Thanks for your reply Kelmych, but since I'm having mesh problems when the esps from Millenia Assault rifle Replacers RH WMK Patch, Chems and Meds Re-Texture Pack, Paradise Lost - Unique Texture and Icon from Skill Books Hi-Res Retexture, Schematics and Semitransparente Door Glass are active, I'll start modding the guide again and see if I can fix it. I probably had done something wrong way before getting into those mods from the guide. I'll start slow, dropping some mods that I feel will not affect my gameplay so much. As for the mods that I'm using it's all the guide except for the 20th century weapons. But as I'll start again modding with the guide I think listing all the mods now is unnecessary, If a new install with less mods can't solve it, I'll bother the community again.