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Everything posted by Brotherofcats
Just modded Skyrim again with the newest guide, and I don't think I will ever be doing that again. Too much work. The game looks and runs great, but my eyes are crossed and blurry. One mod I got rid of right away was the Better Wait Time Mod, that lets you sleep or wait for up to 744 hours. Of coourse you're dead at the end of that time, and I had a lot of trouble setting it to 8 hours. I could hit 7, or 9, but not 8. The only other complaint I have is Convenient Horses. Immersive Horses was so much better, and I can't understand the decision to change over. I had to stop the intro quest because Frostfall was trying to kill me in Winterhold, and now I can't complete it. And it tells me to go buy equipment for my horse, but not where to get it. Obviously not in Winterhold. If the thing wasn't so integrated into patches and merges I would chuck it right away. Everything else is great. Love the Nemesis engine, though it did take me ten hours to get my character out of her T-pose.
Spoilers ahead. Question for the group mind. I'm pretty sure this problem wasn't caused by the mods, since it is well documented online. And I'm asking here because none of the answers I have found online will work, plus all of the posts and forums are several years old. Last year, when I was playing LOTD, I got hung up reading the Elder Scroll at the time wound, it kept waiting for Alduin to appear and he refused to cooperate. After a dozen tries I just gave up and went on to play the rest of the game, all of the other quests. This time I wanted to finish the main quest. I ran into the glitch with "no one escapes from whatever mines", so I skipped over it. When I got to the prison I couldn't interact with anything, so I didn't go to the Temple of Talos. In another quest, for Interesting NPCs, I walked into the Temple, with the guards waiting, and they did nothing. Well, at the Timewound, I read the scroll and went to the cut scene, which as before didn't play out. I tried six times and it finally went through. I did it several more times for the reasons outlined below, and it ran perfectly. Which is when the next problem arose. Alduin is invulnerable and Dragonrend does nothing to him. The fight from this point is almost ludicrous. I'm level 57, with over a hundred in many skills, and am a master of the five schools of magic, with all the spells of Apocalypse. So I can't hurt Aldiun, and with Close Wounds handy, he has no way of taking me out. He hits me dead center with his breath and I heal just as fast as I lose heakth. I've tried every solution I could find on the net. I didn't attack until he finished talking. I fast traveled away and waited an hour. Fast traveled and walked into High Hrothgar. Disabled and enabled Alduin. Nothing works. The real shame is on one of my tries he suddenly started taking damage. I won, forgot to save, and after talking to Aingar I went to Whiterun, and the game froze in the loading screen. So I didn't defeat Alduin after all, but Bethesda basically defeated me. So I finally completed the quest by console command, and was told I defeated Alduin, but he was still flying around and attacking. I went to talk to the Jarls of Whiterun and Windhold, as well as the general, finished Season Unending, and after talking to the Greybeards, went back to the Throat of the World to talk with Paarthunex, ony to find Alduin still flying around, and Paarthenux too busy to talk. So that busts the entire quest line again. So the question is, has anyone else run into this, and is there a way to actually get past Alduin's Bane that removes him from the area? If I resort to disabling him at the Throat of the World, will he still appear in Sovngard? Or am I again forced to just skip the main quest, and let ineffectual Alduin exist in the background and doing nothing? Any and all help would be appreciated.
Nothing is beyond my current skill level. If I don't know, I learn by doing, which is what I have done with every Bethesda game, and others, that I have modded. I have now played the game twenty hours without the Smash Patch, and have run into no problems. I will do what I did with Fallout when I came to crash, move on to another area and come back later, which seems to always solve the problem.
Man, this guide is hurting my brain. I installed Merge Plugins Hide according to directions, brought up the program, and there is no right hand box. There is one box, and clicking anywhere and everywhere on it brings up no options to set hide type. What am I missing? Nevermind. Found it through trial and error. Whis this guide had more pictures, because the quick descriptions are really hard to follow.
guyguy, I used that guide, but when I was installing there was a warning on one of the plugins that MLU.esp was missing. Anyway, I'm reinstalling everything. Also, I finally got zEdit to work. Two people on the MO2 Discord worked with me for two hours, looking at logs I sent them, bouncing ideas off each other. They were a real help at pointing me toward a solution. Kudos to them.
Thank you. And now my game, after showing black faces and crashing, won't evern start, so I guess it's back to another install. Question about MLU (Morrowloot). There are patches for it, but I never saw the base esp in the guide. But one of the patches has a warning symbol, and says it is missing Morrowloot for a master, I have run find several times on the install page and never found Morrowloot, only the patches, Any explanation for that? Oh, and I definitely didn't see that chekbox on my computer, and I think it was the latest version. I downloaded it from the link on the step guide.
Where the heck is the only Occlusion Buttom on XLodgen. I'm staring at the only screen it had and I see no such button. Or is it called something else, and if so why is everyone on the internet using that term? And I have found the Discord server to be quite unhelpful. No one over there answers questions for us newbs, Frustrating.
Great. Everything worked. At the first statue I saw a favorite follower from Interesting NPCs. Had to act fast so the giant didn't kill me at the second. Leveled up at one point and went into Ordinator. Didn't even see a tree with a purple trunk (a problem with my play through last Year), Now onto the Lodgen. I skipped that last year, it was too intimidating. Now I'm curious to see what it looks like.
What is the link to discord? I really don't use it and don't know how to get there. I've spent over 24 hours trying to get this thing installed, my old eyes are hurting (seriously). I finally got CK to work after trying a bunch of things. I merged some mods with Merge Plugin, but have reached a point where it is not recognizing some of the mods, which I guess means zEdit. The problem is, I can't get zEdit to run through MO2, no matter what I have tried, and I can't find anything on the internet about how to fix the problem. I'm stumped, and I am too damned old to know much about computers and programming, which all the videos out there seem to assume. I have stopped working on the two books I need to get out so I could do this. I love this game, and it also helps me to generate story ideas while playing. If the discord would help, lead me to it. Otherwise I will just sit here and cry.
[WIP] zEdit
Brotherofcats replied to Mator's question in Mator's Utilities Support (archived, read-only)
Not only is this thing not working right, it's working like a virus. I tried to replace it with a new version and the computer wouldn't let me do it.When I checked task manager there were eight copies of zedit running in memory. -
zedit load
Brotherofcats replied to tertan's question in Mator's Utilities Support (archived, read-only)
I'm having the same problem. I installed two modules from one of the mods, and both are missing Json files. I'm going to move them, but they must have been put there for a reason. -
For gerneral information, I downloaded and installed all the mods except for the two that were form 43. I might try Creation kit again after verifying my files again (have already cleaned them, but one suggestion was to redownload the game to get a new steam_api64.dll file that Creation Kit might recognize. I will clean them again after that, and hopefully won't be have to do it again. Copied all of my installed mod files to another drive. Anyway, I MO2 counted 530 plugins, and subtraction all the mods that will be merged, minus the number of merges, it come to 210 plugins. That's good news, and leaves me with room for 34 plugin (not counting some more non-esp replacers, but i only have 3 of them I want, and some character presets to choose from). I already have a couple of follower mods (Recorder for one) and one castle mod. Looking over all of the patches that were generated, I have to ask. If I add some mods like Beyond Reach, I'm guessing I'm going to have to run those automatic patchers again to make them compatible. As I learn with Fallout 4, make sure that I have everything I need and want, that small mods can be added, but don't ever remove anything. Maybe I can get the merges done tomorrow. Maybe not.
Well, I tried to edit my reply above but it wouldn't let me, so here's another posting. I tried to reload Creation Kit from Bethesda net, but it kept saying I didn't have steam_api64.dll. I looked in my Skyrim SE folder and there it was. One of the recommendation was to reload the game, which would mean going through the tedious cleaning process again, including the manual cleaning of Dawnstar. So I'm going to forge ahead, and not worry about any Form 43 mods for now. If I can't come up with an easy solution that doesn't cause hours of frustration, I will just have to forget about them altogether and play the game without them. I also just bought a license to a DLL service, but now I have to wait for their email. No telling how long that is going to take. I'm wishing I had just kept my install from last year of LOTD. At least I know everything worked in that one.
Hit another snag that has me dead in the water. Creation Kit, which started yesterday when I tested the install, will not start today in either MO2 or from the Skyrim directory. I was trying to convert the Extended UI to Form 44. I looked all over the net and couldn't find an answer. So, is there another way, another program, to convert the forms? If not, I may just have to skip any program in the list that requires this conversion.
Thanks for the answer. I think I can work with that, maybe drop 4 or 5 of the mods out of my load order to get what I want in. Now, about what Lexy wrote about the limit being 254 even with ESLs. I converted about 80 mods to ESL in Fallout 4, all loading in the 254 slot, and I have about 330 plugins running, and the game runs fast and stable. I thought that since SE is 64 now, it would do the same. But this isn't correct. Also, thanks to Lexy for the work she put into her guide. I know it took a lot of time. But now for the next problem. I can get all of the tools to run through MO2 except for zEdit. It will run outside of MO2, but not inside. I have also been using Mod Organizer 1 and 2 for several years, so I was thinking it would be easy. I have looked all over the net, and can't find a definitive answer. It will be okay to run zEdit outside of MO2 correct? Or can I just use Merge Plugins? I used that progam with Fallout 4 and my merges all worked just fine.
I'm doing a fresh install of this setup and plan to play it in December or so (still have to complete megamodded Fallout 4). I remember when I ran the game last year it ran splendidly on my system, I was clocking 29 GB of ram (out of my 128 GB) without a stutter. I do remember that there was space for some other mods, and I had some more installed, actually quite a few, but this monster seems to have grown. So question, if installing everything by the book, how many total plugins (ESP, ESM) are there from this load order? And can any of them be easily converted to ESL. I ended up converting over 70 small mods in Fallout 4 to ESL, and merges a couple of dozen more, and everything worked just fine, very few crashes. I'm hoping I can do the same with LOTD.
SKYRIMSE MO2 not starting. Or is it?
Brotherofcats replied to Brotherofcats's question in Mod Organizer Support
Well, I got it running with SkyrimSE and FAllout 4. That's the good news. The bad is all of my mods for Skyrim are gone. Now I have to reinstall everything, and what was going to be an hour to check something out has turned into 12 or more to reinstall. Will do that in some other month. Too busy right now trying to get a book out.