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Everything posted by MysticDaedra

  1. Big thanks to Gernash, who helped me find the compatibility issue with Shadowboost and ENB + ReShade. Heads up for anyone else who has a similar issue, your best bet (in my opinion) would be to just not use shadowboost. Although, if somebody does find a way to make them compatible please share! Now I'm gonna go play ;)
  2. I'm going through my plugins.txt and comparing to yours. And yes, they do indeed appear... however there are some major differences. I'm hoping that this is because the plugins list you posted is old/hasn't been updated in a while, otherwise there are a lot of missing plugins or plugins that have that their .esp files names changed. If these are hooked somehow in your patches, it would make sense why I am unable to start the game. Everything is set to run as administrator. Nothing is on my Windows drive, not even my My Games folder, I have a symbolic link to my SSD for that (saved games load soooo much faster now). But all I can say for now is that LOOT is giving me a very different load order, and when trying to copy yours I'm finding a ton of discrepancies. The only "core" mod I've not installed is the Old World Radio mod, and I've made sure that selections in other mods reflect that. The mod is just too big for me to download, 6GB is over my patience level for browser downloading. But the discrepancies I'm finding have nothing to do with that mod. Below is my plugins.txt file. There are a few armor mods I've installed that are different from the guide, but everything else is from the guide:
  3. I think it was a glitch with Mod Organizer. Even though your patch was lower, somehow the original was superseding it. As a note, I am unable to get the game to launch currently through mod organizer and F4SE. The only log file I could find that showed even a hint of what the problem may be is one of the F4SE.log files, which states that F4EE (LooksMenu) was unable to "get" the papyrus interface: f4ee couldn't get papyrus interface
  4. And.... third edit. Geez, can't edit after 30 minutes? Seems draconian to me. At any rate, it seems the file from the original mod was somehow interfering in MO2 with the file from the MODWiki patch. Hiding the Better Settlers CCA .esp file fixed the issue. Apologies about the repeated posts.
  5. Won't give me an option to edit my post... weird. Anyhow, I amend what I said before, it wasn't the AE merged patches that were missing masters, it was the BetterSettlersCCAPack1.1b.esp file that needed the .esp files from Elianora's mods. Am I supposed to hide this file or something?
  6. In the Better Settlers addon page, you've instructed to hide all the .esps of the mods... even though the AE merged patches require these .esp files?
  7. Weaponsmith Extended... so huge lol, my bandwidth has been crying in agony for the past 3 hours lol. Basically, what I mean by better explanation of organization, it wasn't clear to me that I needed (or had the option) to download those mods and install them right after the core files from the ModWiki page. There are a bunch of the mod categories on the plugin page, just like on the main page, so it was confusing to me if I was somehow deviating from the main modpack. Could be just me... Either way I think I've got it figured for now. The fast response is very much appreciated!
  8. So... somehow I'm not understanding the Modern Weapon section. It seems like you are saying that you've updated it, but I don't see any updates, still seems empty/lacking in instructions/purpose to me. Any updates on how this is going? Got thus far in the mod list, but I definitely can't finish without adding modded weapons/replacers. By the way, I really appreciate this mod pack! I've been looking for something like it for a long time, somehow I didn't know this even existed. Thanks for all your hard work! EDIT: OK, I think I've figured out how you've organized this section. To be frank, it is not at all clear how you have intended this to be used... I humbly submit that you might want to be more detailed on how your plugin sections are organized.
  9. Any chance of an update? I am guessing that we're waiting for the new NMM to be released before work on this starts up again? A STEP guide for FO4 is really what's keeping me from playing the game lol.
  10. The INI tool has been updated and is called BethINI now. Here's the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69787/? Yes, the link is to the Skyrim Nexus, but it works for Fallout 4 too. See the description for details.
  11. An awful person. How could you do this to us mere mortals?!?! :P MO2 has come a long way, and I rarely have problems with it. That being said, problems do exist, mostly when using a program launched through MO like Bodyslide and xEdit. I haven't personally had any problems with xEdit but I don't use it the same way many do. Anyways, we'll all eagerly await the update when it does come!
  12. I'm also hoping this guide grows, been waiting for almost a year now for a STEP FO4 guide, and you've got an excellent, if slightly out of date ;) guide going here! Definitely going to be following this one!
  13. Over a week old, hope this isn't too much of a necro. Any chance that a reminder could be put with the Crash Fix step of the SR:LE guide for installing the SKSE Plugin Preloader? Somehow I missed it, text is small etc., easy to miss, plus it is right after the main SKSE portion of the guide which makes it very overlookable. Would save many people a headache I think when they find they can't load the game after installing the Crash Fix.
  14. I didn't realize about the 4GB requirement. I've never had issues with high-res body textures before, but I'll look into that, thanks. Also, I turned down grass distance, immediate drop in stutter spikes. Very interesting.
  15. I believe it has to do with textures streaming from my HDD, which isn't terribly fast. Not slow, but not quite fast enough. I'm running most of SR:LE on the recommended resolution downloads, so my questions are as follows: 1. Can I re-install lower resolution textures of various mods 2. Which textures have the highest impact on framerate/memory 3. Any other suggestions that might improve the stuttering? Game runs just fine indoors, dungeons etc. But outside, I often have sudden FPS drops that have a major impact on game playability. Specs: MSI GTX760 2GB OC Gaming Edition, i5 2500K @4.5GHz, 14GB G.Skill RipjawsX, 1080p Monitor, random other fancy stuff
  16. So the Conjuration Mastery 2nd perk and same for the Destruction mastery 2nd perk both are available at skill level 20... Seems these should be upwards of level 40-50, maybe even 60. I'll continue to put forth opinions on balancing as I go further in my playthrough.
  17. First thoughts: I am not too fond of editing things for the sake of testing, so this is just what I found playing through. First, I did not notice ANY lag whatsoever opening the skill screen. I saw a few posts about that on your forum. Second, from what I saw of all the perks nothing is really OP or UP. Some may or may not be unbalanced (I cannot say whether anything is or isn't at this time, need to play more. Loading it up as soon as I finish this post ;) ), but other than the new perks that are much different from PerMa or Vanilla, they look great to me. I will come back after I level up a bit in-game and can give more impressions. I love the direction this mod is going. Looking forward to what it looks like in a couple months :)
  18. I'm having stuttering issues with the default SR:LE installation. Pretty sure it is related to HDD read/access speeds, due to enbhost.exe going just over the physical VRAM amount for whatever reason. Textures, DynDOLOD, etc. :P But perhaps "downgrading" Vividian to the performance settings might alleviate some of the stuttering? Guess it is worth a try, I can always re-install the default Vividian if it doesn't work.
  19. Yep, got two of them. I went ahead and disabled the lower one and used the upper one as my config... but why the heck do I have two of them to start with lol? I tried reinstalling BiS, didn't do anything. Is this a bashed patch problem perhaps? My noobish-ness may be showing through here, be kind :)
  20. So T3ndo announced that he will no longer be working on Perkus Maximus... I'm sure there is a good reason for you not adding that one to your pack, not gonna troll through the threads finding it. HOWEVER: T3ndo did endorse Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim as a good substitute for the perks in PerMa. Any thoughts on implementing this? Configurations for adding it in, advice etc? There is a mod discussion going on over here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/8647-ordinator-perks-of-skyrim-by-enai-siaion/
  21. Sure thing. Maybe since Ordinator doesn't skyproc everything like PerMa he'd consider adding it? Only thing is there are quite a few other perk overhaul mods available and he for whatever reason decided not to add them. Was kinda hoping for a guide similar to the SR:LE PerMa guide that Phazer11 is working on.
  22. So my topic was kinda co-opted by STEP to become the "official" Ordinator mod thread... which I don't have a problem with. Just wanted to know if anyone had any mod/config suggestions for integrating Ordinator into the SR:LE pack. I know the biggest "conflict" if it can be called that is with ASIS. The SR:LE pack recommends only selecting the NPC Enchant Fix, it doesn't say anything about the other options. Is there another mod in the pack that gives perks etc to NPCs, that I am forgetting? Or is ASIS doing it anyways regardless of the choice when using SUM?
  23. I found googling a while back a guide on running SR:LE on lower settings... But now I can't find it. Can anyone who knows what I'm talking about post a link?
  24. I'm also planning on installing this afternoon, restarting a character due to stutters likely because of too many high-res textures (curse you Neovalen and your god-machine lol). 2GB of VRAM doesn't cut it anymore! Anyways, I will report back both here AND on your forum on the Skyrim Nexus after derping around with it in-game. Let you know my opinions.
  25. Enai addressed the "OP"-ness of the first few versions of the mod. 1.04 nerfed everything apparently, with the result that everyone started complaining that it is now Under Powered lol. The mod is brand new, only a few days old, so I suspect there will be a lot of changes coming. Balance seems to always be a tricky thing in games, perk overhauls being no exception. T3ndo had an advantage, as he'd already been balancing SkyRe for the last few years. He could draw from that to make PerMa balanced from the get-go. My question would be this: which version would people recommend to download? Any additional mods that should be used in conjunction with Ordinator that might not be in SR:LE or any of the other guides on STEP? Assuming one wanted an experience similar to Perkus Maximus, I would recommend downloading Wintermyst. PerMa came with a custom version of it, but Ordinator doesn't, you have to get it similarly. For all your additional epic enchantments.
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