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Everything posted by binn05

  1. Thanks for all the help and this incredible guide. I must have done something wrong while installing the mods... Reinstalling from the beginning solved the issue.
  2. Thanks for your reply Kelmych, but since I'm having mesh problems when the esps from Millenia Assault rifle Replacers RH WMK Patch, Chems and Meds Re-Texture Pack, Paradise Lost - Unique Texture and Icon from Skill Books Hi-Res Retexture, Schematics and Semitransparente Door Glass are active, I'll start modding the guide again and see if I can fix it. I probably had done something wrong way before getting into those mods from the guide. I'll start slow, dropping some mods that I feel will not affect my gameplay so much. As for the mods that I'm using it's all the guide except for the 20th century weapons. But as I'll start again modding with the guide I think listing all the mods now is unnecessary, If a new install with less mods can't solve it, I'll bother the community again.
  3. Just an update while trying to fix my meshes problem. The same problem happened with FWE Iron sights 8 Included mod. But I had merged Lewis MKII and M9 PPK12 YK32 mods. Reinstalled them, without merging, and it solved the problem for this mod.
  4. So, After leaving Vault I notice lots of missing meshes (red polygons and exclamation marks) around the first city. After some testing I discovered that the missing meshes happens when both WEP WMK Uniques for the Pitt FWE and WMK Uniques for FWE EVE Addon are ticked in my load order. I'm using my Before Gameplay profile for testing (the same profile that is suggested by the Step Guide). I need to now with patches target specifically those two .esps so I can continuing testing to find a way to solve the problem. Anyone can help?
  5. Just so that Kelmych knows (if he doesn't already), but Museum of History Expanded has been update to version 2.0 from version 1.4 (which is at the guide) and now has an optional file. Also, the Brooken Looktout Retexture and the Broken Steel Retexture links to Adonis_VII Dropbox are not working.
  6. Find the right columns. FNEdit wasn't maximized, so I wasn't seeing all the columns and was trying to move the wrong ones. Noob time. Lol. Thanks everybody.
  7. Except that it didn't work. Lol. Any idea what is causing the problem?
  8. Hello, I'm trying to do step 12 of Merging New Vegas. Basically, how do I do this: Click record 00134094, then drag line BMDT - Biped Data from the YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm column, to the right,NewVegasUncutSeries.esp column. ? I can't move anything on the right panel. Any tips?
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