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Thanks to both of you for your answers. I'm going to take a step back and try to make a good overall LOD generation without SoS first, in order to have less parameters to finalize a proper first LOD setup and see if things seem less off then. It does look indeed that the terrain LOD meshes at least are there as I now see the differences, notably around water zones etc. I'll report back then if needed. Sorry troubleshot maybe isn't the right word, the guides were there just to show what settings I inputed in my different generation tests, I used dyndolod.info as my instructions basis and did read the links provided, although reading and understanding are two different things and actually doing these generations helps me further understand the logic of dyndolod. Noted for the mod managers load orders.
Yes I have, that's why I linked to it just to make sure I didn't miss something something else. I have taken a screenshot with the same weather with xlodgen here: https://ibb.co/7VGgG7H Without xlodgen here: https://ibb.co/61KtJ3z All other lod mods are off (dyndolog etc.) Do you guys see a difference? Because I personnaly don't, feels like nothing has been replaced. Also that nasty clear line with the grass I don't see it in any other pictures given for reference on the forum.
Sorry again I'm not giving enough details: I'm not using Terrain LOD Redone, was ust looking at the before after pictures to find a reference point. But maybe that doesn't make sense. Doesn't xLODGen also generate terrain texture https://dyndolod.info/Help/xLODGen? "It is advised to always generate high quality terrain LOD textures for the current load order with xLODGen to make sure that changes to the full landscape textures or their placement information made by mods are reflected by terrain LOD. Also generate terrain LOD textures with xLODGen to replace non-matching (especially snow) terrain LOD textures generated by CK (vanilla terrain LOD) or Oscape (outdated and superseded tool)."
Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer. Sorry I didn't mention it, but I was aware these wasn't necessarly up to date guides, it was more to link directly to the input I entered rather than taking screenshots, since I simply applied them from the various links. And the point I believe for me was that none of the various changes and test I made seemed to make any difference. However from what you are telling me what you are seeing (if you saw my screenshots) does not seem to be an obvious indication that something is wrong, then indeed I understimated the subtelty of lod terrain difference. I'll redo tests in the setting you mentionned to see if I see a difference looking more closely this time. It's just that this screenshot from my game look like being hugely different from most things I've seen posted here and there notably the whiterun area. Like on various picture here (see below) that can be compared to what I posted in from Bleak Fallows view. None have that perfectly distinguishable seem as I do and that almost transparent LOD terrain, albeit most screen have dyndolod included in their shots. But if you look at a screenshot of before and after from terrain redone here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9135?tab=posts, on the first before and after screenshots, you can see the big difference with me, my pictures clearly look like they come before any kind of modiciation to the terrain lod. But as I said, if you are not suprised by my screenshots, then maybe it's just the way the terrain lod is and I have to hide it with dyndolod, although it seems very off to me. I'll do testing in a more comparable state. Thanks again.
Hello Sheson, First of all thank you for all your work and your help here, very appreciated. Problem: Terrain lod not loading/working. xLODGEN Beta 97 Troubleshooting done so far, all having no effects, no variations in quality etc. (screenshots of results posted when relevant): 1. Used settings and guide from here and generated lod with xlodgen: https://lexyslotd.com/guide/finishing-line/. https://ibb.co/2FYPXmb 2. Used settings and guide from here and generated lod with xlodgen: https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/SkyrimSE:2.0.0#xLODGen for 4K. https://ibb.co/album/zshJ2Q 3. Tweaked skyrimpref.ini to the following values here: 4. Tested in quasi-vanilla, with ENB off also(skyland on and a few textures mod but that's it), same problem (I always thought this was vanilla default). 5. Tested with all landscape textures off to see if its a VRAM issue (see below, VRAM was about 18-20MB) https://ibb.co/x56Pzn7 6. Turned on and off Better Quality Map, Seasons of Skyrim and related mods, on various occasions during testing. Load order: https://ibb.co/NVLv5Qt VRAM: I am wondering if this can be an issue. My RTX 3090 seems to be pumping abnormaly high values of VRAM. I have tested this problem with VRAM usage at 18GB and it persists so I don't think that is game changing, unless what is causing me to use such high value in vanilla or in modded skyrim is the same reaosn why my terrain lod isn't charging. But with ENB and everything on I'm running at 22GB, sometimes 23GB. What I did not do yet: - Do two runs of xlodgen for seasons: I just chose all seasons and all landscapes in all my runs, assuming this wouldn't prevent non-season worldspaces from showing terrain lod. - I did not run TextGen and Dyndolod after each run of xLODGen during my testing between each generation. I was using TextGen and Dyndolod assets from my first generation only. bugreport.txt SSELODGen_log.zip LODGen_log.zip