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Everything posted by dragonshardz

  1. since i apparently can't edit posts, the need to add the tag to cells seems to mostly be centered around Thicket Excavations
  2. man i don't know if it's just me but I'm having to go into fo4edit and add the "No PreVis" flag to damn near every cell the worldspace patch touches for the placed terrain objects (trees, rocks, etc) to show up properly. i do have busepreculledobjects and busecombinedobjects set to 0 as the wiki section says it all needs to be and i don't have any other worldspace mods loading after the modwiki worldspace patch.
  3. N/T. I've checked that the program runs using x32 Java (it does) and my load order has been sorted with LOOT. I'm using MO2 instead of MO, but I can't imagine why the patcher would recognize all of the other mods as present, but not recognize the core ESMs. E: Apparently the patcher isn't able to find any ESM or ESP files, even the ones in the base Skyrim directory, when launched through MO2. I do have the MO2 %appdata% directory where it keeps mods symlinked elsewhere; it seems really weird for a symlink to be the problem.
  4. Well, shoot. I'm getting all the symptoms of Ye Olde Memory Overflow from having too many mods. Here is my load order, is there anything in there I can merge to cut down the number of files FNV has to load? Also, the Generate Bashed Tags script still doesn't work. E: Gah, and now FNV loads to main menu but doesn't load the cursor, as though it's missing a master or something. E2: Screw it, just going to start from scratch.
  5. It requires assets - model/texture files - not the ESP/ESM files, which quite clearly are not compatible with each other. At this point, I'm just going to disable NVR3. I like the way FCO's changes look much better than I like NVR3's changes, and at this point I just can't be bothered to try and fix the issues that the latter introduces. Also, running into a bit of an issue with the game hanging when I fast travel. I'm pretty sure all the autosave options outside of CASM's are disabled.
  6. And using that new version reintroduces the "double-eye" issue...in place of the eye being stuck in a corner. Even with NVR3.esm higher in the load order than FCOMaster.esm. :sigh:
  7. Well, well, look at me - back again with another issue. The Generate Bash Tags script doesn't work! I get an error message saying "Error in unit 'BashTagsDetector' on line 1587 : Undeclared Identifier 'RemoveFromEnd' " How do I fix this? E: Also, does anyone know of a fix for the stupid thing where every single set of vanilla eyes is permanently stuck in the rightmost corner of their socket? It's infuriating and I still can't find a reliable way to fix it.
  8. I've been having some issues lately, and this forum is a lot more active than the Nexus forums. Would anyone know what could cause loading a specific set of cells (The Lucky 38 Presidential Suite) to result in FNV freezing and steadily consuming RAM until I manually kill the process?
  9. Fair enough. Any thoughts on what I should do to resolve the eyes being weird? E: OK, it looks like going in Wrye Flash and tagging FCOMaster.esm with "Eyes" will help fix the issue. Also need to edit the path for the blue/ghoul eye preset in FNVEdit to be character/eyes instead of character/eye. E2: And, well, neither of those seem to have helped. This stupid double-eye bug is annoying.
  10. Anyone have an ideas why skin presets available in the character creator would be missing (bright pink textures)? Also, some eye choices look weird like they've got an hourglass shaped pupil rather than, y'know, normal eyes.
  11. In short, TICK ALL THE THINGS! Also +1 for Bottle That Water. There's a premade patch for PNV (and JSawyer) that the Bashed Patch will happily merge. E: Okay, texture errors resolved. It was the BSAs thing. However, some NPCs - a merc and a traveling merchant - seem to have chosen to go all Panty Parade.
  12. Other than the BSAs that are automatically ticked and cannot be unticked, no. Should I have them ticked? Here's what that pane looks like:
  13. It's checked and still having the same issue.
  14. This is really weird - certain female characters have body textures that's completely pink, and some (all?) male characters have this odd graphical glitch on their chests. Oh, and they have nipples on their legs. E: The texture error seems to affect all male NPCs, regardless of affiliation. Meanwhile, all Raider/gang-member female NPC have the pink skin but no other female NPCs that I could find have this pink body textures. Additionally, some male mercenaries have no clothing equipped for some reason.
  15. I don't use ENB right now - not enough GPU power - but I'll try the thing with the merged mods. Thanks. Based on SRB's post just below yours, I'll start with the weapon mods and go from there. E: I lied, I started by taking a look at the updated instructions for merging the additional weapons ESPs and removed the FormID errors as suggested. Voila, it works!
  16. Heyo, I've gone through the guide as presented and I've run into a bit of an issue. When I launch the game, the intro videos (BethSoft logo, etc.) play, the main menu background loads, and then the game freezes before the actual menus load. Any ideas as to the cause of this kind of issue and a potential fix? E: Reading up, my interest was piqued by the discussion of the weather mod. I lived in Arizona, right smack in the middle of the Sonoran desert, for about seven years. It's got a similar climate to the Mojave, and about the only thing I'd want to change regarding NVSkies is the frequency and impenetrability of the sandstorms. There are some dust storms now and then that are absolutely impenetrable murk - I recall one where I had to pull over and wait it out because you literally could not see anything - but in general they tended to range from "hazy, gritty air" to "huh, dirt is falling from the sky" in terms of intensity. They also weren't all that frequent, maybe three or four a year. E2: It also snows occasionally in the Sonoran, even in Phoenix. E3: On a hunch, tried disabling NVSR, since it can be finicky. No dice.
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