Hello and thank you for wonderful tool I would like to ask some questions about Fallout 4 xLODen. I just found this site and tutorial so my question is it everything fcked up if I followed this last night? I mean all process for me took about 1 hour, using Mod Organizer 2. Output folders were dropped in Overwrite, in that tutorial was said that I can test changes in game while both folders are in overwrite. Tested and everything looked very good. Then I packed both folders in 2 ba2 archives, added esp and zipped in 7zip. Installed as MyLOD mod. With separate mod nothing changes in game...Changes only visible when both output folders are in overwrite directory without ba2 archives and .esp.
I'm really sorry if I asked something stupid, because xLODGen is something new to me and I don't want to *** up everything (maybe I already done that ). So about that nexus tutorial - I can leave both folders in overwrite or I should redone everything?
And one more thing - I have Another PIne Forest mod - in mods ba2 archive is separate folder where are Pine forest mod LOD - I must extract it to game folder?
Thank you for answering.
P.S. last night xLodgen txt file - https://ufile.io/3urlgea6