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Everything posted by Kriiks

  1. Yeah, went to bed yesterday after I found mipmap issue. No, there is nothing wrong with texture paths, they are correct and coming from NotWL. Attached yesterdays TexGen Debug log. BUT I did unpack NofWL bsa before to see if can I organise at least partial seasons support and apparently MO2 bsa unpacker butchered some texture files. I've been using MO/MO2 since it was pretty much released and something like that never happened to me before. Of course, I don't unpack every bsa without reason, but I wasn't even suspecting MO2 bsa unpacker to mess up unpacked content. Tried today to reproduce it and of course now it worked perfectly fine. So final lesson learnt: Don't unpack bsa with built in MO2 bsa unpacker. And I finally have good-looking LOD without any black trees being an eyesore. Logs.zip
  2. Those are all valid points to check. So did I before I posted And I must thank you for that. I went to make a pic from my MO2 Data tab to prove that files come indeed from NotWL and noticed that some texture files had weird size. They were missing mipmaps. So I opened Paint.net and resaved them with "generate mipmaps" option and now I have great looking LOD. I'm just a bit confused and curious... did everybody else manage to create good lods with original textures with no mipmaps? Why I can't find a single post about same issue? For me resaving those textures with mipmaps was a key to solve my black tree lod problem. Thank you for making me to recheck my files It maybe wasn't exactly this kind help what you were intending to give, but it made me to notice the problem regardless. TLDR: TexGen generated black lods because some textures from NotWL were missing mipmaps. Case closed?
  3. Hello! As I was literally pointed to this direction and I'm 100% out of ideas, so here it goes: I decided to use Nature of the Wild Lands (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63604 ) tree replacer mod and whatever I try, I can not generate usable billboards. Some tree types look perfectly fine, some are black and some are partially black. Examples from billboards: https://imgur.com/a/LI3elT4 So without proper billboards it's no point even launch DynDOLOD because it still needs billboards from TexGen. TexGen logs don't complain either: https://paste.ee/p/Mdrnl Every other tree replacer seems to generate completely fine. Still I see other people having non-broken NotWL lods and I haven't seen anybody complain about similar issue, so must be something in my end? If somebody could point out what I'm missing in this puzzle, I would be very thankful.
  4. Ahh.. I did read the guide, but somehow managed to miss/forgot this part for LOD32. Usually DynDOLOD and TexGen documentation and using is quite easy to understand, so I went bit overconfident and missed it. Reading fail :( Thank you for fast reply!
  5. Hello! Decided to try out xLODGen as Skyrim SE LOD is still horrible. In game everything looks fine, except my map, it looks... weird and partially flooded: My settings were LOD4 quality 5; Diffuse 512, Normals 256, Protect Borders LOD8 quality 10; Diffuse 256, Normals 256, Optimize Unseen OnLOD16 quality 10; Diffuse 256, Normals 128, Optimize Unseen OnLOD32 quality 15; Diffuse 128, Normals 128, Optimise Unseen On What I did wrong? Not like map is unusable, but I'd still like to know for my future "experiments". Tried to search, does somebody already had/have similar issues, but couldn't find anything.
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