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Random CTDs, full details inside. Any help will would be great



Ok so to start I'm not exactly new at modding and I've researched all common reasons for CTDs but this one is elluding me.
So I need some help in hunting down the reason. Below is everything I think is pertinent and everything I have tried.

Comp Specs:

GTX 970
8Gig Ram
AMD Fx 6100 Six Core 3.3Ghz
Antec True Power Quattro 850 Wattage
Asus M5 A78 L-M/USB3
Wizard Wi20A Case
Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 ST31000340AS 1TB   (Hard Drive is defragged)

I always seem to get CTD outside more often than not but sometimes in interiors. Never around towns/cities though just in caves during a fancy light show of effects.
Mainly though it's just walking around outside were nothing at all is happening.

Like I said I've ALWAYS had these issues on any number of playthroughs but this time it's really annoying as I've tried everything I can think of

Important info I guess:

*Updated my GPU
*Reinstalled Skyrim and Every mod
*Checked every mod for compatiblity against each other and gotten the required patches
*Cleaned all mods that require it
*Have the latest mod version
*Have not removed any plugins mid save
*Performance monitor Shows VRAM never exceeding 3Gigs
*I have chosen scriptless versions of mods were applicable and my avg latency is around 35-40ms
*TES5 Edit Auto Merged Patch (removed levelled lists) and STEP Extended patch (minus Footprints/Wet and Cold) before the bashed patch
*Followed STEP guide to the letter for setting up the current build including all the default .inis
*Memory Blocks log shows that Sheesons memory patch in SKSE never exceed 320 and 180 respectively
*Only edits in ENBlocal.ini are for borderless and windowed set to true and ReservedMemorySizeMb=512
VideoMemorySizeMb=7186  (not sure about that one)
*No ENB is used
*Skyrim is in my Steam folder in Programs files  and mod organiser is in a seperate directory in the root
*Nvidia Inspector used to limit the FPS to 45 (I love my performance when my game aint CTDing!)
*Save Game Cleaner show nothing needs to be cleaned (even though I have yet to clean anything)

Ok Brass Tacks (or Tax I never know)

Mod List


Not really any point in popping up the papyrus as it's fairly clean, beside the compatbility message it's ok.
There's some errors and warnings at the start when a game is loaded but that's it. I can link them but it seems sorta pointless

I can't really think of anything else at the moment. If anyone as any ideas let me know. I'm totally stumped at this.
My latency is fine, VRAM is fine, everything is in the green BUT something is buggering me bad. Must be a break in two mods butting heads or someting.

If ya wanna give me some schoolin on how to check for critical errors/conflicts in TES5 even that would be great


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Posted (edited)

 Perfect because that's exaclty what I did. I was worried there for a sec that he was saying it was too many mods or something.


Yeah that was exactly what happened, I supermaning around for a birds eye view of my slide show. I was happy with the stress test, under normal conditions would that NEVER happen mid game and it didnt break which was a first for me so I am (touch wood) happy that my game is stable.


I prolly wont mess around with increasing the AI scripts, I havent noticed it ever coming up were there was too many baddies on screen (even when ASIS get's lucky) so I'll leave it as is.


Last question question guys then I'm good for this play through. I was looking at 'AutoSave Manager' to handle all my saving needs. Does this makes it so that the autosaves are like a 'manual' hard save in a new slot? I know that you arent really supposed (for some reason beyond me) to use the vanilla quick/auto saves.


Also could I install it mid save? I already played for a good few hours and if it can be helped I'd prefer not to start over

Yes, I was talking about trying to continue with your game save with so many changes in your load order - not recommended at all.


Keep in mind with the max actor AI setting, you don't have to use tonycubed2's numbers. In your normal playing watch for any situations where there are a lot of NPCs (probably fighting, like in the civil war, or in cities if you use mods that add NPCs) and some of them just stand there doing nothing. So bump up the max AI numbers moderately. If you use a bashed patch, you can always move the number down again by rebuilding the patch.


As for AutoSave Manager, that's exactly the mod I use for saves every 10 minutes. It does "manual" saves (instead of quicksaves), at whatever time interval you choose, in the background - which does cause a bit of a lag for half a second, but it's way less of an interruption than doing a manual save using the menu. I have read FlexCreator's report about quicksaves not being any different from manual saves, but I guess you can call me superstitious. Anyhow, AutoSave Manager can also be set to do "manual" or quick saves for certain kinds of events. All around recommended.


If you do choose to add a mod like AutoSave Manager, which doesn't really interfere with any other of your mods (because of no FormID record conflicts,) you could consider adding it to the penultimate load order slot, just before your bashed patch. That at least makes sure that the load order index numbers for all the plugins used with your already started play through won't change. Then there's the least likelihood of problems.


Basically my thinking with only adding new plugins at the end of a load order, or swapping out removed plugins with a place holder is this:


Data stored by scripts into your game save file is linked back to the originating mod using the mod's plugin load order index number. If you change your load order, say by adding a new plugin somewhere in the middle of your load order, all the plugins after that new one will then have different index numbers. I fear the script data may not get properly updated to the plugin's new index number, and so the stored data is effectively lost, and a new set of data has to be stored by the script - which probably won't be correct, and then things may start not working as expected. I suppose what would be a good idea is to ask FlexCreator if this theory is true. With his PDT tool, you could actually test it out by comparing game save files before and after adding a new plugin in the middle of the load order. I just haven't had time to try that and consult him on this theory.


Ideally, though, you do all your load order changing / adding / removing with a "throw away" set of game saves, that are just for the purpose of testing. Then you "lock down" your load order for your actual play through. This means resisting updating any mods which make significant changes to their plugins, particularly with adding / removing scripted elements. A very difficult thing to resist if there are considerable improvements as part of the mod's updates.

Edited by keithinhanoi
  • 0
Posted (edited)

If you're only using ENBoost, and not an actual ENB, then you should probably edit your enblocal.ini slightly differently.


Here is the step instructions for using ENBoost - note the configuration recommendations.



In particular, you'll want to have this in your enblocal.ini:


[GLOBAL] UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true UseDefferedRendering=false 



And here is a recent thread I made asking some questions about the appropriate number for VideoMemorySizeMb - it's got some useful posts for determining the amount you'll want to set this at.



Edited by kylhwch
  • 0

start here


to check for errors in xEdit, just load it up with your current LO and then select all the plugins from after the unofficial patches to the end of the LO then right click and "Check for Errors"

Copy what shows up in the log starting on the line that says "Checking for Errors" or what ever it may be.

  • 0

start here


to check for errors in xEdit, just load it up with your current LO and then select all the plugins from after the unofficial patches to the end of the LO then right click and "Check for Errors"

Copy what shows up in the log starting on the line that says "Checking for Errors" or what ever it may be.


Ok done as you asked, check the other topic too. I've been through that a few times already, here's the error log below. Thanks and I'm sorry in advance for pain it may cause your eyeballs





00:00] Checking for Errors in [09] Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm

[00:00] Checking for Errors in [0A] Falskaar.esm

[00:04] [NAVI:00012FB4]

[00:04]     NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [0119CE75] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:04]     NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Parent -> [0119CE74] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:04]     NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Navigation Mesh -> [0119D67B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:04]     NAVI \ Navigation Map Infos \ NVMI - Navigation Map Info \ Parent -> [0119D67A] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[00:35] Checking for Errors in [0B] Wyrmstooth.esp

[00:57] Checking for Errors in [0C] ETaC - RESOURCES.esm

[00:58] Checking for Errors in [0D] EFFCore.esm

[01:05] Checking for Errors in [0E] Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm

[01:05] Checking for Errors in [0F] SPERG.esm

[01:10] Checking for Errors in [10] Cutting Room Floor.esp

[01:12] Checking for Errors in [11] DeadlyDragons.esp

[01:13] Checking for Errors in [12] ShootingStars.esp

[01:13] Checking for Errors in [13] Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp

[01:13] Checking for Errors in [14] LootandDegradation.esp

[01:13] Checking for Errors in [15] Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp

[01:14] Checking for Errors in [16] ClamsDropPearls.esp

[01:14] Checking for Errors in [17] Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp

[01:14] Checking for Errors in [18] Chesko_WearableLantern.esp

[01:14] Checking for Errors in [19] BetterQuestObjectives.esp

[01:15] CW02B "The Jagged Crown" [QUST:0002610B]

[01:15]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST

[01:15]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1>

[01:15]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST

[01:15]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1>

[01:16] CW02A "The Jagged Crown" [QUST:0002D75C]

[01:16]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST

[01:16]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #2 -> <Warning: Could not resolve Parameter 1>

[01:22] Checking for Errors in [1A] DSAMG - Greybeard Fix.esp

[01:22] Checking for Errors in [1B] Thieves Guild Requirements.esp

[01:22] Checking for Errors in [1C] BarenziahQuestMarkers_Droppable.esp

[01:23] Checking for Errors in [1D] SkyCompleteLegendary.esp

[01:23] Checking for Errors in [1E] Extended UI.esp

[01:23] Checking for Errors in [1F] Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp

[01:26] Checking for Errors in [20] When Vampires Attack.esp

[01:27] Checking for Errors in [21] BFSEffects.esp

[01:27] Checking for Errors in [22] fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp

[01:27] Checking for Errors in [23] UIExtensions.esp

[01:27] Checking for Errors in [24] DawnguardRuneWeaponsFXSReplacer.esp

[01:27] Checking for Errors in [25] 1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [26] ORM-Arvak.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [27] mintylightningmod.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [28] Dead Body Collision.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [29] Brows.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [2A] Lock Overhaul.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [2B] Rainbows.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [2C] Auto Unequip Ammo.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [2D] Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [2E] Beards.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [2F] Elemental Staves.esp

[01:28] Checking for Errors in [30] DSAMG - Miraak Music Fixes.esp

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [31] SplashofRain.esp

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [32] DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [33] FSP - Dragonborn Edition.esp

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [34] JaxonzRenamer.esp

[01:29] JaxonzRenamerLocationToken [MISC:34001D8B]

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #0 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #1 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #2 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #3 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #4 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #5 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #6 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #7 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #8 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #9 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #10 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #11 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #12 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #13 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #14 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #15 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #16 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #17 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #18 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #19 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #20 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #21 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #22 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #23 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #24 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #25 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #26 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #27 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #28 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #29 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #30 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #31 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #32 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #33 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #34 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #35 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #36 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #37 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #38 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #39 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #40 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #41 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #42 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #43 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #44 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #45 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #46 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #47 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #48 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29]     MISC \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Array of Object \ Object Union #49 \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0006C3B6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [35] SkyCompleteFalskaar.esp

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [36] Moss Rocks.esp

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [37] Moss Rocks_DB.esp

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [38] RaceMenu.esp

[01:29] Checking for Errors in [39] Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp

[01:31] Checking for Errors in [3A] BetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.esp

[01:32] Checking for Errors in [3B] AMatterOfTime.esp

[01:32] Checking for Errors in [3C] SkyCompleteWyrmstooth.esp

[01:32] Checking for Errors in [3D] SkyUI.esp

[01:32] Checking for Errors in [3E] TimingIsEverything.esp

[01:33] Checking for Errors in [3F] BetterQuestObjectives-TimingIsEverythingPatch.esp

[01:33] Checking for Errors in [40] TradeBarter.esp

[01:34] Checking for Errors in [41] BetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.esp

[01:36] Checking for Errors in [42] SmartCast_1_0.esp

[01:36] Checking for Errors in [43] UnreadBooksGlow.esp

[01:37] Checking for Errors in [44] VioLens.esp

[01:38] Checking for Errors in [45] Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp

[01:39] Checking for Errors in [46] SPERG-DB.esp

[01:39] Checking for Errors in [47] SPERG-DG.esp

[01:40] Checking for Errors in [48] Weapons & Armor_TrueOrcish&DaedricWeapons.esp

[01:40] Checking for Errors in [49] You Hunger.esp

[01:42] WyrmstoothCutpurseCrevasse "Cutpurse Crevasse" [CELL:0B1A4D23]

[01:42]     CELL \ XLCN - Location -> [041B5C70] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:42]     CELL \ XEZN - Encounter Zone -> [041B5C6F] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:42] [REFR:0B1B38B1] (places Ale "Ale" [ALCH:00034C5E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WyrmstoothCutpurseCrevasse "Cutpurse Crevasse" [CELL:0B1A4D23])

[01:42]     REFR \ XLRL - Location Reference -> [041B5C70] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:42] [REFR:0B1B38B3] (places Ale "Ale" [ALCH:00034C5E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of WyrmstoothCutpurseCrevasse "Cutpurse Crevasse" [CELL:0B1A4D23])

[01:42]     REFR \ XLRL - Location Reference -> [041B5C70] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[01:44] Checking for Errors in [4A] RelightingSkyrim_DB.esp

[01:45] Checking for Errors in [4B] RelightingSkyrim_HF.esp

[01:45] Checking for Errors in [4C] RelightingSkyrim_DG.esp

[01:45] Checking for Errors in [4D] RelightingSkyrim-NoScripts.esp

[01:49] Checking for Errors in [4E] ELE_Fs_Wt_Lite.esp

[01:49] Checking for Errors in [4F] ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp

[01:50] Checking for Errors in [50] Dont_Steal_My_Crops.esp

[01:50] Checking for Errors in [51] YouHunger-ETAC-Patch.esp

[01:50] Checking for Errors in [52] Book Covers Skyrim.esp

[01:51] Checking for Errors in [53] Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp

[01:52] Checking for Errors in [54] Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp

[01:52] Checking for Errors in [55] ADS.esp

[01:52] Checking for Errors in [56] High Level Enemies - Raised Ability Caps.esp

[01:52] Checking for Errors in [57] Soul Gems Differ.esp

[01:52] Checking for Errors in [58] DawnofSkyrim-AllMajorCities.esp

[01:53] Checking for Errors in [59] Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp

[02:08] SIC_WE11GroupMovement [PACK:5951DF33]

[02:08]     PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PTDA - Target \ Target Data \ Target -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "SIC_WE11 "Blades vs. Thalmor" [QUST:5951DF0A]">

[02:08]     PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PTDA - Target \ Target Data \ Target -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "SIC_WE11 "Blades vs. Thalmor" [QUST:5951DF0A]">

[02:09] Checking for Errors in [5A] ExplosiveBoltsVisualized.esp

[02:09] Checking for Errors in [5B] Rebirth Monster.esp

[02:12] Checking for Errors in [5C] SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [5D] SDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [5E] Point The Way.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [5F] Ducks and Swans.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [60] FarmhouseChimneys.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [61] FarmhouseChimneysCRF.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [62] RealisticWaterTwo.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [63] FarmhouseChimneysFalskaar.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [64] FarmhouseChimneysWyrmstooth.esp

[02:13] Checking for Errors in [65] SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp

[02:14] Checking for Errors in [66] RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp

[02:14] Checking for Errors in [67] Bathing & Room Rental Merged.esp

[02:14] Checking for Errors in [68] Bathing in Skyrim - Water for Realistic Water Two (Falskaar).esp

[02:14] Checking for Errors in [69] AOS.esp

[02:15] Checking for Errors in [6A] SoS - The Wilds.esp

[02:15] Checking for Errors in [6B] DeadlySpellImpacts.esp

[02:15] Checking for Errors in [6C] SoS - Civilization.esp

[02:16] Checking for Errors in [6D] OBIS.esp

[02:24] Checking for Errors in [6E] SPERG.esp

[02:24] Checking for Errors in [6F] SPERG Weapons and Armor Complete.esp

[02:24] Checking for Errors in [70] IHSS.esp

[02:24] Checking for Errors in [71] Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp

[02:24] Checking for Errors in [72] Pureweather.esp

[02:25] Checking for Errors in [73] Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp

[02:32] Checking for Errors in [74] aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp

[02:33] Checking for Errors in [75] Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp

[02:38] Checking for Errors in [76] BCS - CCOR Patch.esp

[02:38] Checking for Errors in [77] NPCs Protected Redux.esp

[02:40] Checking for Errors in [78] Bring Out Your Dead.esp

[02:41] Checking for Errors in [79] Distant DetailHF.esp

[02:41] Checking for Errors in [7A] Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp

[02:42] TC_VoicewraithActor01 "Voicewraith" [NPC_:7A06DB46]

[02:42]     NPC_ \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0406DB44] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[02:43] Checking for Errors in [7B] DragonShoutVoice.esp

[02:43] Checking for Errors in [7C] Thunderchild - Wyrmstooth Compatibility Patch.esp

[02:43] Checking for Errors in [7D] NonEssentialChildren.esp

[02:44] DB10 "Death Incarnate" [QUST:0003CEDA]

[02:44]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: NPC_

[02:44]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: NPC_

[02:44]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: NPC_

[02:44]     QUST \ Objectives \ Objective \ Targets \ Target \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA -  \ Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: NPC_

[02:44] Checking for Errors in [7E] KrittaKitty_horses_uniqueFrost.esp

[02:44] Checking for Errors in [7F] Convenient Horses.esp

[02:47] Checking for Errors in [80] SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp

[02:47] Checking for Errors in [81] NPCs Protected Redux - COP.esp

[02:48] Checking for Errors in [82] Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp

[02:53] Checking for Errors in [83] One With Nature & Animal Tweaks (OWN-OBIS-SIC).esp

[02:54] Checking for Errors in [84] Combat Evolved.esp

[02:54] Checking for Errors in [85] DeadlyCombat.esp

[02:54] Checking for Errors in [86] DeadlyCombat_GiantsAIFix.esp

[02:54] Checking for Errors in [87] Animated Weapon Enchants.esp

[02:54] Checking for Errors in [88] Immersive Weapons.esp

[02:55] Checking for Errors in [89] Paralyze.esp

[02:55] Checking for Errors in [8A] High Level Enemies - SIC.esp

[02:58] Checking for Errors in [8B] OBISDB.esp

[02:58] Checking for Errors in [8C] High Level Enemies - SIC Falskaar.esp

[02:59] Checking for Errors in [8D] SoS - The Dungeons.esp

[02:59] Checking for Errors in [8E] Convenient Bridges.esp

[03:00] Checking for Errors in [8F] Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp

[03:04] Checking for Errors in [90] CraftingRecategorizing.esp

[03:04] Checking for Errors in [91] SPERG Immersive Armors.esp

[03:04] Checking for Errors in [92] Oblivion Gates v3 without Markers - Skyrim + Dawnguard DLC.esp

[03:04] Checking for Errors in [93] BirdsHFclean.esp

[03:05] Checking for Errors in [94] BFT Ships and Carriages.esp

[03:06] Checking for Errors in [95] Inconsequential NPCs.esp

[03:09] Checking for Errors in [96] EFFDialogue.esp

[03:09] Checking for Errors in [97] Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch.esp

[03:09] Checking for Errors in [98] NPCs Protected Redux - iqNPC.esp

[03:10] Checking for Errors in [99] CCO_SIC_Patch.esp

[03:11] Checking for Errors in [9A] Cloaks.esp

[03:11] Checking for Errors in [9B] imp_helm_legend.esp

[03:11] DwarvenHelmet [ARMA:0003F7FF]

[03:11]     ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Male -> <Unknown: 2>

[03:11]     ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Female -> <Unknown: 2>

[03:11] DwarvenHelmetOrc [ARMA:9B0096A3]

[03:11]     ARMA \ DNAM - Data \ Weight slider - Female -> <Unknown: 2>

[03:11] Checking for Errors in [9C] Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp

[03:12] Checking for Errors in [9D] RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp

[03:12] Checking for Errors in [9E] TheChoiceIsYours.esp

[03:13] Checking for Errors in [9F] TCIY-BCS Patch.esp

[03:13] Checking for Errors in [A0] Run For Your Lives.esp

[03:14] Checking for Errors in [A1] Atlas Legendary.esp

[03:14] Checking for Errors in [A2] FSP - Dawnguard Edition.esp

[03:14] Checking for Errors in [A3] ETaC Merged.esp

[03:28] Checking for Errors in [A4] Immersive Patrols II.esp

[03:29] Checking for Errors in [A5] SFO - Dragonborn.esp

[03:29] Checking for Errors in [A6] Bathing in Skyrim - Water for Realistic Water Two (Legendary).esp

[03:29] Checking for Errors in [A7] SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp

[03:29] Checking for Errors in [A8] SDO Full-LOD - Whiterun Trundra Creeks.esp

[03:29] Checking for Errors in [A9] Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp

[03:31] Checking for Errors in [AA] Apocalypse - SPERG Compatibility Patch.esp

[03:31] Checking for Errors in [AB] Apocalypse - More Apocalypse.esp

[03:31] Checking for Errors in [AC] Aurora - Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp

[03:31] Checking for Errors in [AD] Chesko_Frostfall.esp

[03:32] _DE_CampVis_CampChair [ACTI:AD02EE1E]

[03:32]     ACTI \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0201111B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:34] Checking for Errors in [AE] CCO_Frostfall_Patch.esp

[03:34] Checking for Errors in [AF] ElysiumEstate.esp

[03:35] EE_ShrineofKynarethHarvestKey "Key" [TREE:AF00CF19]

[03:35]     TREE \ PFIG - Ingredient -> Found a KEYM reference, expected: ALCH,INGR,LVLI,MISC,NULL

[03:37] [NAVM:000EBB7C] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateExt1 [CELL:0000965B] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 2,-5))

[03:37]     NAVM \ Record Header \ Record Flags -> <Unknown: 11>

[03:37] Checking for Errors in [b0] ElysiumEstate-HFNoKids.esp

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143D0] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143D1] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143D2] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143D3] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143FC] (places WRIntLoftWallStr01 [sTAT:000602D6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143FD] (places WRIntCastleFreePillar01 [sTAT:00087837] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143FE] (places WRTempIntPromArch02 [sTAT:0009A0E5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014400] (places WRTempIntPromArch02 [sTAT:0009A0E5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014401] (places WRIntCastleFreePillar01 [sTAT:00087837] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014402] (places WRIntCastleFreePillar01 [sTAT:00087837] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014403] (places WRTempIntPromArch02 [sTAT:0009A0E5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014404] (places WRIntCastleFreePillar01 [sTAT:00087837] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014406] (places WRTempIntPromArch02 [sTAT:0009A0E5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014409] (places WRTempIntPromArch02 [sTAT:0009A0E5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF01440A] (places WRIntCastleFreePillar01 [sTAT:00087837] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF01440B] (places WRIntCastleFreePillar01 [sTAT:00087837] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF01440C] (places WRTempIntPromArch02 [sTAT:0009A0E5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF01440E] (places WRIntLoftWallStr01 [sTAT:000602D6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF01440F] (places WRIntLoftWallStr01 [sTAT:000602D6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014410] (places WRIntLoftWallStr01 [sTAT:000602D6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014411] (places WRIntLoftWallStr01 [sTAT:000602D6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014412] (places WRIntLoftWallStr01 [sTAT:000602D6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF014413] (places WRIntLoftWallStr01 [sTAT:000602D6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF01441D] (places WRTempIntPromArch02 [sTAT:0009A0E5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF01441F] (places EE_WRIntCastleWallBaseStrDouble02 [sTAT:AF0143A0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF01442B] (places Ivy03 [sTAT:00107A1F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C6] (places FXMistLowSwirls02 [MSTT:000B945B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C9] (places MAGINVLightSpellArt [sTAT:000A0E7F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143CB] (places MAGINVLightSpellArt [sTAT:000A0E7F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C7] (places MAGINVLightSpellArt [sTAT:000A0E7F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C8] (places MAGINVLightSpellArt [sTAT:000A0E7F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143CA] (places MAGINVLightSpellArt [sTAT:000A0E7F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143CC] (places MAGINVLightSpellArt [sTAT:000A0E7F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C88] (places TreeReachFern01 [TREE:000B8A6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C86] (places TreeReachFern01 [TREE:000B8A6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C82] (places TreeReachFern01 [TREE:000B8A6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C85] (places TreeReachFern01 [TREE:000B8A6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C8A] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C87] (places TreeReachFern01 [TREE:000B8A6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C92] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C89] (places TreeReachFern01 [TREE:000B8A6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C83] (places TreeReachFern01 [TREE:000B8A6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C84] (places TreeReachFern01 [TREE:000B8A6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C8F] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C91] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C8E] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C90] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C8C] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C8B] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C8D] (places EE_StaticFloraSingleDeathbell01 [sTAT:AF039D66] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0453FB] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF045406] (places Ivy03 [sTAT:00107A1F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF045407] (places Ivy02 [sTAT:00107A1E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF045408] (places TreeReachMntMossCover02 [TREE:000E9623] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF04540D] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF04540F] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF045410] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF045414] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF045415] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035C7C] (places WRShIntFreeColumn01 [sTAT:000566ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF035DEA] (places WaterCurrentMarker [sTAT:00000062] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C1] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C2] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C3] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C4] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143C5] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143CD] (places EE_WRIntCHFloorStoneMid01 [sTAT:AF036E46] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:AF0143CF] (places Ivy03 [sTAT:00107A1F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B000A22E] (places EE_OptionsBookHouseHFActivator01 "Book of Elysium - House - Hearthfire" [ACTI:B000598E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     REFR \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0600E68B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     REFR \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0600E68C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E031] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E032] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E033] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E034] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E035] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E038] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E039] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E03A] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E03B] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E03C] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E046] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E047] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E048] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E049] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E04A] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E04B] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E04C] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E04D] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E04E] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] [REFR:B003E04F] (places TreeReachFern03 [TREE:000B8A70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of 00ElysiumEstateInt "Elysium Estate" [CELL:AF035DEC])

[03:37]     REFR \ XESP - Enable Parent \ Reference -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] ElysiumEstateIntLocation "Elysium Estate" [LCTN:AF00C99E]

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #6 \ Marker -> [0600E078] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #13 \ Marker -> [0600DFA3] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #14 \ Marker -> [0600DFD6] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #15 \ Marker -> [0600E058] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #16 \ Marker -> [0600E05D] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #17 \ Marker -> [0600E073] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #18 \ Marker -> [0600E077] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #19 \ Marker -> [0600E080] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #20 \ Marker -> [0600E057] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #21 \ Marker -> [0600E074] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #22 \ Marker -> [0600E082] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #23 \ Marker -> [0600E07C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #24 \ Marker -> [0600E693] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #25 \ Marker -> [0600E694] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #26 \ Marker -> [0600E695] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #27 \ Marker -> [0600E696] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #28 \ Marker -> [0600E697] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #29 \ Marker -> [0600E05E] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #30 \ Marker -> [0600E698] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #31 \ Marker -> [06010719] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #32 \ Marker -> [0601071A] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #33 \ Marker -> [0600E079] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACSR - Actor Cell Static Reference \  #34 \ Marker -> [0600B844] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #0 \ Actor -> [0600E078] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #0 \ Ref -> [0600E68C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #1 \ Actor -> [0600E073] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #1 \ Ref -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #2 \ Actor -> [0600E077] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #2 \ Ref -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #3 \ Actor -> [0600E080] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #3 \ Ref -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #4 \ Actor -> [0600E057] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #4 \ Ref -> [0600E68C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #5 \ Actor -> [0600E074] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #5 \ Ref -> [0600E68C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #6 \ Actor -> [0600E082] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #6 \ Ref -> [0600E68C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #7 \ Actor -> [0600E07C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #7 \ Ref -> [0600E68C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #8 \ Actor -> [0600E693] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #8 \ Ref -> [0600E68B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #9 \ Actor -> [0600E694] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #9 \ Ref -> [0600E68B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #10 \ Actor -> [0600E695] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #10 \ Ref -> [0600E68B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #11 \ Actor -> [0600E696] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #11 \ Ref -> [0600E68B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #12 \ Actor -> [0600E697] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #12 \ Ref -> [0600E68B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #13 \ Actor -> [0600E05E] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #13 \ Ref -> [0600E68C] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #14 \ Actor -> [0600E698] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #14 \ Ref -> [0600E68B] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #15 \ Actor -> [06010719] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #15 \ Ref -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #16 \ Actor -> [0601071A] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #16 \ Ref -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #17 \ Actor -> [0600E079] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37]     LCTN \ ACEP - Actor Cell Enable Point \  #17 \ Ref -> [06066878] < Error: Could not be resolved >

[03:37] Checking for Errors in [b1] Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

[03:37] Checking for Errors in [b2] PilgrimsDelight.esp

[03:37] Checking for Errors in [b3] The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

[03:38] Checking for Errors in [b4] GrassOnSteroids_NaturalEdition_SFO.esp

[03:38] TundraGrass01 [GRAS:0002F3FA]

[03:38]     GRAS \ DATA -  \ Flags -> <Unknown: 3>

[03:38] Checking for Errors in [b5] OBISCloaks&IA7.esp

[03:38] Checking for Errors in [b6] Merged Patch.esp

[03:39] Checking for Errors in [b7] CCF_Revenge of Enemies_Patch.esp

[03:39] Checking for Errors in [b8] Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp

[03:39] Checking for Errors in [b9] Immersive Potions.esp

[03:39] Checking for Errors in [bA] NPCs Protected Redux - CRF.esp

[03:39] Checking for Errors in [bB] Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp

[03:39] Checking for Errors in [bC] WintermystPatcher.esp

[03:47] Checking for Errors in [bD] iHUD.esp

[03:47] Checking for Errors in [bE] iNeed.esp

[03:48] Checking for Errors in [bF] BlockSparkles.esp

[03:48] Checking for Errors in [C0] Gildergreen Regrown.esp

[03:48] Checking for Errors in [C1] SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp

[03:48] Checking for Errors in [C2] TheChoiceIsYours_Dawnguard.esp

[03:48] Checking for Errors in [C3] My Home Is Your Home.esp

[04:06] Checking for Errors in [C4] Chesko_Step418_SN.esp

[04:06] Checking for Errors in [C5] iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp

[04:06] Checking for Errors in [C6] potionupgrades.esp

[04:06] Checking for Errors in [C7] randomthunder.esp

[04:06] Checking for Errors in [C8] Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

[04:09] Checking for Errors in [C9] BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp

[04:09] Checking for Errors in [CA] FarmhouseChimneysLAL.esp

[04:09] Checking for Errors in [CB] STEP Extended Patch.esp

[04:10] Checking for Errors in [CC] Bashed Patch, 0.esp

[04:11] Checking for Errors in [CD] ASIS-Dependency.esp

[04:11] Checking for Errors in [CE] ASIS.esp

[04:46] All Done!




  • 0

Try to remove 


Burn shock freeze effects 


deadly spell impact 


Auto unequip ammo 


enhanced blood 


in general any of these small scripted mods that affect tiny things. 


Reason: Each of those tend to add loads of scripts on top of the player model as well as NPC´s. You got a lot of mods that affect NPC´s so even if you cant see something happening over a hill etc. then those scripts will still be there and it will still have a potential to just go bad. 

  • 0

Elysium Estate does have a good deal of errors, messy that. I was hoping for something a tad more concrete. I'm not really too keen on removing mods mid save. I've invested a bunch into this play through. 


Are you sure it's a scripting CTD though? My avg latency is about 35-40, everything fires off speedily and when it should, I removed Enhanced Blood Textures, Wet & Cold and Footprints at the start of the playthough  so I could cut down on script heavy mods.


As for removing DSI and BSF that would break my lil heart as I love them so much. Well maybe DSI could go..and well AUA... Mid save though? That's kinda messy aint it. Even with the save game cleaner, I was priding myself on not having touched ANY mods this playthrough

  • 0

Ones that showed errors which you do not need to worry about are:

  • Falskaar.esm
  • BetterQuestObjectives.esp
  • JaxonRenamer.esp
  • Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
  • Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp
  • NonEssentialChildren.esp
  • imp_helm_legend.esp
  • Chesko_Frostfall.esp
  • GrassOnSteroids_NaturalEdition_SFO.esp


I'm not sure about You Hunger.esp, though.


I agree with DoubleYou that Elysium Estate HF - No Kids is highly suspect. It's got references to a mod with a load order number of 06, but they're coming up as "Could not be resolved" because mod 06 in your load order is not what Elysium Estate was built to expect seeing in that load order slot. In your Modwat.ch page with your mod list, I see that 06 is HearthFires, so that's pretty strange. The thing is that when I read the author's description page, she/he mentions that the mod has been checked in TES5Edit, so I'm not sure why there are so many errors. Maybe something is wrong with your copy of HearthFires?


Also note that Grass on Steroids is not necessary if you are using anything newer than SFO v1.79e, and in fact it may make unwanted changes if used with any newer version of SFO. Vurt has already incorporated the grass performance "tricks" of GoS in the newer versions of SFO.

  • 0

Elysium Estate does have a good deal of errors, messy that. I was hoping for something a tad more concrete. I'm not really too keen on removing mods mid save. I've invested a bunch into this play through. 


Are you sure it's a scripting CTD though? My avg latency is about 35-40, everything fires off speedily and when it should, I removed Enhanced Blood Textures, Wet & Cold and Footprints at the start of the playthough  so I could cut down on script heavy mods.


As for removing DSI and BSF that would break my lil heart as I love them so much. Well maybe DSI could go..and well AUA... Mid save though? That's kinda messy aint it. Even with the save game cleaner, I was priding myself on not having touched ANY mods this playthrough

Removing plugins mid-game is messy, and not recommended unless absolutely necessary.


If you have to, though, besides following any author instructions for shutting down their scripts, I'd recommend finding a way to put a new mod's plugin in the same load order slot as the ones you remove, so that the load order position of everything else remains the same. Just do a "swap" as it were. And after loading that, go to a quiet interior, save, and then run one of the two well know save game "cleaner" tools to get rid of any lingering remnants of the removed mods.


Also, with 8GB of system RAM, the recommendation for VideoMemorySizeMb is to set it the same as your amount of VRAM. It's unlikely this is connected to your CTDs though.

  • 0

You do have a nice chunk of combat related mods still... in my experience they will tend to work just fine, until they do not any you just random CTD

It is sad because they are all great mods, and none of them on their own do really present an issue, it is when you have all of them that bad things can happen. 


But ofc. if you are mid save then it is a bad idea. I figured you where still in the testing phase before you started. 


A small type of test you can do is to spawn a lot of various types of mages and have them go nuts on a number of guards. Or have several dragons attack a large number of guards.... Most likely that should show if combat is really an issue. 


Other than that you are most likely just going to to have to save regularly and hope for the best. 

  • 0

Ok good food for thought thanks guys, much appreciated. I'll check again for errors when I get home, in retrospect I didnt tick the plugins for anything above the last unofficial patch so maybe that's why it can't find the DLC. After that if the errors are the same I'll...


1: Reinstall Hearfires and clean again

2: Remove Grass on Steroids and and set iMinGrassSize=back to 40

3: Save Cleaner for any junk left over

4: Remove the EE-Hearfires plugin


Run around like a mad man and try to break the game


If I dont swap out the plugins for another and the load order changes do I need to redo the merge/bash/wintermyst/FNIS/asis etc?

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Posted (edited)

Well, I removed grass on steroids/Auto unequip ammo/My Home is your Home and EE Heartfire (not the main) redid all my patches removed scripts etc, started new save reload new save etc etc etc


All of the errors that were in the (Check Errors) log from TES5 Edit are gone (except the ones KeithfromHanoi said were ok) and my papryus (means nothing but still) looked nice and clean after I loaded the game a few times and cleaned out all the junk from the save.


I ran around for a bit and nothing seemed outta place, so I went outside Whiterun (with Expaned Towns and Cities) were there is a good chunk of activity and sent 30 - 40 guards to fight 8 dragons. lasted about 5 mins with the worst FPS ever and no dragon animations (plus the guards didnt really do much but go on fire and cry) until I had my CTD. The crash though wasnt the usual POP and nothing kind of CTD, but a 'Skyrim has stopped working click ok button' type of error. The stack dumpin in the papyrus was mighty before it impolded too. I noticed my shadows were on 'HIGH' too, not sure if that would do much.


I am not really sure what any of that proved except that it lasted longer than I expected


EDIT: My memory block log showed   Main: 326  Second Block: 182, guess it wasnt a memory crash but a script crash then?

Edited by uncleseano
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Posted (edited)

Oki doki, gonna start AGAIN...sighs... this time though I did a huge mod trim and updated all mods were it was needed. Big um's dropped if it is a scripting CTD are Auto unequip, Deadly Spell impacts and Burn Shock Freeze (had to remove references and clean the masters in the extended patch for DSI).


Dropped a bunch of other mods too, even the lil ones with a tiny teenie weenie script got the chop. Will mess around and try and 'break' the save to see if it fixes anything. Revised mod order below if anyone wants to look, I can remove more if you all think its needed as I won't be starting this run properly until all the 'I's are dotted  :P




EDIT: I did the alternate start and ran across the thundra with Erik (funny A.S that one) with ASIS maxed out killing everything I could. Then when I got to outskirts of Whiterun (with EtaC so it's very very busy) I spawned about 50 guards and 15 dragons and watched my FPS crawl to pretty much zero. Dragons didnt have their AI, people stood around looking confused, FOR SHUI! was screamed till my ears bled and bodies pilled up but interesting the game did NOT CTD. Also my papryus showed no errors/warnings, not even stack dumps...


So eh..does that mean it's happy again?

Edited by uncleseano
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Those are some pretty crazy stress tests.


I've had a similar thing to your experiences in the first test you described (Papyrus stack meltdown, dragons moving backwards with no flapping wings and sometimes disappearing, people standing around like cows on acid), which happened much earlier in my current play through. I blamed DCO + Run for Your Lives though, for wigging out at the time. You're not using DCO, so I suppose it doesn't apply. Important thing to mention here is that I promptly deleted my most recent 5 saves (I save at least every 10 minutes, and keep a rotating backup at least the past 5 days worth of saves). Things were fine after that.


The thing about your second test, although it seems to show things are working just dandy - are you planning to use this new loadout with your current save game? That would seem like bit a of a stretch.


That said, after a few recent Papyrus stack meltdowns, I just yesterday ripped SkyBirds out of my load order (it's load slot replaced with an empty plugin as I suggested above,) and after using the PDT - Save Game Scalpel tool, watched my game saves drop 10MB in size, along with an apparent return in stability. Miss those birds, though.


Oh, one last thing  - you really should use the AI Max Actors limit increase tweak when making your Bashed Patch in Wrye Bash, as explained in Tonycubed2's mod, Artificial Intellidence Limit Increaser

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