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Everything posted by Brotherofcats

  1. Today I decided to revisit Skyrim SE after almost a year hiatus. I had been playing Fallout 4 through MO2 with no problems, running 400+ mods (graphics and ESLs included). I installed a new incidence of MO2 to take the place of MO1 on my J drive (where Skyrim SE resides). For some reason MO2 wouldn't appear. If I click it again a box comes up saying that MO2 is already running, but I never see it. I went ahead and deleted that incidence of MO2 and tried to run it from my L drive (where Fallout 4 lives). I switched it to SkyrimSe and it said it needed to restart. This time the same thing happened. My task manager says the MO2 is running, but nothing shows up. Worse, I can't access Fallout 4. I have over a thousand hours on four and want to continue playing that game. All I wanted to do with Skyrim today was see how many mods I could convert to ESL so I could put in some more. Any advice? My system is a Windows 10 pro 64 bit, 128 GHZ Ram, 8 core I07 running at 3.5 GHZ (can run faster, but it overheats), twin GTX-1080 cards with 8 GB Vram each, Liquid cooling. I wanted to ruyn the newer system, now I'm wondering if I made a mistake and should have left Skyrim with MO1.
  2. Okay, found the problem, and it wasn't the ini file after all. Sorry.
  3. I have been trying to get AAF to work for the past two days, looking all over the internet. One 'expert' suggested making some changes in the Fallout 4 Custom.Ini, to quote: [Papyrus] fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 I made these edits and the game would no longer start, only getting to the black screen that showed ENB information. I changed the file back to what it was (have done it and saved multiple times now) and it still crashes. So I think the ini file is corrupted. I need to figure out how to get an uncorrupted ini in place. Over a hundred hours on this current playthrough and I want to continue. So, anyone know what I can do? And yes, I did edit it in the MO2 ini editor.
  4. I have been playing Fallout 4 for 1600 hours on one game, going well, but while updating some files I noticed that MO2 had every mod I have ever installed listed as a Profile. I decided to clean up the mess, though I have no idea how it happened. Then I noticed that the number of active mods had gone down. I started the game, and sure enough, all of the mods listed as Profiles had disappeared. How in the world did this happen. I though profiles were a seperate catagory. I was trying to clean up the extranious never used profiles before installing one to play Frost. Or should I reinstall Fallout 4 in another directory, along with MO 2, and start that one over. Still, I need to know what I can do to clean profiles without deleting the mods from the profile I'm playing.
  5. Crap. It was unchecked. I really have no idea how that happened. Now, how do I get rid of the ghost that is following me after doing the Jurgen Windcaller's hor quest. He a good fighting, but I can't speak to him and he keeps setting off a defensive reaction from guards. I've tried killing him, but he's unkillable. I don't need another follower. I have Lydia, Qa'droga (I think that's his name) and Toccata. I can now go into dungeons without being mobbed, which is nice.
  6. Everything working well, but still have two mesh issues. One is not too bad. A lot of the pine trees have purple trunks. At first I thought it was supposed to be that way, until I got closer and saw that they were smooth. There are a bunch of them, and I would like them to look right. I am only using the replacement mods for trees that were specified in the STEP guid for LOTD.
  7. Another Question. I've got the game up and running, have explored around and everything seems to be running okay. Really liked spawning dragons in KS, event though they killed me every time, lol.Much more fearsome than the ones I've seen on Youtube playthroughs. I know I'm going to have to get some levels before I take any of them on. So, I'm on the page The Big Push Toward the End, and I cannot get the Pre Smash Patch to wori as per instructions.I go into Bash Patch and everything seems to be going fine.I get my unchecked mods to the top using Mod Index. I hold down control and check all the mods, then hit Priority, and all my mods reorder. But there is no block to drag down to the bottom for the merge. What am I doing wrong? Are there more detailed instructions somewhere?
  8. The reloading and running the meshes through the nif processor worked for Rolaf, as stated a couple of days ago. BUt Eorlund was still missing in action. Then I started a new game to go to Whiterun, and there he was with all of his armor. Not sure why it didn't show up before, when Rolaf did. But then again, computers are black magic.
  9. Strange. I had extracted the BSA for Immersive Armors (and all the armor mods) to see if that was the problem. For some reason, the IA mod will not install the loose files, so I went into the Mod Organizer folder and installed them manually. Then, went into Helgren Keep, and Haleluya, Rolaf was all there. Then I went into the area of the Companions, and unfortunately, Eorlund was still missing his body. He but, one is an inprovement, and I've played a bunch of hours and haven't seen any other missing meshes. I also found from Steam that one or more of my Skyrim programs would not verify, so I fixed those. I haven't run DyNalod or the Mash Patch yet, because I wanted everything working before I did those. I wanted the game ready and than I will take my hands off modding it and just play. Could that have something to do with the missing meshes. I didn't see how, but maybe there is something in there that I am missing. And as far as doing all of these things like placing links differently. Heah, I'm sixty years old. When I was growing up the only computers we had used punch cards to read data. I think I'm a whole lot more knowledgable than most my age, but I don't have the same intuitive grasp as the younger generations. I spend most of my time on the computer writing novels and doing research in the scientific and historical underpinnings of the subjects I write about.
  10. Go9ing to try to get these other pictures up. Here goes.
  11. This board is driving me crazy. I'm trying to use imgur as suggested, and I keep putting up the same stuff over and over, even though I'm clicking on new images. It would work so much better if I couold upload from my hard drive. Until I can figure out the image upload, here's some more info. I went into the Creation Kit and found out that the codes for the Stormcloack armors were 00a6d71, 00a6dd7b, 00a6dd7d, 00a6dd7f. I tried to add these armors in game to a character through the console, and kept getting an error message that they were not available.
  12. I have never used that. I took a lot of screenshots, then cropped them in Paint and converted to jpgs, and put several of them together in Paint.net. It was about an hour's work including searching through the xEdit files. Isn't there some way to post from my computer?
  13. I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures to this forum and cannot find an entry anywhere. I had a paragraph here but lost it when I went to help. I will post them as soom as I'm pointed iin the right direction to post my screenshots.
  14. Will get you the load order tomorrow. Weapons Armor Merged contains (escuse my spelling since I can't have the mouse tip over the mod and type here at the same time.) Seri-Aehterial Crowns, Sparkles SE, Faction Crossbows, Blacksacrament Armor, Lustmordvampire armor, Rogues Armor, and El-wayfarersCoatSSE. These were the mods specified for merging in that catagory under Lexy's directions. Also, corret me if I'm wrong. I was watching a video from Gopher, and he was changing graphics and popping back into the game to see the changes. So if I correct this, it should show up in the savegame, right?
  15. I have been playing around with xedit for almost a week. I can find multiple types of armor it might be, based just on the name. Also, looking at Eorlund online and see that he is wearing a different type of armor than Rolaf. Have also spent hours going through the conflict records in Mod Organizer 2, and doing some research in Creation Kit, and so far nothing. Earlier today I installed another mod at the end of my order that is supposed to replace all vanilla armors, hoping something from it would work, and again nothing. It only replaces textures though, so is it a mesh that is missing. I thought that you got a purple thing in the game if that happened. I might just go into Creation Kit, find those characters, and give them both another kind of armor, as a last resort. I had been wanting to do Morrowing or Fallout NV, but Skyrim was the only 64 bit game in the series that would take advantage of my system. Maybe I should just go back to those.
  16. Not sure if this goes here, but the mods I am using are mostly coming from this guide. I have the game working on my system (i7 8 core running at 4.3 Ghz, MSI Godlike Gaming Carbon, two GTX 1080 Nvidea graphics cards SLI, 128 GB of ram, on Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit). After running Loot (where I had the same problem as when I) used the load order from this page for plugins and modlist. https://modwat.ch/u/Darkladylexy/plugins . I have checked off the plugins that are related to armors one by one, checks the archives to make sure that BSA's are all checked, check out everything with SSE edit. I have even gone into Creation Kit and SSE Edit to look at files, looked at conflicts in MOd Organizer, and searched all over the internet for a solution, and come up empty. But, the bodies of Ralof and Eorlund GRay-Mane are invisible, which I interpret as the game not finding the meshes for their armors. Otherwise, so far, the game runs beautifully. With all the highest graphic mods I pulling 25 GB of computer memory and abd 22% CPU load, with everything running without a hicup. So, the question is, what else can I do to correct this problem. I am a full time scifi\fantasy author and use games to generate ideas for action sequences. I also wanted to record a runthrough for Youtube of the game, as seen on my huge system. But I can't do that with missing meshes. Any help would be appreciated, and could earn an acknowledgement in a future book. Thanks.
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