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Skyrim Revisted vs Legendary Edition

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XD Yes yes, the mod list is sexy. Many mods I enjoy, and I appreciate a stable, powerful, and nice looking.... modded skyrim! Lol


EDIT: I notice you have Civil War Overhaul installed, did that cause any troubles? I want to snag it but I heard there are issues, but if you are running it I would assume this is not the case?

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I'm intrigued by Civil War Overhaul and one of the review here on STEP said it seemed quite stable and gave no issues - but the author seems to think it needs to some serious work so I have left it alone. If I was focused on a civil war play though I would seriously consider adding it.

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I too am impressed with that Mod list.


All except for Civil War Overhaul. I fear it maybe too buggy at this stage. I have read many posts in Nexus about screwy faction stuff that made me hesitate to add it. I would hate to level a char to 30 or higher to then start Civil War only to find the game so buggy that I can't continue or have to resort to console. I am still thinking of adding it and starting a new game though.


The Civil war was always the most disappointing part of the game and so this overhaul looks extra promising!

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Glad you approve, it;s taken a long time and I'm sure you have an idea how much work and patience is needed to get this level of modding working.


I have had no problems with CWO. It seems to fit in seamlessly, just can be problematic with "sands of Time" as that mod keeps adding reinforcements (which can be adjusted in the MCM) and it can mean nearly all your fellow soldiers (which ever side) get wiped out by overwhelming numbers. Not gotten too far in the civil war quest line yet so can't guarantee it's stability but I suspect that it is far more likely that another mod interacting badly with it's scripts would be the cause. "SoT (The Way of the Dovakin) as it is now called is a good alternative to ASIS but not a good idea with a large overhaul mod like SkyRe, Skyrim Unplugged, YASH or Requiem as there are far too many chances for scripting issues causing problems. ASIS works well with big overhauls but you need to check which elements you need and only install those. For instance in both the above profiles I would only use Increased Spawns and possibly NPC potions from ASIS depende on wether the overhaul adds in chages to NPCs.


I am gradually getting to what for me would be and awesome looking playable skyrim - but am still torn between elements of these two profiles.


I may come up with a YASH profile next as it is brilliant and one of the most underrated mods on the nexus and is extremely lore friendly and as such the most likely to fit into STEP and or SR:LE at least lore wise. It is extremely challenging though. for example I started as a thief in the thieves guild but could not get past the guy in the room above the tavern on my way out, but because enemies will follow you and bring the fight to you, all I needed to do was get him to attack and then run back into the tavern and let the patrons, thieves guild members etc.. take him out. You really start out weak with skills on 0 except for racial bonuses. So lots of prudence is required but levelling up and really thinking about your skills soon gets you moving towards being useful in a fight.


Anyway off to check out Manny's house mod before going after the Dragonstone which is exhilarating with Requiem especially the last chamber.



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  • 5 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Oh I might have been trying one of the standalone YASH modules which would have been the Open Encounter zones one which worked well, got chased out of Bleak Falls Barrow by some angry draugr. Then had to help Riverwood population survive the Draugr invasion whoops.


But that load order is quite old now and very different from current use. Latest strategy is to let LOOT sort it all then use TES5Edit to build a compatibility patch - more to come on that.



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