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  1. It happens whenever I move around in that worldspace with obj LOD in place. It doesn't matter if I'm entering a new cell or when LOD is being loaded. It's extremely noticable when I'm just moving straight from left to right over the ground without colliding with an additional collision from objects for a couple of seconds while holding my mouse still. The micro lag/stuttering occures every ~2 seconds. Since you're the third person, and the most knoweldgeable person when it comes to LOD in fallout 4, who can walk around in the worldspace just fine, I guess it's fair to say that this must be a problem specific to my rig/setup and that I can continue to work on that worldspace. If somebody else eventually runs into the same problem, I could maybe try to let somebody else generate object LOD. Thank you so much for your help, now I definitely feel a lot safer. Other than that I don't really know what else could cause the problem.
  2. I just got feedback from my second alpha tester. It appears that both of them don't experience any micro stuttering in my second worldspace with my alpha build while I experience it. I could send the build to you in a dm. Maybe that would be better?
  3. I did some further testing. I created a clean new esp, used the same heightmap as in my second worldspace and only put Bethesda vanilla static collections and prefab static buildings into the worldspace. Then I generated both terrain and object LOD. The result is the same, I'm getting micro stuttering. So I suppose that this has nothing to do with my esp or my custom objects/matswaps?
  4. I looked at the texture path and it's pointing to the right path and texture as far as I can tell and I also see the texture on the object. However, if I check the UV's in nifskope they look all funky and warped. https://mega.nz/file/pmYXGLhL#5tqUl-CzWtrxUxNw4nn7BT77wV12J5nGPYvmj0Ii50w I also tried generating the specific shell roof asset again which produces a level 4 and 8 LOD object that you asked for. The command line prompt ran but it produced no files. I really don't know what's going on. I checked it several times to make sure that there are no empty lines or backspaces.
  5. Okay. I compared the bto objects from my first worldspace and their UVs to the bto objects of my secondworldspace(RTRDSouthernCommonwealth). It appears that all the LOD objects in the first worldspace have clean UV maps when I look at them in nifskope and the texture atlas is visible. The LOD objects in the second worldspace all have warped UVs and the texture atlas isn't visible in Nifskope. It's just another warped texture. Edit: Just saw your new response. I'm gonna test it.
  6. Okay. I did exactly what you just said. Here are the results: 1. All at once cause problems 2. 011E5BE3 IndFrame512Straight01 alone causes micro stutters 3. 011E5BE4 IndFrame512Straight01 alone causes micro stutters 4. 011E5BE5 IndFrame1024Straight01 alone causes micro stutters 5. 011E5BE9 BldgShellMetalRoofMid01Solid alone produces two files 4.4.0/8.0.0 - causes micro stutters 6. 011E5BEA BldgShellMetalRoofMid01Solid alone produces two files 4.4.0/8.0.0 - causes micro stutters 7. 011E5BEB BldgShellMetalRoofMid01Solid produces no output after the commandline prompt. It has a scale 4.0. I'm completely confused. I've already used all of these objects in my other worldspace, even with similar scales and they've never caused any problems.
  7. I tested each one singly, one after another. 4.4.0, 4.4.4, 4.8.4 cause micro stuttering. 8.0.0, 8.8.0, 16.0.0 are fine. Thank you. That's really cool to know. I never knew that nifskope can open those bto files. What am I supposed to look out for? What do you mean by that?
  8. That didn't help, unfortunately. What makes me wonder is that I already created like ~2-3 other test worldspaces with just vanilla SCOL buildings in them which use the shell kit, and therefore not the decomainlod_d.dds files, and those worldspaces were suffering from the exact same problem - they all had micro stuttering in them once I generated obj LOD. Could it have something to do with the fact that my esp contains so many records? Edit: Also, how are you able to see the LOD meshes? How do you view/open those bto files?
  9. I just generated obj LOD with the latest xLODGen for my first worldspace(RTRDNoMansLand) and tested it. No problems at all. No micro stuttering as far as I can tell. The only difference I noticed was that the new bto files are larger than the old ones and that the texture atlas is packed in a different way, it's stretching further horizontally. I guess those are just changes you guys made or the algorithmn is acting differently this time. But yeah, it seems to be working perfectly.
  10. The working ones I uploaded are from the first worldspace where everything seems to be fine. The faulty ones are from the second worldspace in which I get the micro stuttering. I unfortunately don't have any "proper" bto's for the second worldspace, only the faulty ones.
  11. I've only one .esp in my data folder which is my esp. Although, it appears that another mod that I deleted some time ago shows up in one of the text files of Bethesda but not in my home load order. Here are the files you were asking for https://mega.nz/file/d6QizQBS#CkPnKhTtauSV6FTFNhrO2WgjNDdxqHi-3eXpSrTWkKU I suppose that the bto files of my first worldspace don't cause any micro stuttering, since I can run around in that worldspace properly, but I'm not 100% sure tho, since my test setup isn't really the best(ultra wide screen) and the first worldspace is quite performance intensive. However, I can remember that I tested it wither another screen some time ago and everything was fine. The micro stuttering in the second worldspace is extremely noticable.
  12. Hello, I'm currently working on my second custom worldspace for Fallout 4. Both of my worldspaces are based on heightmaps to generate the terrain. The LOD for my first world space was generated by using an older version of xLODgen(I forgot the version number). It appears that both the terrain as well as object LOD generation for my first worldspace were succesful. I'm getting no stuttering or other issues. I've tested it with both loose files as well as everything packed into BA2 archives. The first worldspace contains a pretty large number of objects and it's pretty decent performance-wise, even with LOD. My second worldspace is just in its layout stage with only a couple hundred of objects in it so far. However, generating LOD for the second world space causes some serious micro stuttering when I'm moving around. I've tested this with loose as well as packed files. I even tried generating new worldspaces, based on differently sized heightmaps with a different amount of complexity. I even put different objects into those worldspaces, some 100% vanilla some more custom and the result was always the same: Just using generated terrain LOD is ok, using object LOD causes the micro stuttering. So I loaded back into my second worldspace with just terrain LOD and everything is fine until I generate object LOD. I'm currently using the most recent version xLODGen beta 106 to generate both terrain as well as object LOD. I've tried messing with the compression levels and atlas sizes, but nothing seems to help. No object has a higher z-position value than 6000 so far. I've attached the LODGen_log output: Your help would be very much appreciated as I can't really continue working on the worldspace if I don't know how to fix the performance issues. Edit: I'm using none of the additionally provided resources. Just xLODgen to generate.
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