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SRLE Extended Mod Suggestions

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Posted (edited)

On the subject of minor immersion mods, might I suggest: Guess the Distance (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30816/?) + Telescopes (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30473/?). The former adds a spell/power/hotkey (your choice, MCM configurable) that, as you can imagine, allows you to asses the distance between you and the target in your crosshairs, as well as a variety of other information (also configurable) such as race, armor class, level differential to you, hostility, etc. The latter is exactly what it sounds like: it adds craftable telescopes to the forge, complete with magnification and, should you choice it, has a variety of different crosshairs available.


I especially recommend Guess the Distance because of it's simplicity plus the fact that it is usable with bows and crossbows, making distance-based skills somewhat easier to guess. However, both mods have been in my load order since 2014 and just recently I merged GtD into my HUD merge from SRLE LotD base, and the Telescopes into my Weapons_Armors merge without issue. Anyway, Cheers!


Edit: I'm sure other "New Today" trollers of the nexus have seen this guy's work recently, but I wanted to give him a shoutout because the project is compelling: Solitude Skyway (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77346/?), Northern Marsh Bridges (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77476/?) and the two dock pathway mods by the same author. Those two add exactly what they sound like: a skyway across the rock arch underneath Solitude  across the marsh, providing a logical pathway to get from one side of the river to the other without making a long southward detour, and alternatively a series of bridges that accomplish the same task but less ostentatiously. They look interesting at the least. 

Edited by Jimmayus

Jimmayus I took a quick look at the Solitude Skyway seems there are some conflicts hat i need to resolve if i included it cos the path goes literally into the rock. I haven't had time to look anything else.


Jimmy, I had Guess Distance and Telescope in previously and both included in seperate merges without issue. You just need to watch because telescope alters the player NPC record so it's possibly being overwritten by something later in your load order. Just check and CR if required.


Darth, Skyway has conflicts with both Enhanced Landscapes and LotD from what I can see and may not be easy to resolve without removing cell edits from those esps?


I have a few suggestions. 


Khajiit Ears Show - does what it says, it allows Khajiit ears to show with all head wear by removing the ears flag from the models. It's an x-edit script that is extremely fast and creates an esp that merges with your bashed patch. 


Keeping Warm adds scarves to the game. The alternate textures included in the installer are very nice, and the scarves are added to the the leveled lists- which is done extremely well- guards, for instance, get properly colored scarves for their post, orange for Whiterun, etc. There's no native Frostfall support, but since Frostfall has updated you can assign warmth. 


AWTM Patcher The original Armor and Weapon Types Matter with Zilav's new patcher, adds perks to all NPCs and properties to all the weapons and armor in your list based on it's type- bladed, blunt, piercing, and so on, making heavy armors all more resistant to piercing weapons.  The patcher takes a while- you have to add all relevant masters one by one- but it's a great new layer in my opinion. There is an MCM option to adjust exactly how much resistance each piece of armor gives you (and NPCs) vs weapons types. If you do try this out, run it dead last, after ASIS, so it picks up the added perks and adds it's own. 


Skadi thanks for your suggestion i'll take a look at them also my wife actually uses Khajjit show ears and she has been bugging me to put it in but it's not been high on my priority list but i guess she wins again so I'll look at it now.


Darth thanks for the response. I wouldn't worry too much about the Skyway mod. It's visually appealing and is a convenient way to cross the bay dry, but apparently part of Solitude's lore is that the only way to access it by land is via Dragon Bridge anyway.


Dunc thanks for the heads up, I'll check the CR (although it doesn't seem to have become an issue in my current playthrough.)


Keeping on topic: Since we use stuff like Easy Wheelmenu, any thoughts on Quickloot https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73096/?, It's just food https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77099/? and Swift Potion Reborn https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29512/? The first one especially has been helpful in my current playthrough, and the only time the mod itself has been suggested was in February, and the response someone gave for not using it (menus in combat) is literally an MCM toggle they chose to ignore. It's just food is a patch, essentially, for iNeed that assigns Frostfall and other mod's food their appropriate designations (light/medium rations etc). Finally, swift potion reborn basically is just there because a consolidated potion hotkey is something the base game should have had, so I thought I'd mention it. There are a few magic related swiftcasting and hotcasting systems, but potions for me are the biggest offender.


Darth mathias did you think about an elisif replacer ?


It's quite of odd she's young and important and has ugly textures.


Since we use toccata the only other one is :  Avelyn or Elisif second file, Even if it's unlore friendly 'cuz she looks more like toccata, having two toccatas is meh


but that's up to you.

  On 8/5/2016 at 9:31 AM, Monobloc said:

Darth mathias did you think about an elisif replacer ?


It's quite of odd she's young and important and has ugly textures.


Since we use toccata the only other one is :  Avelyn or Elisif second file, Even if it's unlore friendly 'cuz she looks more like toccata, having two toccatas is meh


but that's up to you.

i have but not found one i really liked if i remember i think she is already covered by either Bijin or The Ordinary women Mod.


She isn't sadly :(

By neither of those.

The "logical" replacer is toccata textures so the author didn't replace her in bijin.

and the ordinary woman doesn't cover her.

so she's vanilla 100%

Posted (edited)
  On 8/5/2016 at 9:57 AM, Monobloc said:

She isn't sadly :(

By neither of those.

The "logical" replacer is toccata textures so the author didn't replace her in bijin.

and the ordinary woman doesn't cover her.

so she's vanilla 100%

oh well we can't have that can we. I'll have to do something about that, i'll check out your suggestion.


Edit: had a look don't think this is a good option it use CBBE body type and everything else is UNP or UNPB.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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