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  1. Just have a quick question. I just reran DynDOLOD recently and everything works great. I decided to try changing the Tree Lods Level 4 from Level0 to full just for fun. DynDOLOD ran without issue (just took longer and obviously the Output folder is much larger). However, once in game, the Pine Trees Lods Level 4 are almost twice the size of the trees. The Level0 are the correct size. I know I manually increased the size the Pine Tree passthru_lod when I increased the size of my Pine Trees so I think this might be the cause. My question is, why is it making the lods larger when using the Full option and not the Level0?
  2. No Luck. Here are he logs https://ufile.io/f6tf5o13 TexGen_SSE_log.txt
  3. I added these lines to Texgen_SSE.ini GLListDebug=1 RenderTexturesSingleThread=1 RenderSingle=1 Texgen ran without issue with the tree lods disabled I enabled the Tree lods (Just the trees, I left the HD ones unchecked) and I got the error again Here are the logs https://ufile.io/x9rh5ftc TexGen_SSE_log.txt
  4. I deselected the Tree lods and still got the error Added the line and here are the new logs Not sure about the driver version but since I was able to get everything running with version Alpha 180, I dont want to go through the trouble of rolling back by display driver. I current have 565.90 https://ufile.io/o94kc084 TexGen_SSE_log.txt
  5. Good evening I use the Alpha 182 version I am getting the infamous error Error: OpenGL: "Insert File name" (Seems to be a different one each time)" framebuffer objects unsupported. - I made a clean install of the latest NVidia driver for my GPU - I tried adding the lines RenderSingle=1 and RenderTexturesSingleThread=1 to TexGen_SSE.INI but the result is the same - I checked the Memory usage while it runs and it is negligible so definitely not the issue - Rebooted several times - I am out of ideas. Any suggestions? TexGen_SSE_Debug_log.txt https://ufile.io/4sqtpzdw TexGen_SSE_log.txt
  6. Good evening Just had a quick question. I downloaded the latest version of DynDOLOD yesterday and I was going to run it with my new tree setup. In order to have the trees inside Whiterun show from outside, I went to edit the ChildWorlds section to remove the trees from the ignore list and found that the entire ChildWorlds section is missing from the DynDOLOD_SSE.ini. Is that normal? If so, what would be the process to have the tree lods inside the city show from outside? I tried to copy / paste the section manually from an old ini file I have but the lods dont show up. Thanks Edit : Nevermind. I checked the changelog and and found that the info was moved to a different ini file in the config folder.
  7. Just wanted to confirm that this fixed my problem. I fixed the grass entries in the CK for Grass FPS Booster.esp and reran the whole thing. My Output folder is now twice the size but I have grass everywhere and it is glorious!!. Thank you for your patience. Your help was much appreciated.
  8. OMG. I feel so stupid now. I checked my actual grass mods but I never checked that one. I figured it was just an add-on and not a Grass Replacer. Gonna take a look now. Thanks.
  9. The rest of my logs are here. I have version 111. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13LSsNUuoOHZKBMdbsvJdJi_OpDp8Ok07?usp=share_link
  10. Good afternoon I documented all the checklist as best I could. Added it to a text file so I dont post a text wall. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks DynDOLOD Troubleshooting.txt
  11. I did but I will post a more detailed list with pertinent information as soon as I have time. Thanks
  12. Good evening I have been a bit of a problem I am hoping you can help me with. My Grass lods are not generating all types of grass. I noticed that my plugins were missing object bounds for many grass types and I resolved that. I reran Texgen and DynDOLOD afterwards and now I see the grass types in the DynDOLOD_Tamriel.dds file but they are still not generating. I have grass lods in the whiterun plains but It seems to be missing everywhere else where the grass is different (like the Reach for exemple). I went through all the steps of the "No Grass Lods check list". The Grass lods are not present in the bto files. Any Ideas? All my logs are here. Let me know if you need anything else https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13LSsNUuoOHZKBMdbsvJdJi_OpDp8Ok07?usp=sharing
  13. It's the optional file on this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20396 The plugin is named Timber for Whiterun MystiriousDawn.esp
  14. I found the source of the issue and just wanted to post it here in case someone else encounter the same issue. I had flagged the Whiterun Tree Plugin as esl and it appears to be the source of the problem. I reinstalled it as a regular esp and reran DynDOLOD and everything now works as it should.
  15. Good afternoon I recently updated DynDOLOD to the latest version and ran it without issues. The only thing that appears to be missing are the tree lods inside Whiterun when i am outside. It was working fine before the update so i am not sure what went wrong. I made sure the following entries were deleted from the section ; ignore the references linking to this (partial) EditorID base element Ignore=the treereach, treepine, treeaspen Is there an extra step i need to take that i am forgetting about? Here are my logs https://ufile.io/zaiekhio https://ufile.io/157v45lu Thanks
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