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Everything posted by lv4321

  1. I chose the no fast travel to corpse (even though that option is available after i discover my corpse with the error on it) and i chose the natural skeleton option right after that. When you die, you are supposed to spawn at the graveyard near megaton after saying that "you are unconscious"...Then whatever you had equipped will be gone but retrievable (if you enabled that option in the settings in pip boy menu).
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20751/ It seems that every time i get to my dead body, I have a red exclamation point on my body?
  3. For the last sentence, I am asking about any tips to notice what conflicts could be causing random bugs in fo3edit?
  4. As of right now, I am not seeing much problems with my load order, other than my 44 magnum non-scoped being named to a scoped version of it....But any tips on how to notice what is causing certain conflicts with what if there is a problem?
  5. So if i want a piece of the mod that has a red text + red background or just red background, it means that it is being overwritten? and If i don't want it to be overwritten, and want it to be loaded last, then the feature patch would be a useful thing to do? Also do i have to delete and re-create the patch everytime i change my load order or amount of mods I have?
  6. So if i do happen to mess up or forget to add something to the conflict resolution patch, can i delete the patch and everything will be back to the state before i made the patch? Also i have a merged patch in my load order, should i delete Or should i keep it? If i do keep it, should i keep the resolution patch before or after the merged patch? Also from my previous statement, it is recommended that we do a conflict resolution patch on these colored items in fo3edit, correct? https://imgur.com/a/HTL97
  7. Also i found another issue, the chinese assault rifle does not aim with down its sights but rather over the shoulder even when with Ironsights mod...But I switched it back to the non-paradox merged version of ironsights and it seemed to work? Seems like it is best to use the original fine than the modified merged one
  8. Okay so i would do this to mods in fo3edit that have a red background and esp. ones that have a red text + red backgorund? But at the same time, though they may be normal?
  9. So how would you create a conflict resolution patch with fo3edit? Does WMK in fallout 3 also effect weapon names, espcially when it is very similar to WMX? Is there any way to easily see the stats of the guns in fallout 3 without shooting up people?
  10. So by conflict resolution patch? are you talking about a merged patch? So far i was able to make a merged patch after resorting out my load order...For some reason, apocalyse armory seems to work fine with my mods now for some reason. But the magnum still says scoped magnum instead of saying .44magnum for some reason. After removing the apocalypse armory mod, it seems that it changed back from .44 magnum scoped to .44 magnum
  11. Oh okay, so what would i do to help you see the possible conflict? Do i have to provide screenshots of the color coded text in f03edit?
  12. I found the conflict with a little help on fo3edit, I realize the 10mm smg files with rh ironsights + its patches are conflicting with apocalypse armory Still need to find why though Also are conflicts sometimes normal?
  13. I already have fo3edit, is that good enough? or is xedit more easier to use?
  14. Didn't work, again the dlc is already installed with my game and MO doesn't detect it or activate by default. But even then, the game still does that bug I taken out apocalypse armory and it worked back to normal again..Take note that the rh ironsight.esm is the merged paradox patch of all the ironsight plugins and here is my 2nd mod order from the left of my load order we were looking at https://imgur.com/a/PvpYi
  15. It seems that whenever i reload with the 10mm sub machine gun, my reload animation shows that the clip is not seen removed when reloading. For the magnum, with my current mods it is supposed to say .44 magnum not .44 scoped. The .44 magnum is supposed to have no scope with the mods i have Here is my load order for Mod organizer: https://imgur.com/a/PlHxl ignore the unchecked dlc and the exclamation points. DLCs already work in-game and this is supposedly normal for MO users. The exclamation points are stating missing dlc masters but they are already enabled in-game without MO activating it
  16. Oh okay But all in all, a merged patch using fo3edit is not needed but recommended if you have mods changing the same thing or running over 200 plugins?
  17. So for MO and fallout 3, merged patches shouldn't be necessary?
  18. I am planning to add mods that may conflict with each other in the future, would a merged patch ensure that the don't conflict? and with the amount of mods i have right now, is it even necessary? for the mod cleaning, i heard that you shouldn't do it if you are just an everyday user/casual user and not an experienced modder? Is it even that necessary? so far is my mod load order, if needed, https://imgur.com/a/P3E1Z EDIT: Moved this to the "General" forum as it has nothing specific to Mod Organizer in it.
  19. So here is the issue, Whenever i enable radstorms or any heavy storms of any kind, my game crashes within 30 seconds of being in the storm. Not only that while I am in the storm, whenever i move my character around whilst moving, there are some small graphical glitches. This includes items hidden by the fog randomly appearing and disappearing. My mod load order: https://imgur.com/a/XVLpI (DLCs are already enabled in my save games, so ignore the exclamation points that state that the mod is missing dlc dependencies) As you see my game excluding the nevada skies is in pretty much vanilla shape
  20. Thanks, I just kept hearing some other people do other certain methods so I just got confused Before you posted this, i copied the entire MO folder. Will that also be ok?
  21. I heard that there are different ways to backup mod organizer just in case you need to reinstall windows or something. What is the best way to backup MO mods and saved profiles + its saved data safely?
  22. My previous saves currently had mods the last time i played them but they no longer exist on my new computer and running those previous saves without their needed mods would break the game more or likely..I also tried deleting those saves but darn steam keeps bringing them back up so I have to resort to creating a new vanilla profile on MO
  23. So I just installed fallout new vegas and MO for NV....I realized that i still had saves leftover from before in my current game (all have mods that no longer exist in the data directory), so I decided to simply just create a new vanilla profile through MO (with default game settings + with exception of casm+nvse of course)..But after creating my vanilla profile and running it through MO > fallout new vegas launcher, my game crashes? No mods are installed on that profile at all and i ensured that the profile saves were set to "local saves". The saves folder in the clean vanilla profile is also empty
  24. my ini settings are vanilla as they can be so far...What do you recommend me to check in the ini settings
  25. Whenever I see an npc move or run and look at their sides, it looks very choppy and for some npc's some of their movements are so choppy that every few steps they take, they instantly lag back and forth....So far I have been using the casm mod with MO so far and nothing else.... Specs: i5 4460 r7 250x 12gb of ram
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