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Unable to run SkyProc Patchers through MO



I'm trying to run the SkyRe Reproccer through Mod Organizer, and it is refusing to launch. When I hit run on the Reproccer entry in the executables list, MO has a short loading bar at the bottom adn then nothing. No javaw process is even created. Reproccer works perfectly when run on its own, and I'm using 32-bit java. I have tried reinstalling Reproccer/Java/MO/Skyrim, running reproccer through the data tab has the same result. I have also tried using SUM which has the exact same issue, runs fine alone, will not launch through Mod Organizer, so it seems to be something about either SkyProc or Java that's causing it.

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Sorry for re-opening the topic, but suddenly I have the same problem: Skyproccer not starting from MO, but manually from the folder (so, no Java problem).


It was working fine until today. Today I made a new profile by using "copy". I re-installed Dual sheath Redux and started the Patcher through MO. But Mo only geht's locked, I see "java.exe" in the window and that's it.  Patchern ot starting. Settings as required. So i downloaded it again (ah, new version!), reinstalled it completely (deleting all folders) and tried again. Same! Tried to start MO in Admin- Mode, turned off Kaspersky and Defender. Tried SUM. all without effect! Don't know what to do now.


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Posted (edited)

I'll end up double posting so, sorry for that. I recently updated out of 1.2.18 to 1.3.6 and my skyproccers are not running anymore as described above. It DID generate an error log here, in the overwrite section;


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6f676a19, pid=4512, tid=2736
# JRE version:  (8.0_45-b14) (build )
# Java VM: Java HotSpot Client VM (25.45-b02 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  [MSVCR120.dll+0x86a19]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
This is only a snippet of the error log, but it declares the problem outright.
I did locate and run the Skyproccers outside of MO organizer and redo the executable inside of  MO. The Former worked, the latter didn't since this is the first instance of this happening I think I may have found a bug or am missing something.
Edited by cds20
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Posted (edited)

Edit: Ok, was the same error. Thanks!


When the CMD- Window opens, a message appears and the window closes immidiately. I was able to stop it in the right moment. Screenshot attached:


Edited by Llares
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Posted (edited)

Re-opening this topic again. I am having the same problem; I cannot run any Skyproc patchers within the MO. No error, just nothing happens. 


So here how things are set up:

  • MO has been reinstalled twice, version 1.3.6.
  • Skyrim has been reinstalled as well.
  • Java 8 32-bit, downloaded from the Oracle site, reinstalled several times. Also used Jarfix.
  • Avast antivirus, turned off when running MO.
  • UAC turned off. Have full ownership and control of all files that have to do with MO and Skyrim. 
  • SkyProc Patchers have been setup according to the wiki
  • Skyrim installed outside "Program Files" path

SUM, PerMa and Dual Sheath Redux all work fine outside the MO, so this isn't a Java problem. 


I have tried everything mentioned in this thread so far, nothing seems to have worked. 


Any help would be appreciated. 

Edited by Anzeroth
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Posted (edited)

Same here.


  On 6/8/2015 at 2:52 PM, Anzeroth said:

Re-opening this topic again. I am having the same problem; I cannot run any Skyproc patchers within the MO. No error, just nothing happens. 


So here how things are set up:

  • MO has been reinstalled twice, version 1.3.6.
  • Skyrim has been reinstalled as well.
  • Java 8 32-bit, downloaded from the Oracle site, reinstalled several times. Also used Jarfix.
  • Avast antivirus, turned off when running MO.
  • UAC turned off. Have full ownership and control of all files that have to do with MO and Skyrim. 
  • SkyProc Patchers have been setup according to the wiki

SUM, PerMa and Dual Sheath Redux all work fine outside the MO, so this isn't a Java problem. 


I have tried everything mentioned in this thread so far, nothing seems to have worked. 


Any help would be appreciated. 

EDIT: Anzeroth, click on the link GrantSP has posted and read the pinned "BEST ANSWER". It will solve your problem.

Edited by hellanios
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Thanks GrantSP for the fix and thanks hellanlos for pointing out the answer. All has been solved now :)


EDIT: Just to mark this thread as solved, to fix this issue, all you have to do is download the 1.3.6 archive of MO (here - NOT THE INSTALLER) and extract hook.dll from the archive to the installation path of MO

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