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d2eRX52 last won the day on September 12 2024

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  • Diamond in the Rough
    arena overhaul?

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  1. .ESP Plugins may not be enabled by default due to behaviour of MO2 with multiple esps. When you install a mod with multiple esps, it does not automatically enable all of them, just a case of precaution, like you turned on something that you didn't need or want. (for inexperienced i suggest putting this to first mod where such thing may happen. or in mo2 guide, if it's not there) So if guide not says specifically to disable esps, or put them in optional, then enable them. These esps that you mentioned should be enabled.
  2. as said in the guide "(ONLY tick the following options)", so if it is not there, untick it (well either instructions missed it, but i think it needs to be unticked if its not there)
  3. there is no cr esp in pp patch only step patch - post processing.esp and it is different from cr patch
  4. Noticed updates for guide (EBQO and Smooth Shores patch). Is it okay to do these if I'm already running character? Also I don't remember doing this for EBQO " Hide the following file (instructions for hiding files/folders): scripts\qf_mgritual05_000d0755.pex scripts\source\qf_mgritual05_000d0755.psc" Was this in original guide, or it was added post? Do I need to do this?
  5. oh yeah i got it, it's just the patches and separators on nexus currently
  6. since i'm already running game and don't want to start again, i'll probably not install it all, but anyway just to look, where i can find it? i didn't find in unofficial guides for skyrimse/ae on step here, so where is it?
  7. there is just slightly not clear instructions, i've got confused first time too, it should be not folder with slashes, but rather eehh you create folder 01 - Base within it you create folder Vanilla Torch within it you create folder meshes if you look at how FOMOD archives are done for mods (simply open any fomod mod), then you will get it btw, if you will do folder with slashes name in 7zip file manager (not in archive), then it will understand you and do what i wrote
  8. hm this thing is put uhdap before, even stated in mod description
  9. (it is from YASTM description) not that it is huge deal, i think, (though as long as mod have any issues, i don't think mod should be in step), and maybe simple to fix as author says (i don't know this side of modding), otherwise: pretty interesting, less scripts = is better, right? as far as i know...
  10. yeah i think in previous version of guide it was hidden, so either something changed, either mistake? about torches ignite oil, changelog says that it had been discovered to redundant, so yeah, i guess we just don't need this anymore
  11. i think since we don't use elfx lightning, only meshes, we need to pick luminosity since it's more neutral or whatever idk, and we install elfx patch in second step
  12. is this seam vanilla and "just was there always? does anybody else have it? possible cause?
  13. i've been looking into the step cr patch in sseedit (i was just making sure that mod i've added has no overlap with it) and i've noticed that for some reason cr patch changes height of DarkElfRaceVampire back to vanilla one, from Lore-Corrected Races variant is there any particular reason why is it this way? also it reverts deletion of brows in lcr of darkelfracevampire and wood elf race vampire
  14. I think I had read Pie version was done with MO in mind, example we can now launch Pie through MO, and path will be in documents then, not in MO folder, cause well MO.
  15. as i understand it would overwrite run/sprint of Run Sprint and Jump SE animations, but not jumping animations, and add some of its own fixes so something needs to be cooked from these two, which looks better, idk
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