicts in my esm/esp's for once, and I even managed to make the bashed patch without it freaking out about missing masters, which is usually my result no matter how carefully I think I'm following the guide.
  6. Yeah, that's exactly where I was, by the water pump building! It hasn't happened since. I couldn't remember where the freeside entrance was, they happened while I was floundering around there. Thanks for the guide, by the day, I always wanted someone to make something like STEP for fallout. I'm having a blast with all the mods!
  7. I reached the end of the guide, and things seemed to be working good. I've noticed tonight that I've had 3-4 freezes in short order once I got close to the strip. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen anything along these lines? I'm still hearing sound so it's possibly just rendering that fails. Maybe my ENB is contributing to it (natural shaders). I'm not sure what else to try. Freezes are the worse!
  8. Oh my god, I hadn't either, I bet that's it. Edit: That was it! Maybe the guide could be updated for idiots like us to point out you should tick everything as you go. :)
  9. I feel a little stupid asking for help here as this feels like it "should" be easy to fix. When I get to project nevada extra options I fire up FOMM and run through the install. It constantly fails because it can't get access to My Gamesfalloutnvfallout.ini. I renamed fallout.ini so it could attempt to at least install but it STILL fails with mod not installed. I made sure the security permissions for the folder/objects under are as permissive as I can make them, everything set to full permission, but it simply WON'T successfully install and I feel like I'm doing something stupid and obviously wrong. The PV extra options installer also complains that cyberware isn't installed properly. Anyone got any suggestions? :( Edit: Installing it directly via MO instead of FOMM "seems to work." How bad off am I going to be?
  10. Two comments: I notice the default file has VideoMemorySizeMb set to 2000 instead of 2048. Is there any real difference between the two? I assume 2048 is fine and ^2 works OK, I just noticed it. Under [MEMORY], set VideoMemorySizeMb=X. Where X the amount of VRAM your system has. 1GB = 1024, 2GB = 2048, 3GB = 3072, 4GB = 4096, etc. Typo in ENGINE ;) Under [ENBINE], set ForceLodBias=true and LodBias=-1.0. This is an optional step that will increase texture sharpness but may increase texture shimmering.
  11. Just spotted that Skyrim Immersive Creatures is now 6.5.2, which looks like a fairly hefty release. I picked a bad time to work through the guide, what with the new unofficial patch updates and now this. :)
  12. This is probably a weird question, but I'm wondering how people handle compatibility patches in MO. Example: Falskaar Falskaar Dawnguard Compatibility Patch Would you, when clicking install in MO, call them both Falskaar, merging the Dawnguard stuff (or replace?) on top of the main mod or install each individual mod under a different name ensuring they are ordered correctly? It's probably exactly the end result but I wasn't sure if it could matter in anyway.
  13. Neovalen, do you think you'll make a decision on if to stick with unreal cinema soon? I've been lazily putting off the complete from scratch run through of SR:LE since I broke the previous stuff with a half baked update. My excuse has been "Well, I'll wait until he updates the ENB" but I'm getting a hankering to tackle it this weekend. :)
  14. Just a small tip for anyone that runs into an unexpected issue with BOSS. They are moving to v3 right now and as a result have locked the v2 list updates. I was confused why mine would never download a more up to date list and I found out they are on 3.0.0b7 and getting ready to release as best I can tell to replace 2. I gave it a whirl and let it sort my list and it seems like it did an OK job compared to v2. Nothing was on fire when I started a new game, at least.
  15. I just want to take a moment to thank you for this guide. This is the first time I've ever felt like I understood anything I was doing. Before I was just mashing buttons, the insanely detailed nature of it has forced me to really pay attention and get to grips with tes5edit rather than avoiding it like my life depended on it. On the weekend I'm going to sadly have to start over from my clean profile as I have two issues: 1) The big letter at the start of books seems to have become corrupted an is now just "IMG:". 2) I seem to have a ton more crashes, especially around loading, since I updated from Jan 1st until now. I ran through the entire guide updating everything and double checking but I obviously broke something as I went. I half suspect it's something to do with the memory patch or an updated ENB. I get no logs anywhere that I can find (event viewer, MO, skyrim dirs) so I have no idea how to track it down. Still, it's been an absolute pleasure to follow the guide through, even if my first experience was choosing a random start and dying to hypothermia in a ship wreck within three minutes. :)
  16. Well, I tried deselecting/disabling every single installed mod in the profile and it left me with a main menu with no background, and instead of fonts just []'s all over the place. Nothing I do gets mod organizer to be happy. It seems like even if I deselect all the mods it still symlinks them in upon running, breaking things.
  17. Hi guys, I just ran through and installed almost everything in the 2.2.5 guide as I was feeling like risking it, using Mod Organizer. Â When I start up via SKSE it gets me to the main menu but starting a new game gives me nothing but a black screen with the compass (that flashes once) at the top of the screen. Â I went through the SKSE logs and everything else I can find logwise but I'm not seeing any errors, it just sits at that point forever. Has anyone else seen this? Â My new step was to start disabling big chunks of mods until I hit the chunk that's causing it, but that's going to be unfun. Edit: I disabled every ESP/ESM and it still doesn't work which is scary. If I just start with skse.exe (not via mod organizer), it works ok.
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