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Warburg last won the day on May 3 2015

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  1. Wouldn't we all love a proper 2D map :: The reality is I've spent an insane amount of time trying to implement a 2D version of my maps, but unfortunately it breaks too many things. The main issue is flattening all the world map icons onto the same Z plane. The actual flattening of the icons is easy to do, but it breaks location discovery. The map icons are tied to actual locations in the real game world, so when you move a map location icon, it also moves the ring for discovery of the location. For example, say you try and flatten High Hrothgar map icon; the actual location discovery circle would be inside the base of the mountain, so you would never discover it (or maybe just walking around near the base would discover it, but that isn't right). I've conferred with many other mod developers on a possible solution (including the people that work on A Quality World Map, and SKY UI) and we all come up with no solutions for the issue. We concluded that it is a problem with the engine that cannot be solved without overhauling it. As I love using paper maps to navigate the world, the closest I could get to achieve this is laying the texture over the 3D mesh, and changing the camera to a fixed 90 degree angle looking down so that you barely notice the 3D effect. Some like the 3D, some don't, but it's the best we can do with the limitations.
  2. Just updated Texture 1 to 4.4 Added some new locations to the map, along with changed the lighting in the map menu to look better.
  3. Is this normal function for the shoreline to look like this (lines)? I think vanilla Skyrim had the same issue correct? https://i1286.photobucket.com/albums/a616/caradsbutt/TESV2013-08-2818-11-06-37_zpsdb43d55e.png
  4. As far as any colored map marker mod goes, they all should be compatible. You just have to install it after mine. The only thing edited when changing the map markers is map.swf. You can see that my mod also changes the color and size of the markers to fit the style of the map, so that obviously means you will be overwriting my map.swf with another. That's all you have to do. If you can, post some screenshots of how it looks in your game with Texture 1, no ENB. Just curious to see how the color is different from pc to pc. and thanks for the kind words I'll post the screenshots here tonight, no problem. How about the changes I requested, would you be able to implement them? Yes, I can implement those things. I already had a No Player Marker for Texture 1, but I had to update the texture, so I removed it temporarily. I will have it back up. I can also merge the esp's for Dawnguard and Dragonborn, but it is not on my super important things to do currently. I will get it done though. Can someone else confirm this? The guy has 150+ mods installed, which is his problem. Disregard what he says please. I have never encountered the infinite load screen as long as I've been using it, and I haven't had any other users complain about it being an issue. I also want to mention that I will be editing the lighting of the map menu for those who don't use ENB. It will be slightly brighter, with a tad more contrast.
  5. As far as any colored map marker mod goes, they all should be compatible. You just have to install it after mine. The only thing edited when changing the map markers is map.swf. You can see that my mod also changes the color and size of the markers to fit the style of the map, so that obviously means you will be overwriting my map.swf with another. That's all you have to do. If you can, post some screenshots of how it looks in your game with Texture 1, no ENB. Just curious to see how the color is different from pc to pc. and thanks for the kind words
  6. The enb issues are tough to solve, because they change the lighting in the map menu as well. Although, it does work with some ENB's as some users have mentioned. I made this knowing that I will not be using any enb's. The only issue it has with SkyUI is that the search function of the map is disabled. You get an error because SkyUI detects a different map.swf than SkyUI's. If you uncheck this in the MCM settings it will not appear again. Obviously it will not be compatible with A Quality World Map, because my map replaces the world map. Ethatron's high quality LOD mesh's work perfectly with my mod, as my mod doesn't alter the LOD mesh at all.
  7. Hey, this is the author of the mod. The only issues lingering as of now are incompatibility with other mods that alter the map.swf file (as you can imagine). Lighting mods may also cause some weird looking lighting in the world map menu. Thanks for the interest
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