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Ralof at start won't advance Unbound



Right after Alduin sends down his fireballs Ralof tell you to come over to the tower. For me, that's all he does and he never shuts up. I get right in front of him when he's shouting to here to "Over here!" and he doesn't move. Or he does move so I can go in, closes the door when I come in, then goes back and opens it and stands in the door frame, shouting the entire time for me to follow him.


I've tried disabling and enabling him, killing him via console, and clicking on him and using moveto player, but he never stops shouting and moving to the door frame. Does anyone have an idea on what the Hell is wrong with him?

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For the record, I have always found it a good practice to do most of the modding work for a new game after the helgen dungeon. Usually I personally only load up the Unofficial patches and anything that completely overhauls the combat and leveling system of the game (such as reqiem or skyre) before starting a new game, and then I'll throw all my other mods into the mix once I escape from helgen. Practice has shown that various sorts of load orders can make the tutorial dungeon go haywire at times because of the sensitivity of the dungeon's nature.

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For the record, I have always found it a good practice to do most of the modding work for a new game after the helgen dungeon. Usually I personally only load up the Unofficial patches and anything that completely overhauls the combat and leveling system of the game (such as reqiem or skyre) before starting a new game, and then I'll throw all my other mods into the mix once I escape from helgen. Practice has shown that various sorts of load orders can make the tutorial dungeon go haywire at times because of the sensitivity of the dungeon's nature.


Valid point. Same for me, whenever I use vanilla start, I always use only the Unofficial Patches and only the mods that HAVE to be there from the beginning (Skyrim Redone is a good example). Everything else I add after Helgen.

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Yes you should never start an mod that is not default started until you are inside the keep. Once there then I have never found any issues. Before that and loads of issues.


With stuck characters then you can usually try to bump them by running into them... sometimes it works since the actors are just stuck on a previous nav mesh point and cant get to the next.

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I have several profiles that I use for various states in the game. Step 1 is my first profile. This is for the beginning of the game and includes the unofficial patches and various mods that should be loaded at the start of the game. After I exit Helgen, I load up the save with Step 2. This adds a bunch more mods that have more to do with gameplay, etc. This normally takes me to Riverwood. Then comes Step 3 profile, where I add most mods that have a MCM menu and then set those up. This takes me to Whiterun. Step 4 profile adds anything else, and that's pretty much complete. Step 5 is there to add experimental mods. I very much follow STEP! LOL.

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I'm pretty damn certain that it was Helgen Reborn. I forgot that I had it active right at the start of the game, that causes problems apparently. Unchecked it, Ralof worked fine, waited until I was out of the cave, rechecked it, and it's good to go.

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