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Everything posted by Thamantis

  1. Ok thanks, then I'll try to re-merge and see if that helps.
  2. Hey guys, just finished installing all the mods in the guide wohooo - now I'm doing the merging stuff. I just realized that some of the mod config menus seem to have issues due to the merging, namely: - A Matter of Time from the Heads Up Display Merge has strange dollar signs $ in the menu and also in the widget - Inn Room Costs from the Miscellaneous Merge also has dollar signs, and the two menus "InnRoomCosts_Vanilla" and "InnRoomCosts_Mods" are empty Has anybody encountered this problem as well or is it just me? On a sidenote moreHUD seems to merge just well, despite the SKSE thingy. Edit: Wet & Cold Menu has the $ signs too, didn't merge that of course.
  3. Just wanted to update: I have installed "Smoking Torches and Candles" today and the problem is gone! I can set Fire Intensity back to the original values, the "light halo" does no longer show up! :D According to MO the meshes overwritten by "Smoking Torches and Candles" are: - meshes/weapons/torch/torch.nif (from "New Thinner Torch") - meshes/clutter/common/torchpermanent01.nif (from ENB Particle Patch / SMIM) So it is very likely that the problem is caused by the torch.nif mesh from "New Thinner Torch". The SMIM / ENB Particle Patch meshes are already optimised for ENB. I have not tested it though, too busy finetuning the new Rudy ENB + NLA (which I warmly recommend to anyone reading this) ;)
  4. Has this been fixed in the meantime? If not, I have the same problem with some ENBs, got rid of it by changing the ENB settings in enbseries.ini as follows: [FIRE]IgnoreWeatherSystem=false --> true (in some ENBs this setting does not matter, but in one case the fire did not change at all when left at "false")IntensityInteriorDay=2.0 --> 0.5IntensityInteriorNight=2.0 --> 0.5 This "tweak" may cause other fires to look barely lit, so you can raise [LIGHTSPRITE] IntensityInteriorDay/Night. This compensates the lacking intensity somehow. I am by far no expert and the "fix" does not solve the problem, but at least makes it less painful to look at. I wonder why this bug (is it a bug?) has not been addressed so far, you can see this happen even in some ENB authors' videos (with varying intensity).
  5. Worth a note: I never had any issues with this mod in several playthroughs and my setup/mods have not changed for months, this bug just occurred out of nowhere. Perhaps that is the "cool" thing about Skyrim, every time you think you've seen everything - BAM you got a new surprise ;) Thanks and keep up the good work with STEP!
  6. Man, you're a genius!!! It WAS caused by "Burn Freeze Shock Effects". I have disabled the mod and the problem is gone - been busy killing every NPC I met since yesterday and have raided bandit camps, forsworn dungeons, mage fortresses etc. No weird skintones anymore THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
  7. Thanks for the reply, but no, I do not use poisons. I kill them with the sword or with the bow. The sword has a fire enchantment on it, the bow is unenchanted.
  8. Hey guys, I do not know where else to turn for help, so I hope someone among you has an idea or has experienced this bug himself: I am recently suffering from a strange "grey body bug", which affects 99 % of all human NPCs (bandits, hunters, orcs, mages, etc. etc.) -> strange thing is their skin is normal as long as they are alive. But as soon as I kill them, their skin texture changes from "normal skintone" to "grey skin". Never had this happen before and I am playing with the same setup/mods for some months now. Note: It is NOT the grey face bug, the whole body is affected. I have uploaded an image of two dead orcs on the Nexus, I hope the bug is visible enough in the picture. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/538386/? I have installed a mixture of STEP & SR:LE plus Requiem (already contacted Ogerboss, Requiem is not causing it -> wrong installation would result in the "grey face bug", not this strange texture changing thingy upon death). I am using Mod Organizer if this is important somehow. Texture mods that change skin texture are those from STEP & SR:LE, so nothing unusual here either. Already checked these mods for empty files, but found nothing. Everything looks as it should be. I am desperately looking for help with this, don't know where it came from or what is causing it. Weirdst bug I ever had. Nothing game-breaking though, but very very annoying... Please help :(
  9. Updating went without problems, in game everything looks fine too :) Seems I'm getting better at this ;)
  10. Wow, thanks! Nerimir's actually made it :-) Didn't think it would go so fast! And here is 1.8.2 for you: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281/? Hope updating won't screw up my carefully constructed build. If so, I'll have to play Dragon Age after all ;)
  11. Well, some time has passed since my last post, and I have good news: I have successfully installed STEP Core, some mods from STEP Extended and complete SR:LE. Game was completely stable, so I went on and installed Requiem 1.8.1. No problems either, stress-tested everything several times. Then the patches: Got all the patches there are for 1.8.1 on the Nexus and filled the rest with Aziroks 1.7.3 patches, namely - Resources (obviously, needed for SIC DLC 2) - Book Covers Skyrim Patch - Cutting Room Floor Patch - Radiant Potions + Poisons Patch - RS Children Patch - SCRR Patch - SIC Patch + SIC DLC 2 Patch - Consistent Older People Patch - Trade and Barter Patch Furthermore I installed the "Bring out your dead" and "Frostfall" patches recommended by Smile on the Requiem STEP page. Then I checked for conflicts, oddities and errors in TES5Edit. Well, fortunately most of the patches are fine! :-) There were some little errors I had to correct in "Cutting Room Floor" Patch, the BOYD patch and the SIC patches needed more work, though it was not as bad as expected. BOYD patch was the worst... a lot of armor/perk adjustments etc. The rest of the patches should be fine though, at least from my noob-look at it in TES5Edit ;-) I am no expert at all and happy that I was able to produce a stable game - so thanks to all you STEP guys for writing intense tutorials on conflict resolution etc. (especially Neo!). And the whole work was worth it: I have a stable game with Requiem 1.8.1 plus all the patches I need, playing for about 5 days now and did not encounter any issues. The only patch still missing is Falskaar and I cannot tackle that (I do not even know if I got all things correct in BOYD ;-)) There is a new patch for Wyrmstooth with Requiem 1.8., in case you have missed it: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60706/? So my recommendation would be - you can install 1.8 and also use some of Aziroks patches, but please check with TES5Edit if there are any conflicts/errors. I only hope that I do not have to go through all this again with 1.8.2, argh :D Happy Xmas holidays
  12. I guess you have all read about 1.8.2 being released around Christmas? Hope the patches will still work, wanted to start a whole new build with a " mod mix" from STEP / Extended / SR:LE. However, not even 1.8.1 has all the patches I would need, so I might have to go back to 1.7.3 eventually... or did anyone try out the 1.7.3 patches with the 1.8.1 version?
  13. Hi guys, wanted to ask for help regarding the "volcanic tundra" textures: For my taste, the SR:LE solution does contrast too much with other textures, it always sticks out and transitions look out of place. Also it is overall too bright/shiny, especially in sunny weather (with Vividian ENB installed). Does anybody have an alternative that does fit the surrounding landscape/textures better?
  14. Now it worked for me too - you have to download and install Notepad++, using the "normal" editor/notepad and saving or renaming the file as .pas does not work! Copy & paste it directly into Notepad++ and save it as .pas (you can choose .pas from the dropdown menu in Notepad++). I also downloaded and installed the new TES5Edit version linked above by fireundubh. Everything works fine now, hope this helps :) Alas, but modding is never finished ... anticipating Requiem 1.8 and more additions + updates to come to SR:LE. But without the whole modding and trying to get even better results every time you think this is it - wouldn't that be a bit boring? And I'll try to get more experienced and not pose any more noob questions next time ;) Thanks again for all the good tips and being so patient with me, I'm off now enjoying the game (as should you) :D
  15. Seems like it's not a good day for me ... saved the script as a .pas file and tried to apply it in TES5Edit, but I get the message "Error in unit 'UserScript' on line 30 : Undeclared Identifier 'ClearMessages'." Could you please show mercy on a desperate noob again and tell me how to do this right? :(
  16. THX a lot fireundubh + Smile, got it working now! My Draugr are Draugr now and the bandits have their OBIS faction names as intended. If I run into any other problems I'll let you know! :)
  17. Ok, thanks! I followed SR:LE before and therefore had "Merge Patches", "Import Names", "Import Stats", "Tweak Settings" and "Leveled Lists" checked. Then I just rebuilt the patch after installing Requiem. Now I rebuilt the patch again and only checked "Merge Patches" and "Leveled Lists". Also saved the script as a .pas file and run TES5Edit with it. After applying the script, TES5Edit prompts me to enter a "Target Level"? What do I enter here? Adding Requiem below the bashed patch should work too I guess? Or are there any advantages in having a bashed patch with Requiem included that I would miss otherwise?
  18. Ok, tracked down the event with the Vigilants appearing in Nchuand-Zel, had some Vigilants in Rimerock Burrow too. IMO it is Moonlight Tales, since those were "Vigilant of Stendarr Elite" and those are added by Moonlight Tales: it is possible for the werebeast player to be tracked by experienced armed hunters of various skills and races. Those elite hunters from factions like Silver Hand and Vigilants of Stendarr ... Still don't know why they appear there. Perhaps a scripting thing with the random events? Also strange that the Vigilants do not attack me, though they are supposed to hunt me? Or do they only attack when I'm in beast form?
  19. Great, thanks for the quick answer and update! I have now been able to finally get my SR:LE + Requiem install complete :-) If I have Hard Times installed I do not need the Heavy Shield Fix, right? I then place Deadly Dragons directly after Hard Times, I assume? I stress-tested the game and it seems pretty stable so far. Then played for a while and stumbled upon some weird things, though: Raise Dead Bug When I use "Raise Dead" on humanoid creatures (I tried bandits, forsworn, vampires) then sometimes the raised enemies just walk on the spot they were raised and cannot be killed. Like an immortal, useless on-the-spot walking corpse so to say ;) They also do not count towards the summoning limit, I can raise other creatures and they behave as they should. But the on-spot-walking immortal corpse stays where I raised it. "Disabling" and then "enabling" it through the console gives me a naked dead enemy, which has completely different equipment than when I killed him, so this is not really an option, especially if it's a boss or something else with special loot on it. I had one instance in White River Watch were all enemies attacked the raised immortal on-spot-walking corpse and completely ignored me, i.e. I could kill them without them fighting back (they were to busy trying to slay the corpse). Sometimes they just ignore the corpse though, as if it was not there. Really strange and quite annoying. Draugr, bandits etc. have "names" (Bandit Highwayman, Draugr Deathlord, etc.) But in Requiem I thought they should all just be named "Bandit" or "Draugr", no matter what? At first I thought it could be caused by OBIS, but since it affects Draugrs too, it must be something else... Mass effect and Stamina regeneration I'm wearing heavy armor and this does not always calculate correctly for me. Sometimes my stamina regenerates while running, though it depletes as it should when sprinting. Movement speed is also different from time to time (with full stamina, so I do not mean the slowdown caused by a loss of stamina). Going into the inventory and putting my armor off and on again fixes the issue most of the time. This could perhaps be caused by a miscalculation of the player's mass or heavy armor effects? Falmer are quite weak Maybe related to OBIS - bandits are much tougher than Falmer (made a lvl 30 warrior/necromancer hybrid to test more dangerous areas). I can kill Falmer in 2 - 3 hits, whereas some bandits are a real challenge. I bet Falmer should be harder than bandits normally, even with OBIS installed? Don't know what is causing this, the only things I have loaded after Requiem are Alternate Start, Moonlight Tales, Neo's Conflict Resolution, the bashed patch and the things from SUM (ASIS + ASIS dependency and Dual Sheath Redux). Checking "information" in MO also says that Requiem is not overwritten by anything. I'm still a noob when it comes to modding, so please be patient with me ;)
  20. Nope, no Open Cities, just plain SR:LE. I think it could be related to Immersive Patrols, just met some Vigilants of Stendarr inside Nchuand-Zel, in the large chamber from where you can access the different subsections (Armory, Quarters, etc.). Perhaps the game adds patrols to locations that are marked as "outside world" (like I think also Blackreach)? Just a guess though... Ah, reading Vidalias post just now - does the SIC event system add Vigilants etc. too? The mod page says Imperials, Dawnguard, Thalmor, Stormcloak.
  21. Hey Smile, I know load order is not complete yet, but I am a little bit confused by some of the current instructions. Especially concerning OBIS. In the first list you state "All mods that this first list patches should load before Requiem.esp" This means I would normally have OBIS.esp, OBISDB.esp and OBISDB-FaceMasksFix.esp were they are installed in SR:LE and then just add the "Requiem - OBIS.esp" and "Requiem - DB - OBIS.esp" as indicated in your list. Confusion starts when I get to the second part of the load order, saying "This next list is for mods that need to load AFTER Requiem.esp ... etc." Because here we have OBIS.esp and OBISDB.esp again and it adds in the "OBIS FALSKAAR PATCH.esp" which SR:LE does not mention, though Falskaar is in SR:LE too? Then it says to add the "OBIS - Requiem Patch.esp" and "OBISDB - Requiem Patch.esp". Are these the same as "Requiem - OBIS.esp" and "Requiem - DB - OBIS.esp"? If not, were can I find these patches? Hope these are not complete noob findings ;)
  22. Just wanted to let you know that I got the exact same weird issue at Broken Oar Grotto - CTD upon entering and when I successfully entered via "coc" I witnessed the Solitude guards and the Legate killing all Blackblood Marauders ... Removing/hiding the "sacks" meshes for Broken Oar Grotto in the "Realistic Boat Bobbing" folder worked for me too - thanks Neo! :-) How the guards ended up in there is still a mystery to me, however... Hope you can track down the culprit, they ripped me off my kill! ;) I'd like to stress though that I've been playing with the current SR:LE setup for some weeks now and have had no other issues so far, game is rock-solid and looks amazing! :D Looking forward to further updates/additions.
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