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Testers needed for 1.0.8



Guess I bent the rules a bit and put more into the 1.0.8 release than would be appropriate for a release candidate so it'd be great if some of you could take a look before I upload to the nexus.


Primary changes:

- This version provides a proper installer with optional features and an uninstaller

- package now contains a (minimal) python installation

- Added two more warnings: One will warn if more than 255 esp/esms are active, one will warn if esps are loaded in a different order than corresponding scripts (this should make USKP admins and users happy). The latter has an automated fix.

- esp pane will now highlight dummy esps (which aren't actually needed if the bsa is registered)

- some improvements to the nmm importer. in particular there is initial support for the 0.5 alpha, though I'm not sure it will be compatible to the final version


Plus a couple of bug fixes of course. Full changelog once I upload to nexus (ideally next week)




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I've installed 1.08 (1.0 RC9). I'm getting the same error about python as DoubleYou. Windows shows the following:

[spoiler=Python_error]Posted Image



Must figure out which files I have to copy. I've installed RC9 with all options enabled. I've installed it in directory C:\Data\Games\Skyrim tools\Mod Organizer 1.08 test. On startup of MO the correct version (1.08) is shown. What also is shown is a MOTD that a new version 1.07 is released (an older version). A few remarks/questions:

  • On install the Qt DLL's are optional BUT as stated they are required for MO to run. Curious about the decision to make it optional.
  • Although I get the python error and the Python based configurator is not loaded I do not get an warning sign in the right top left corner, It shows 'everything seems to be in order. I have to add I do have python 2.7.5 32 bits installed on my system.
I'm very glad that python can now be installed with the installer as some users have mentioned problems getting Python 2.7.6 installed/working. Also I very much like the installer.


I love to put 1.08 on the rack, unfortunately I'm going on a holiday for a week.


I REALLY would liked to torture test the NMM importer for the fourth time but I guess it will have to wait. Curious about is fixed with regard to the issues I mentioned in bug report ticket #435. I really hope someone takes up the gauntlet and test the NMM importer. In the mentioned issue the attached files give a nice overview of my test method. With NMM 0.45.6 Tannin was really close. I feel that a near perfect working importer could make the transistion from NMM to MO much easier. One advantage of the new NMM 0.50 alpha is that it converts the old situation to the new one with profiles and some kind of mod isolation. Should the original installog.xml of NMM contain errors then it would become clear when starting to use NMM 0.50. It the conversion succeeds all XML files are clean and the importer should not bork due to a damaged installog.xml file.

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  'DoubleYou' pid='58824' dateline='1385176701 said:

Just go to 1.0.7's plugins directory' date=' copy the [i']data[/i] directory and paste into 1.0.8, and I chose not to overwrite the ones that were already there.


Thanks a lot. I've done what you suggested, now it works. Have made a directory compare before doing that, see spoiler.

[spoiler='dir_diff_plugin_dir_RC8_RC9]Posted Image


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Sorry about missing the pyqt files, this HAD to happen with a new installer... *sigh*.


The Qt DLLs are optional because it's possible to install them system wide (either to c:\windows\system32 or the 64bit equivalent) or adding the installation path to the path environment variable (happens automatically if you install the qt sdk). In this case you don't have to have another set of dlls in the MO directory.


Regarding the lack of an error message: This is expected because the python-proxy-plugin does work (the plugin that allows other plugins to be written in python), it's the configurator plugin that has further dependencies and can't be loaded.

Now I could write a second code path for each python plugin individually (right, only one currently) that tests if the all dependencies (direct or indirect) are fulfilled and provide appropriate guidance but the effort required would be disproportionate.


Finally, regarding the NMM import:

the issue "not all assets are imported" can't be fully fixed. The same problems I mentioned on ASI apply: There is no reliable way to know which files on disk refer to which file in the archive. The installlog does not contain hashes so I can not restore the overwritten files for the other mods.

Fortunately the whole problem goes away with NMM 0.5. As it stands now, the imported mods will work as expected as long as they all remain active. The importer now says so explicitly and advises to reinstall the partially-imported mods.


the other issues you had I can't reproduce:

- the nexus id is expected in "nmm mod folder/cache/.zip/fomod/info.xml" -> fomod/Id

- the category is expected in the same file -> fomod/CategoryId. It will be mapped to MO categories based on your custom category setup if you have one.

- endorsement state is expected in the same file -> fomod/IsEndorsed

If these information are not transferred in your system then the only explanation I have is that they are stored differently, maybe the way things are stored has changed between NMM versions?

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In a week when I´m back I while check on my system if the files are in the mentioned places. And I will give the importer another go.

Does the NMM importer now works with NMM 0.4.x as well as 0.50 ((initial support)?. As in does it detect which version of NMM is installed?


Regarding missing assets (overwritten files). I agree with the hashes and ASI. ASI operates on the downloaded mod/zip file. Unless I´m missing something the problem does not exist with NMM. The installog.xml of NMM indicates where a certain file is installed in the regular /data directory. If files are overwritten they are stored in the NMM overwritten directory and in the install.log.xml this is indicated by the fact that instead of one there are multiple entries for that file. Can´t look it up as I´m on away for a week. I´m curious what I´m missing because it looks to me as if all needed information is there.

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When looking at the responses very few have tested the beta 1.0,.8. As Tannin stated he would like to have some feedback on the new functionalities before it will be released on the Nexus. There is quite a bit of new functionality to test. I encourage everyone to download and install, test it and give feedback. Put it on the rack guys/galls.

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I have been throwing a new test load order at version 1.0.8 and have only had one problem with Wrye smash in skyrim. I get an intermittent disable of the mods in the left pane when creating a bashed patch and when that happens the mods in the right pane default to alpha sort.


I think it happens when I make a mod from the overwrite folder. I was trying to keep the overwrite folder clean after each run of WRYE, Tesedit, Dual sheath and so on. The next time I ran WRYE it would happen. I am starting over again and this time I will keep all of the files in the overwrite folder until I am finished.



Added two more warnings: One will warn if more than 255 esp/esms are active, one will warn if esps are loaded in a different order than corresponding scripts (this should make USKP admins and users happy). The latter has an automated fix.

In the first part of this I had for a brief time more than 255 mods enabled and did not see that warning. I will try that again.


In the second part of this the warning appears when I install mods and the auto fix option sorts the mods without a problem. It continues to pick up on this as I install more mods. This is a really nice feature and will make modding / conflict resolution easier for all levels of users.


I am comfortable with the operation on MO in my test load order, although I have not spent a great amount of time in game to see if there are any in game problems. I will try this on my stable SkyRe install after I back it up to see if the current load order has any of the script sort problems.


esp pane will now highlight dummy esps (which aren't actually needed if the bsa is registered)

This option is also nice, it picked up on a couple of mods I had not check if they were dummy files.


I don't use NMM so I did not test that.


I will have to try this on my fallout New Vegas as I am starting to want to get away from Skyrim for a while.

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Everything has been more or less working correctly for me now since I fixed the Python issue.


-The installer appears to have worked correctly.

-Can't really test the bundled Python as I already have Python installed.

-I haven't activated more than 255 esps so I have no idea about that warning.

-I didn't have any dummy esps.

-I ain't using NMM


The warning for realigning priorities according to load order presented me with some issues. When I fix the issue via the automated way, some of my other priorities get messed up (this can happen if you have over 300 mods).


For example, these are the ones that are highlighted for me


  Reveal hidden contents


So I fix this.

Bug#1 If I delete the backup, the warning icon persists at being red until restart of Mod Organizer.

Bug#2 Until I refresh, some of the changed priorities do not display the correct conflict progression in the Conflicts tab.

Bug#3 Now some of my priorities are messed up. For example, DSAMG Dragonborn Patches (load order 46) is supposed to overwrite DSAMG main mod that was moved because of #6. After the fix is applied, the DSAMG Dragonborn Patches is being overwritten by the DSAMG main mod, which will break the mod. The same bug has also moved SkyUI higher in priority so that it is now overwriting EzE's Colored Map Markers, which will cause that mod to utterly fail. So what do you need? You need a check that will check for conflicts that are currently in the priorities that will get changed when you Fix this automatically. It needs to not only make the priority changes that you currently have implemented, but also move the priorities of any other mod in conflict that has been compromised. In other words, in my case, EzE's Colored Map Markers would have also needed to move after SkyUI and DSAMG Dragonborn Patches would also have needed to be moved after DSAMG main.


Now, after I've manually fixed those two priority problems this causes, I delete the backup, restart Mod Organizer, and guess what, I'm not done!


  Reveal hidden contents


So, I try this again. This time if I click fix, it is utter chaos. The Unofficial Patches are moved way too low in my load order and are overwriting all sorts of things they're not supposed to overwrite, not to mention it has moved DSAMG Dragonborn in such a manner that it again is totally being useless. I must restore from the backup, which works.


Now I have a dilemma. The cause for this is because both DSAMG packages have an esp in them that fixes some minor thing. The Dragonborn Patch (Miraak music fixes) one is sorted by BOSS very early in my load order (17) and the DSAMG main mod has a optional Greybeard fix esp loaded at 115 in my load order via BOSS. That would indicate by this mechanism that I should load DSAMG main mod after the DSAMG Dragonborn Patch which is wrong, so this whole warning thing is of no use to me in this situation. What I need for this situation is an ignore button!


So, in reality, I am thinking that the current implementation of this needs some tweaking. I really believe that a Flag would do a better job, and a button in the context menu to ignore the flag when necessary, as in this case.

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Some of the things you posted can't be fixed. For example MO can't know about the dependency between "SkyUI" and "EzE's Colored Map Markers" so how could the automatism keep those ordered when MO thinks the mods are unrelated?


Therefore the automatic fix will probably remain disabled, this can't be fixed completely without user interaction.

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Regarding the lack of an error message: This is expected because the python-proxy-plugin does work (the plugin that allows other plugins to be written in python), it's the configurator plugin that has further dependencies and can't be loaded.



a little off topic but ive searched for any mention/documentation on configurator plugin and this is the only thing i can find. 


"Plugin to allow easier customization of game settings" is the GUI description.


1. Aside from the brief description in the GUI, can you tell me what the configurator does?

2. Which game settings is this referring to, there are many settings in many different locations. 

3. Is this a plugin that can be called by the user? If so, how do you use it?

4. Is python 2.7.6 sufficient or do we need 3.3.3 ?

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Aside from the brief description in the GUI, can you tell me what the configurator does?

The configurator lets you tweak settings in the configuration files for the game in the in the active profile. For skyrim it appears to update both configuration files at the same time.

Which game settings is this referring to, there are many settings in many different locations.

I can't answer this one.

Is this a plugin that can be called by the user? If so, how do you use it?

The configurtaor is started by clicking the tools icon, fifth one from top left, and select the configurator.

Is python 2.7.6 sufficient or do we need 3.3.3 ?

The last I checked the 2.7.X was required. I believe the latest version uses a proxy to address the python issue. The Nexus site is down at the moment and I can't check and I don't have the information on hand.

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