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The Dual Sheath Redux page is still valid, although we can now opt out of the SkyProc Patcher piece in favor of the Equipping Overhaul all-in-one. Previous version has been working well for me for a while now, the new version seems stable so far. Pairs nicely with Realistic Weapon Position as an improvement to the XPMS, that should have a update soon offering MCM managed weapon positions. Exciting times.


Unfortunately this mod is going to cause conflicts with many other mods... he uses FIVE (5) body slots if you have everything enabled. Specifically slots 44, 49, 54, 56, and/or 60 as listed in the "incompatibilities" section.

Just for comparison sake, DSR uses TWO (default 44/60) and it can be changed for compatibility sake via the patcher to whatever you need it to be.


So far I have found multiple problems with Immersive Armors (as a example of a popular mod) being compatible with EO:

Seadog Eyepatch uses one of those slots.

Ritual Boethia Mask uses one of those slots.

Bandanas use one of those slots.


Mods such as Black Sacrament armor, Aesir armor. nightasy's mods, and many others that "split up" armors (i.e. equippable masks/belts, etc) use many slots are also no go.

OFC if you change the slot numbers then something else will break.... so its really not easy to "free" a full 5 slots. Depending on what mods you use it will impact you more or less.


Other mods with issues:

Skyrim Immersive Creatures uses some of those slots for various things as well.

Wet and Cold Dragonborn uses those slots.


I guess what I'm trying to say is... it has more functionality but also more potential for downstream issues. :) I haven't even tried the mod in game yet but i always check compatibility before using anything. So I cannot comment on the script code, etc.


Good looking out on the slots used, I was so excited I overlooked that. I'm not a fan of Immersive Armor/Weapons, and I love the all-in-one functions of Equipping Overhaul, so its a no-brainer for me. I may run into conflicts with Black Sacrament &/or Bandoliers Bags & Pouches, but I'll manage. Of course I still have Dual Sheath Redux archived (along with every mod from STEP and my personal "pack", gotta love cheap hard drive storage).


The other problem is that, as I understand it, you do not get shields on your back unless they are unequipped. Merely sheathing them will not put them on your back. I assume this means NPCs will not have use shield on back either... Some serious trade offs IMO... Decisions decisions...


Equipped shields do display on arm, unequipped are scripted to move to back. I guess NPCs will seem paranoid with their shields at the ready. Also the slots used will conflict with some gear; slots 44 (mask), 49 (pelvis,outer), 54 (leg,under), 56 (chest,under), and/or 60 (misc) according to this thread on slot nomenclature



The author posted this comment on his page in response to mod conflict concerns: ... Just open up my mod and change the corresponding armour and armour-addons to different slots. I could do it for you tomorrow if you like ...

If one or more of those slots seem highly problematic, posting concerns on the mod's page may get a quick update to resolve the issue. I was glad to see these slots don't seem to conflict with Bandoliers, Chesko's or Nivea's stuff.


Good thing I don't use any of the mods listed except for Wet and Cold. Wet and Cold can be changed though, so I'm not really worried but I'd like to know what to changes to make it compatible.


I think I would rather have DSR than this - though hopefully future version will cover these functions (like NPC's shields on their backs). Or maybe I can use DSR with thus if I disable the geared up functionality.


I wonder if dropping the shield on back when sheathed and not having to apply that to NPCs is why he was able to do away with SkyProc/SUM.


Regarding equipment slots used the mod author writes:

A few armours on the Nexus utilize some of the unnamed body slots that I use. Currently there are no more slots remaining after factoring in backpacks, cloaks, and bandoliers. I'm brainstorming on a fix for this and I may have thought of one. If the fix takes me a while to do, then I will update the mod to allow you to choose the slots in the MCM menu (for those who don't use bandoliers and/or backpacks and/or cloaks) as a temporary fix.


Looking on the site today it appears quite a few bugs have popped up with the new version. I guess we shall wait and see how things progress over time with bug squashing.


True, probably need to wait for the dust to settle before bugs get sorted from false expectations, and then the actual bugs addressed.

BTW Realistic Weapon Position is getting an update today, so there's that to follow as well.

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