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Everything posted by edynacio

  1. The Beautification guide adds the following after the SMC - Patches that is a bit confusing: Post Merge: Rename Cloaks Merged.esp to Cloaks.esp I'm following the Requiem Guide and couldn't find a merge section for Cloaks Merged. Is that an error?
  2. Thanks for the reply. So, I'm installing the official Relighting Skyrim - No JIT v 4.0.1 In the FOMOD/ Options: Exterior + Interiors/ DLC Options: Legendary. I end up with RelightingSkyrim_Legendary.esp, no script folder. Should I delete it and use the RelightingSkyrim.esp from the Relighting Skyrim Patches?
  3. I'm updating the guide to reflect the latest changes. (Last done back early in November). I noticed that Relighting Skyrim - Updated for USLEEP - 1.1.8 is offline on Nexus. Does anyone know if it has been offline for a while? Could someone share that with me privately?
  4. I found the mod that is causing the "blue swirl". If you have Bathing in Skyrim installed you have to use TES5Edit to fix it: Open the esp and go to Spells/GetDirty Overtime Activator Apply. Add the flag to this spell "Disallow Absorb". That will remove the conflict with the effect "The Atronach Stone" from Requiem
  5. Is anybody having the blue swirl effect on Ulfric and Tullius? That's introduced when a mod conflicts with the attribute doomAtronachAbility "The Atronach Stone" added to these NPC's by Requiem.
  6. You actually can. I did it quite a few times with SRLEXT LotD. I believe it's mentioned in one of the updates or somewhere in the mod page. I think the problem I'm having with the horses turning left too soon has to do with some setting that changes the horses. IH changes the horse speed but according with the author that is fixed in his end. I tried a quick patch that reverts the horse speed to vanilla and although Hadvar horse stays behind like it should, the carriage still take a left to soon into the mountain rather then the road. Anyway. I'm happy with using the "camping in the woods" to have the vanilla quest started
  7. Well, I'll just have to start with "Camping in the Woods" when playing the Vanilla Start. No big deal. Thanks for the reply.
  8. As anyone tried the Vanilla Start ("caught crossing the border" from Alternate Start) with the Requiem setup? I asked because the 2 carriage horse turn left too a bit too early just before the first curb. This causes them to be stuck while attempting to climb the mountain. It seems they want to make a straight path to Helgen from that point on. I wonder if others are having this issue.
  9. I was able to add RS Children to my SRLE Requiem setup without much trouble but I'm having a slight problem with the children from ETaC, the face is darker compared with the body although the morphology is the correct one from RS Children by using the EtaC patches. All others from Vanilla, Falskaar etc are fine. I wonder if somebody could point me in the right direction. Maybe something to be solved with CK, not sure.
  10. How do you change the record in TES5Edit? Where is it located?
  11. Side effects of modding for long hours Thanks
  12. FYI RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp is not listed in the latest load order. Probably needs to be updated. Meanwhile, is it ok to place it after racecompatibility__usleep.esp?
  13. Is the mesh fix for Real Roads for Skyrim also needed when using SMC? I believe this mod is part of the SMC Pack but not sure if the fix is included or needed.
  14. I can confirm that konakriks_accoutrements__usleep.esp and scrr__usleep.esp are missing from the current load order
  15. I don't think it has to do with the DOF or blur because I have DOF disabled. I tried both NLA and NLVA ENB's and the face of my character for example looks washed out, not terribly, but just doesn't have the "resolution" that I enjoy when using the option of "sharper image" that Vividian ENB gives. I was wondering how to obtain a more sharp image by tweaking the ENB. I wonder what setting the install for Vividian ENB changes to make the image sharper.
  16. What ENB setting do you have to tweak to make the image sharper? The FOMOD for Vividian ENB allows to choose a sharper image, but I'm trying NLVA ENB and the image is a bit blurry for my taste.
  17. My problem is that I'm having a big gap between the block (16) and block (32). If I set CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=108 I get: memory Block (16) current: 95.5%, highest: 95.5% Memory Block (32) current: 75%, highest 75% That means if I want to bring block (16) closer to 90%, block (32) will be in the 60-70%. So it seems that I can't achieve a close range to the suggested 80-90%
  18. I'm tweaking the CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb. Just as an example this is what I'm getting: CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=96 memory Block (16) current: 100%, highest: 100% Memory Block (32) current: 84.16%, highest 84.16% CustomMemoryBlockTotalSizeMb=128 memory Block (16) current: 84.20%, highest: 84.20% Memory Block (32) current: 63.64%, highest 63.66% It's the block 16 that matters? If so like the example shows the value 128 is a good one, right?
  19. Hey Paul, Thanks for the reply. I was able to figure all others except what to do with konahriks_accoutrements___usleep.esp I only have one and it belongs to Konahriks Accoutrements Extra Patches EDIT: For now I'm just placing it after konahrik_acc_WAFR_CCOR.esp
  20. Yes, I'm using the beautification add-on. That might be the reason why some of the esp's above show. I meant to remove Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp. It is from Vividian ENB.
  21. On my final loadorder I'm getting the following plugins after DSR: Dual Sheath Redux.espFrostfall.espfrostfall__usleep.espkonahriks_accoutrements___usleep.espMoss - Legendary.espNorthfires Photoreal Mountains.espRequiem - Campfire.espRequiem - Frostfall.espscrr__usleep.espSkyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.espSMIM-Merged-All.esp I know the ones related to Campfire and Frostfall are expected but I'm wondering if the loadorder dated Nov 1 is updated.
  22. I knew that much, not to run SMC from MO I realized after my post that the empty textures folder inside SMC Output was a result of "ignore missing data" in MO and that all output was in SMC folder
  23. I was finaly able to finish the SMC downloads. The output folder Mod Organizer\mods\SMC Output has a subfolder "SMC" that contains all the esp's, scripts, sound, interface, meshes etc except the textures folder that is in the data directory. Is that expected?
  24. Thanks for sharing the link. I remember reading the article but I totally forgot about it. In short, can a 1920x1080 monitor display 4k resolutions?
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