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Everything posted by Luisangre

  1. Hey folks, Are there any sections of the guide I can install ahead of time to prepare myself for the LotD update and make the process faster? Anyone else doing this? I am thinking maybe the visual parts? Thanks in advance.
  2. Should I wait for the new LOTD mod to be released or should I install Lexy's guide right now and make adjustments when LOTD is out? Thanks in advance~
  3. Can't wait to start this guide with my new god tier PC. Waiting on the LOTD update like everyone else tho :]
  4. Hey Folks, After installing "Experience" the instructions are; MAIN FILES - ExperienceSpecial Installation Instructions: Delete the following file(s) and/or folder(s): SKSE\Plugins\Experience Are we to delete all 3 files in the plugins folder with the name Experience or just the Experience folder itself?Dodo bird question, I know, but I'm trying to get this 100% right the first time since it's been years hehe.Thanks in advance!
  5. I would go for Skyrim SE as now it will be officially supported by STEP and is already supported by Lexy. The stability of the 64bit engine is a huge win.
  6. If it just covers textures/ meshes and contains no esp, esm, scripts etc; it is generally safe to overwrite but of course it won't reflect the guide itself and something may look off in game.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. I will wait for your next update to be complete before I start the guide. BTW, how much different is the stable version than the WIP version? Would you say the stable version is "outdated" or lacks some of the highlights of the WIP? Thanks again~!
  8. Hi Lexy, This is probably a shot in the dark but how much longer do you plan on updating the guide? I know there is a stable version but I am just curious on when things will be wrapped up as far as frequent updating. Thanks in advance!
  9. Hey folks, I've been tracking this mod guide for a very very long time. I have not done any installing because of how frequent it is updated, but I am getting the itch to start modding again in hopes of getting in a good play through. For those of you who constantly update your mod lists to match the guide, is it a lot of work? have you "messed up" in the process? Is the game stable for a playthru as of right now or are there prominent bugs? Thanks in advance.
  10. This guide is godly. Really want to install but with the constant update/ changes I think I'm gonna wait lol.
  11. Anyone using the built in BSA extraction to extract ALL mods? I remember I used to do this with all mods back in the OG Skyrim modding days and really had no trouble...slightly longer load time but that was all.
  12. Hey folks, How is the guide progressing? Anyone done an extensive playthru with it yet?
  13. Hey folks, Not sure if it's been recommended already but Loot and Degradation looks like it will add tons of immersion and balance to the game. The SSE version is in the misc downloads. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55677
  14. Yeeouch guess I have to redo this entire mod @_____@ Thanks for the heads up.
  15. Hey guys, Probably a derp question but for statues of skyrim; Special Installation: After installation, copy and rename the following files as indicated: meshes/architecture/winterhold/magestatue.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/magestatuesnow_only.nif meshes/clutter/Mehrunes/shrinemehrunes01.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/mehrunesdagonsnow_only.nif meshes/clutter/statues/malacathstatue01.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/malacathstatuesnow_only.nif meshes/clutter/statues/shrineofazura01.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/azurastatuesnow_only.nif meshes/clutter/statues/statuedibella.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/statuedibellasnow_only.nif meshes/clutter/statues/statueofmeridia01.nif -> meshes/prometheus/architecture/statuessnow/statueofmeridiasnow_only.nif Are we just making copies of those files and putting them in the new folders or are we deleting the old ones after? Thanks in advance!
  16. Copy that. I just found it weird that we were aiming for High Res in all the other mods but went Lower Res on 1 of the biggest texture packs in the guide. I grabbed the 2k version, will see how it goes.
  17. Hey guys, Why are we using the performance version of Noble Skyrim Textures? We seem to be using the High Res versions of pretty much everything else minus Noble Skyrim. Any reason for this or was it a small oversight?
  18. Guide looks awesome. Is it worth installing right now or are there still a bunch of tweaks/ changes to the overall guide coming?
  19. Can't wait, I'm still using a 680 classy :]
  20. Hello folks, What is everyone using these days to mod their game? Good ol MO or NMM? Read somewhere that MO will be obsolete soon since the creator is now working for NMM? Thanks.
  21. Agreed, an MCM Menu Settings section at the bottom of STEP would be most welcomed. Implementing the information in the "Detailed instructions available" to a dropdown version like the "FOMOD instructions" in SRLE will further streamline the installation as well.
  22. I remember getting the game on the XBOX 360 and raging at the choppy sub 20 fps carriage ride at the beginning of the game. I remember returning the game and getting the PC version. I remember the first STEP in its glorious PDF format. Thank you for the dedication and I believe you all embody the best aspects of humanity.
  23. So I just got done with an install of SR and have a few orange boxes in WB. I've heard in general that these are harmless, but being the perfectionist/ OCD modder that I am, I would like to "correct" this issue the proper way. Would it be safe to just sort the masters with TES5Edit or should I rearrange these files so that they abide by the priority list of the mod? I am using LOOT. Thanks in advance.
  24. Awesome, we have similar tastes in mods. Remember the days of DDSopting ALL textures to 1024x512 in order to run mass difficulty mods and keep a stable game? :] I am curious of the gameplay mod combinations you are using now, do they make for a more challenging game or is it more of an enhanced vanilla experience?
  25. Hi, any plans on a SR:LE + the soon to be released Requiem 1.9 build? Awesome pack, been following/ using since day 1.
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