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Everything posted by FirstChildren

  1. The same link is also under the T3TForFWE mod I found the updated link at the bottom of the guide
  2. This link is not working: FO3_Guide_test_plugins.7z It's under the Powered Power Armor mod on the guide
  3. I was doing my first ever installation of DynDOLOD and was having the black spots on the map and on the distant world during gameplay. I was about to post it. This new file fixed it
  4. I was able to get to work the Memory Patch throug skse.ini and also Memory Blocks Log, but there is a problem: in MemoryBlocksLog.log Block1 is always 256MB LESS than what I set for defaultHeapInitialAllocMB in the ini file. EDIT: nevermind, I realized this is the way it is supposed to work XD
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