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Everything posted by lv4321

  1. So pretty much, those mods with "a crap load of nif, kf and ini loose files and subfolders." should be able to be installed like any other mod and should work? Unless the mod author says otherwise?
  2. So any mod that has those kinds of files in the quotation marks I made, should work and be included in the MO when I manually install them or with manager unless of course the instructions say otherwise?
  3. So according to the mod authors of my mods, they state that the mods will have "have a crap load of nif, kf and ini loose files and subfolders." Will MO be able to handle those kind of mods? If so how?
  4. I am planning to mod my games with MO but some of the mods I want require the loose files and subfolders to be installed? Does MO do that correctly when you install it with manager or manually?
  5. So for example, a fomod inside in a winrar/7zip archive would need to be unzipped, then use MO to manually look for the unzipped mod Then find the mod and install through via MO correct? Could you also install fomods through MO with "download with manager" option in nexus?
  6. So the built in AI should be more than enough or function with most BSA mods just fine?
  7. Is it up to date? or sufficient enough for oblivion mods that require AI? Or will it need to be downloaded manually from oblivion nexus mod manager and put into the game directory?
  8. So it seemed to work just fine? Also I think, the .fomod files were optional and that you can install the mod manually through via mod manager with just the .esp files.
  9. Double post So chances are there isn't going to be a install screen for the fomod file since it consists of only a script
  10. Ok that seems understandable but would the same thing apply to this mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34744/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D34744&pUp=1 And what if it didn't prompt me an install screen when i installed it to MO?
  11. So according to the wiki, when installing a XML and C# fomod file I should be greeted with an installation screen to install those mods right? And if it doesn't work out as well, I need to use an alternative method shown in the step guide which is the external fomod plugin?
  12. Ok then thanks for the info!
  13. 1. like 7zip or winrar? 2.Not required for most mods? 4. move as in manually look for it while in MO by using its "manually install mod" option, the option on the very top left with a disc on it Thanks for the responses btw
  14. Thanks! So pretty much download any mod with fomod like any other mod >> like download with manager and install it manually like any other mod? Should there be an installer that pops up from the fomod?
  15. Recently I just saw this video around at 13:00: He tells us that we have to use OMM to install omods....How does one install omods to OMM successfully and play the game through MO+obse with no problems? Also is there another alternative way to do this?
  16. First time poster here, if I'm in the wrong forum please move this topic to the correct one please :) OT, I have seen some of my favorite mods have fomod plugins/installers..How does one install them using via MO? Do you just install the mod like any other mod and you should be presented with a fomod installation screen? or do you need fallout mod manager to do so?
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