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Requiem Extended

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@Smile or other Requiem players. Since I just read where game changing mods can play havok with the opening sequence(carriage ride, and my issue is Ulfric's and Tullius invisible bodies-just heads and hands show) has anyone here started Requiem that way or mainly just through Alternate Start?


Truthfully I prefer Alternate Start but wanted to cut down on 1 less scripted mod. Now I'm worried that if I use AS that the invisible body issue is a precursor to issues down the road...


any thoughts ?

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If you have AS loading before Requiem then you can have problems. Requiem works fine with the original game start, there is even some more slightly better equipment in the chest when you first get into the keep, to give you a chance in the rest of the opening section.


Make sure AS loads after Requiem.esp and it's patches.


if that is not the problem then it will be something else probably (helpful huh?).




@Smile.  Thanks.  Actually I had AS unchecked since I didn't need it for the Vanilla start.  


I did come across a similar issue on the REQ board involving a Tullius floating head and the response was missing files and to re-install.  I guess I can try that.  The readme bitbucket for REQ also mentions characters with invisible armor (Ulfric's Dragon Knight armor?) can indicate an issue when updating.  I never did update though I just installed the latest anyway.  


Is Ulfric stationed in Windhelm?  I have yet to have any kind of major playthrough so I'm not sure.  I can test this thru AS and seeif he's invisible in Windhelm too.  


@Smile - case closed. Did the upgrade to 1.73 incorrectly. Hopefully that's my only mistake LOL .


"Once more unto the breach, dear friends..." Off I go, script/spawn lite but World heavy... locking down MO, level 100 here I come


Thanks for the patches. After having done an extended SkyRe Install with STEP:Core, I came to the conclusion that Requiem is more like what I want to play.


I created a second profile on Mod Organizer copying the previous configurations from SkyRe, but don't know exactly how to proceed now.


EDIT: I noticed that the patches from Spock are only for STEP:Extended, so I'll leave that, since I only have Core.


New idea how to install and load:


1. STEP:Core

2. SIC, SkyTest, Immersive Armors etc..

3. Requiem with all its patches

4. Compatibility patches for SIC, SkyTest etc.


Does the survival pack come at last and the compatibility patches right beneath them? (Frostfall, RND)


It is also a less extended install than the one with SkyRe, so it shouldn't take too long and will hopefully be more stable.


Would Dual Sheath Redux and Automatic Variants with SkyProc work though?


Ok, new patch is up. I didn't take a look into the updated wearable lanterns yet though. The Wiki is still missing too as I have to learn how to do it :)

I double checked the patch now. That doesn't mean that there are no errors, but it should be safe as it's mostly just forwarding BOYD scripts, some keywords and visuals. Updated to Hard Times 1.31 as well.

If you can find the time I would be grateful if someone could test explosive bolts for me (just visuals). And also if the Faendal & Sven quest works if "The Choice is Yours" is installed before Requiem (in files and load order). Thanks in advance!



EDIT: Please disregard, I have been so busy these past months that I forgot Smile44 had done this already :/



I love this idea ... I was just in the process of beginning my own personal install of Requiem (much more my style of RPG than the family-friendly RPG style of Skyrrim), and was contemplating just how many mods I would need to scrap from my STEP:Core install if any at all (e.g., Uncapper is likely not needed??).


I personally am not that happy with STEP:Extended ATM, and I am thinking that your Pack would be much better suited to using STEP:Core as a base rather than STEP:Extended. This kind of mod is precisely what STEP:Core was designed to precede. Furthermore, I expect some rather big changes to STEP:Extended by 2.3.0 (while Core is very stable both in terms of form and function), and it will definitely not be a good base for this kind of grand-overhaul Pack that centers on arguably the most comprehensive gameplay overhaul around.


I humbly request a STEP:Core-only patch. I will use that right away and help with testing various other great mods that would work with this (i.e., most of the mods mentioned in the Requem Handbook as well as other things that the Requiem team cites ... STEP:Core will cover the baseline world fixes and put a nice graphic overhaul onto Skyrim, while this will alter the gameplay fundamentally.


Also, you can upload your patches onto the wiki and provide links directly from your Pack if you want.


I personally am not that happy with STEP:Extended ATM, and I am thinking that your Pack would be much better suited to using STEP:Core as a base rather than STEP:Extended. This kind of mod is precisely what STEP:Core was designed to precede.


I had a PM discussion with Smile about this. I just like many of the STEP:Extended mods, they add little things that bring more life and detail to Skyrim and I have problems parting from them (no I'm not a messy in my private life :p). Unless the stability proves to be an issue with add-on mods (those Azirok created patches for) I don't see myself removing them.

There are even some I'd highly recommend to use with Requiem like Even Better Quest Objectives!

Is there any specific mod in STEP:Extended that you think doesn't fit Requiem?


A little break down on the STEP:Extended mods after removing incompatible ones.

56 Extended mods are graphical improvements. About half of them are .esp-less misc texture replacers (mostly interior) or enhance some kind of menu element.  The other half adds little things to the game like more birds, ants, roadsigns, rainbows, shooting stars etc. Then there are 9 game play changing mods which can be safely removed if you don't like them.

I'd need to have a more detailed look into them but I think all of the STEP:Extended mods are safe to remove from your load order as long as they are not forwarded by one of the patches. Which ones those are is documented for the Requiem Patch, documentation for the chopped extended patch will follow.



Also, you can upload your patches onto the wiki and provide links directly from your Pack if you want.


I will, still didn't find the time to finish the wiki. There are also a few mods that the compatibility section misses. I wouldn't recommend installing Convenient Horses, Uncapper and Lock Overhaul.

The chopped extended patch needs an update to reflect that some Lanterns mods are no longer part of STEP:Extended (torminater will like this :) ) but I'd rather wait what happens to the STEP sound solution.


I like what you have done with the page all good recommendations and you have clearly done lots of valid research which helps the cause. I agree with your choices for what to leave out, I would also suggest leaving any mods that add extra general wildlife to the game such as AIMP, and anything that adds birds, the sounds are nice but otherwise pointless if you are all about the challenge of working your way up from a nobody to a true Dragonborn - future king of Skyrim I mean you're not gonna emerge bloodied and beaten from a dungeon full of undead or sneakily spying out the mages and or archers in a camp and then suddenly stopping to wonder "Is that a Norwegian Blue? Beautiful plumage" (OK I may be getting carried away, unlikely to spot a Norwegian Blue as that breed of parrot is usually only found nailed to a perch in dis-reputable pet shops).


Anyway all good.




Thank you!

You certainly have a point about the wildlife. I will see if a reduction is necessary when I can run extensive stability tests. If I remember right those mods would be completely safe to remove if you don't want to use them but I'd have to double check. The next version of the chopped extended patch will contain information about all the forwarded mods, any mod not forwarded by any of the patches can simply be left out or uninstalled.

The Choice is Yours still needs to be tested for the Faendal & Sven quest if someone is willing to do that. And I'm eagerly awaiting the outcome of the AOS testing, it's inclusion would make some things a lot less messy on the wiki page.


Thanks. I have the latest wearable lanterns. Is there a way I can get away with pulling out that master from the chopped? I don't have chesko wearable lantern candle dg.esp.


Unfortunately the only way I found to do that is load the original mods into Tes5Edit and remove the entries manually, then rightlick on the plugin in the left panel and use the clean masters function.

For Wearable lanterns that might come down to a lot of entries. I'd say 99% of those conflicts (felt like 50 entries or so when revisiting them) are with USKP because USKP grounds a lot of lanterns (by lowering their z position a little).

The next version of the patch probably will not support wearable lanterns any longer since it's no longer an extended mod. I'm waiting with the update for the patch until there has been a decision made concerning Audio Overhaul and the regular STEP:Extended patch has been updated. I'm planning on remaking the patch from EssArrBee's doing what I described in the first paragraph of this post.

Wearable Lanterns probably isn't really incompatible if you wish to add it then, it will overwrite some z positioning changes from USKP though.

I hope this answer isn't too unsatisfying.


Unfortunately the only way I found to do that is load the original mods into Tes5Edit and remove the entries manually, then rightlick on the plugin in the left panel and use the clean masters function.

For Wearable lanterns that might come down to a lot of entries. I'd say 99% of those conflicts (felt like 50 entries or so when revisiting them) are with USKP because USKP grounds a lot of lanterns (by lowering their z position a little).

The next version of the patch probably will not support wearable lanterns any longer since it's no longer an extended mod. I'm waiting with the update for the patch until there has been a decision made concerning Audio Overhaul and the regular STEP:Extended patch has been updated. I'm planning on remaking the patch from EssArrBee's doing what I described in the first paragraph of this post.

Wearable Lanterns probably isn't really incompatible if you wish to add it then, it will overwrite some z positioning changes from USKP though.

I hope this answer isn't too unsatisfying.

I tried an older WL and it wasn't there.  What version of wearable lanterns gets you the Candle_dg.esp?    


It is what it is.  It doesn't sound like a serious conflict and maybe we can get someone to make a Requiem patch for WL.  I see the team's point about WL and don't think it makes much sense either or particularly think it looks realistic strapped to a belt.  However, I also haven't been satisfied with the look of magelight or nightvision.    

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