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Everything posted by BioneYe

  1. Hey dcads, yes I used 0.20 as stated in the guide, but I was not able to get it to work. The workaround from Battlestar1965 worked though.
  2. This worked like a charm - thank you very much.
  3. Hey guys and girls, first of all I'd like to thank everyone involved in creating this guide. I followed the guide step by step and I am fairly familiar with such guides and modding, but I am having the following issue when I am trying to create the zPatch: I already searched this thread for solutions, but it seems that I am the only one having this issue. Does anyone have an idea why I am getting this error? I would really appreciate some help here. :) Greetings, BioneYe
  4. Thank you very much shaunlewis. I fixed it with spINI.
  5. Hey guys! I am currently following the guide and now I am at the DynDOLOD step. I get many errors when applying the scripts which state that they can't find files. Is it possible, that my skyrim.ini is not configured properly? I followed the guide but I think that my skyrim.ini is kind of too small. [Display] sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970" fDefault1stPersonFOV=85.0 fDefaultWorldFOV=85.0 fSunShadowUpdateTime=0 fSunUpdateThreshold=2.0 [Grass] b30GrassVS=0 iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7 [Water] bReflectLODObjects=1 bReflectLODLand=1 bReflectSky=1 bReflectLODTrees=1 [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 SInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txt [Combat] f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7 f1PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.7 f3PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.7 [General] sIntroSequence= fFlickeringLightDistance=8192 [Papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=2000.0 Any help would be appreciated and sorry for my bad english. :) Greetings
  6. Update: Red keeps getting teleported to me, everywhere I go.. I tried to resurrect her, but it does not work.. I also tried to disable her, but then I get constant gamecrashes.. Update 2: I think I somehow bandaid fixed it.. I just set Red to non essential, she magically disappeared. :D Beforehand I tried to disable, enable, kill and resurrect her, you could say to reset her, but that had no effect. Now with one simple "setessential 25251 0" I somehow fixed it. :O
  7. Hey, I have a really annoying problem. :/ I already played like 15 hours and I saved Red from the Super Mutants. I also put Red the slave collar on and sent her to Paradise Falls. Now, a few hours later I keep getting every few seconds the message "Red is unconscious". Well, I thought it would go away, but it isn't... I did some Talon Company Merc killing and suddenly Red popps up next to me. I cannot kill her and I cannot talk to her... I hope you can help me, because it is really immersion breaking and very annoying. :/ Greets
  8. One quick question about the "Creating a Bashed Patch" Section: It says I should check every box except for: Alias Mod NamesReplace Form IDsImport Actors: AnimationsImport Roads <- there is no "Import Roads", or do you mean "Import Relations"?Import Script ContentsGlobalsTweak AssortedTweak Names
  9. Thank you very much. Installing DarnUI fixed the issue.
  10. As I already wrote: it crashes with every executable from the drop down menu, but without MO not.
  11. Hello guys! I have a strange issue: I can't start F:NV through Mod Organizer. Everytime I try to to start the game it just crashes. I tried to start it with NVSE, 4GB Loader and the normal New Vegas. When I am not using Mod Organzier the game starts just fine. (I am using the english version of F:NV) I am not far advanced in the guide, I just cleaned the Bethesda ESMs. Thanks for reading, maybe you can help me out Greetings
  12. Sorry, but how do I do that? If I try to open the Conflict Resolution patch from Nearox I get [00:10] Background Loader: Fatal: , because it cannot find the Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp.
  13. I will give it a try. Thank you very much! Greetings
  14. Hey guys! I just made a fresh install and followed the SR:LE guide. Can I install SkyRe / CCO (Character Creation Overhaul) / Immersive Patrols without problems? CCO is not necessary, but would be nice. Greetings BioneYe
  15. That was very helpful. Thank you very much!
  16. Hey all! Sorry, maybe it is a stupid question, but I have no idea what to do at the "Conflict Resolution" section. I followed the normal Skyrim Revisited guide a few months ago, but my game crashed way too often. Now I am trying the SR:LE, but I do not seem to understand the instructions. For instance: what do I have to do here: Greetings
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