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  1. The UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch is missing to navmeshes. Modding Fallout 3 : My Way shows what to do, I need to know the both ID number and the ID number to rename. Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm about halfway throught the guide and while testing I noticed a problem in Megaton. In several areas there are aplied different shaders, it's jarring becuse the change in lighting/tint is abrupt. The problem is solved by moving Megaton Lighting Overhaul after Dynamic Weather in the load order. I was just wandering why LOOT didin't do it for me. If this is cowered further in the guide than sorry, but I did skim through it and didn't find it. EDIT: Sry it's supposed to be before Dynamic Weather esp, and after I used the provided LOOT userlist it worked just fine.
  3. Hello there, sorry if this is not the right place to post this but maybe someone can help. My old graphics card "died" so I bought a brand new one and installed it. The problem is that I did a clean driver installation and I forgot to backup my customized NVIDIA Inspector profile settings, so I lost them all... yes, my bad :'( . Well, the good news is that I have a recent full backup of my hard drive so it should be possible to recover my old profiles from there; they have to be stored somewhere, right? but I don't know what to do. Can somebody help me please?
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