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  1. You're amazing, and now that I think about it, that makes a lot of sense! hopefully if others are googling for the same problem they can now benefit from this as well!
  2. Hello, I tried generating new LODs for FO4 because well... the vanilla are pretty bad. I followed This guide, https://themidnightride.github.io/lod.html which basically said to follow DoubleYouC's guide on Nexus, and I thought I did everything pretty well, but I have this odd issue of White walls at what I can only imagine are the lod borders or something. Screenshot of the issue: https://imgur.com/Gl7OoWj When I get closer to a wall, it will pop out of existence, and it comes back when I move far enough away. I can play with it as is for now, because I really only care about story... but I'd kinda like to not have the walls. I tried looking for a solution, but googling variations of "FO4/Fallout 4 lod white wall/border lodgen" wasn't very helpful. Any help or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Created an account to report that VR works amazing with the latest Alpha. I went for lower end specs and everything for the LOD as I want to minimize possible issues for VR headset streaming, and this does pretty well with it. Far better than default VR lod which was more trash than something that is complete garbage. There was _one_ mod I almost used that would have issues (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54907), because of occlusion plane edits. I decided to go with the occlusion file generated by DynDOLOD instead though. Also, I like the cow. wasn't sure what the fomod was asking, so I clicked it, and as soon as I saw it, I knew it to be the correct option.
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