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Everything posted by hylskrik

  1. Doesn't RadeonPro hook into DX9 the same way ENBs and injectors do? Might be worth a google :) I run skse through MO and the Steam overlay works here...
  2. It was probably the first thing you checked but did you verify that Skyrim has the Steam overlay enabled in properties? :) No SweetFX either?
  3. I'm not close to the limit myself, but I like reducing anything I can so I combined the bug fix ESPs that didn't have scripts in them -- that would free up some ESP slots.
  4. Are you using the SMAA injector? It has a steam overlay bug fix option in the ini that needs to be active. [misc] ;set to 1 to improve steam overlay compatibility weird_steam_hack = 1
  5. Does it still happen after a restart? It might be worth asking in the Mod Organizer thread or on the Nexus and see if Tannin can help. If you edit the MO apps, do the file paths for BOSS, etc go to the correct locations? I also believe MO has a log file, might be something in there.
  6. BFS doesn't have any vanilla records, they're all custom and specific to that mod. Have you edited papyrus settings in any way? Or tried activating the papyrus log to see if something shows up there?
  7. I tried getting into Wrye Bash but it honestly confused me -- it seems like it's made for people who are well-versed with Elder Scrolls modding and maybe not so much for the rest of us :) My biased opinion is this: use Mod Organizer instead. It's much easier to get your head around, has a built-in tutorial, helps you fix badly structured mod files and, best of all, doesn't actually touch the Skyrim directory at all. It makes its own virtual Skyrim data folder. I'd suggest looking at Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited on the STEP wiki -- it's more in-depth than regular STEP and might seem daunting but it'll explain the modding "procedure" in better detail than STEP currently does. Quoting Neo's guide:
  8. Did you happen to turn off depth of field in your config? That would make underwater transparent.
  9. I don't know very much about Wrye Bash, but isn't this what bash tags are for? See https://tesfans.org/guides/wrye%20bash/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20Advanced%20Readme.html#patch-tags
  10. I made a short guide on the basics of compatibility patches for someone a while ago, maybe that could help a little? https://imgur.com/a/kCky3#0
  11. The shadow dithering can be fixed by increasing iBlurDeferredShadowMask to 5 in SkyrimPrefs.ini; the DoF is usually decided by the center point of the screen (possibly a radius setting, don't really know), so when something is deemed to be in the way, as it would be on horseback, it goes haywire. Might be worth checking the STEP ini edit suggestions for changing where the camera is while on horseback.
  12. That warning in Skyrim.ini isn't a warning for you per se, it's just for setting that line to be output in the event that something is missing ;)
  13. MVABasic is More Village Animals. As for whether the HR DLC is responsible for CTDs? I doubt that very much -- if a texture is messed up it'll either be wonky looking or not show up at all (purple item). What shield from IA was having issues? One using vanilla texture resources or a custom one? I've been using IA for a good while and never seen anything like that but it almost sounds like a (missing) mip-map issue. The actors folder is in the HR DLC #3 and if I remember correctly #1 doesn't have any rogue text files.
  14. Oh christ, he updated the mod, adding more NPCs. I swear half of them are just tint layers and... weird stuff. Inventories changed, perks removed... x|
  15. Hm, I've been trying out some of these mystery modder textures lately and I've come to realize that all the ones I've tried are upscaled versions of vanilla textures with photoshop filters applied to "mask" the pixelation. I'd steer clear.
  16. Hmm... I had a quick look at this in TES5Edit and took some notes: * Bring Out Your Dead patch will be needed * Doesn't forward UKSP changes * Karliah's only changes are tint mask -- no correlation with UKSP * Brelyna unchanged * Uthgerd unchanged * Argis unchanged * Calder unchanged * Synda - only tint mask changes The unchanged followers don't have the wrong animation flag to begin with...Â
  17. The majority of 2x Clothing is 1k and are merely the vanilla textures with a bit of sharpening and contrast added, an okay alternative for people not using the HR DLC but for everyone else it's not really worth it. I've used 2x Clothing, Elaborate Textiles and Improved NPC clothing and to me none of them really offer anything I would consider better than the HR DLC.
  18. I've been using this for a while now and absolutely love it. That is all :D PS: textures, as far as I've seen are recolored versions of the HR DLC which in my opinion really helps them feel like they belong in the world.
  19. Core mods have a little green rectangle next to them -- the term baseline is just the recommended texture resolution for STEP and not directly related to whether it's a core mod or not. Honestly, just install the stuff you want and see what happens :D I don't know how Wrye Bash installs files, but at least with Mod Organizer enabling and disabling texture mods is a cinch. Edit: I took too long to reply...
  20. So, yeah, JawZ has pulled all his Nexus files and apparently left the community. NovakDalton had no idea. Relighting Skyrim basically just took a nosedive :( From https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/196978-jawz/ :
  21. This is something I've noticed with pretty much all the custom face/body textures -- high resolution and no compression in sight. One in particular had a 4k uncompressed body texture -- 64 MB file size! >.
  22. I tend to reduce pretty much all normals for 2k textures to 1k, the IQ drop is neglible - the VRAM drop isn't :) DDSopt has a 50% size reduction option but I'd use 2048x1024 if I were you - say a mod has a few 512 or 256 normal maps, the 50% reduction will apply to those as well. The 2k by 1k option means you'll have more leeway with rectangular normal maps that you might not want to reduce.
  23. I don't know how to do the fancy forum image thing so I just made a small imgur gallery instead:Â https://imgur.com/a/8AiLV#0 I kinda like some elements of both personally, it might be possible to mix and match textures to get a nice compromise but that would be more geared towards Skyrim Revisited than STEP. Edit: I just looked at the Webs page on the Nexus and I think his 0.1 textures looks better than the 0.2 ones. Food for thought.
  24. I was wondering: is Nitpick actually necessary? I was browsing the MO comments on the Nexus and Tannin stated that Nitpick's functionality is already in MO:
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