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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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This may be showing my inexperience, but I don't know how to do that. Is there a guide? I wont be able to use it till later but I can read it on my breaks at work.

So basically what you do is, when you find an object that looks off ingame, you open up the console, click it, note down the form ID, then open your full load order in SSEEdit, there's a box in the top left to type in that form ID. Then you can see all the plugins that reference it and the position data in each one to see if anything is overriding ICW's changes.

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This may be showing my inexperience, but I don't know how to do that. Is there a guide? I wont be able to use it till later but I can read it on my breaks at work.

just google TES5 Edit Conflict Resolution.  Any video you see watch them, there are three or four of them on you tube.  There are also articles here on S.T.E.P. if you want to read.  There is also a manual for either FO3 or FO4 Edit but it is the same program and applies to Skyrim/Skyrim SE operation.

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SSE High Quality Music updated to v1.8






Author also just released:


SSE High Quality Voices



That's about 7.2 GB of high quality voice files that will make mod-added characters/quests stick out even more. <___>

this was mentioned on the discord Channel so I have been downloading it all afternoon (Due to my slow internet connection)

For Immersive College there appear to be some furniture that is conflicting from the vanilla game. I checked and the offending items are from the vanilla ESM. Is there a fix or should I just manually disable them as I see them in my game?

It possible that we might need a Snazzy Patch I'll investigate.

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This may be showing my inexperience, but I don't know how to do that. Is there a guide? I wont be able to use it till later but I can read it on my breaks at work.

Assuming it's a mod conflict what you have, the easiest scenario is if those records from Immersive College of Winterhold are being overridden by only one other mod. You can check if you can move ICoW below that other mod in MO's plugins. But bear in mind that it may then cause other conflicts with any mods that have been left above ICoW when you moved it. So, you should only change your load order from loot's when you're 100% sure of what you're doing.


xEdit patching is safer. As others pointed out before, youtube is a good place to start working with xEdit. Gamerpoets videos are always a good introduction, in that regard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F19Do8HAl4


When you open your load order in xEdit and expand the formid's you're checking, you're looking at a database. Plugins are databases that the game reads from, structured in records and sub-records, each one containing a set of fields. When you open a record (either by selecting any on the left hand tree list, or by searching in the formID box at the top left corner) each column on the right hand side of the xEdit window has the values that each plugin assigns to fields within that form. With very few exceptions (certain data types are added by successive plugins instead of being replaced) the last column on the right contains the values that are carried into the game because they correspond to the last plugin to load (highest priority). So if Immersive College of Winterhold isn't the rightmost column for the records you're checking, it means that it's being overridden by plugins displaying to the right of it. Check if the x,y,z positioning of those items you found to be displaced in game aren't being overridden. If they are, the safest procedure is to make a patch to correct that. This can easily be done by right-clicking on the top of the column corresponding to Immersive College of Winterhold and selecting "copy as override into", then "new file" (type in a filename). Do this for all the items you're checking, then exit and save and MAKE SURE TO CHECK ONLY THE NEW FILE for saving. If you're using MO2, the new file will be in the overwrites folder and you can right-click overwrites and "create mod". Activate it and place it towards the end of your load order (maybe near the Conflict Resolution plugin).


The important thing is, it may not be that simple. When you check your records in xEdit it's important to have some knowledge of what each mod is about, and check what it's trying to achieve with that record. Sometimes, each mod only makes a small change to different fields but, since only the last one wins, the changes made by mods to the left (in xEdit) aren't carried. To properly patch this for your load order, you need to carry the unique values each mod sets to its fields, and, in case they conflict (when they set different values to the same fields) you need to arbitrate which one should be carried, and for that you need to know what that field does and its impact on each mod. You can "merge" the changes made by several mods by manually editing the fields or, in xEdit, by "dragging" the fields you want to carry, into the patch's collumn. This takes time to learn, don't hurry. Better read and watch those videos, you can use your conflict as a lab test and experiment. If you don't have time to invest on this right now, disabling them in game like you said will probably be enough to let you play the game.


Snazzy, of course, is always a good candidate for messing things around ;)

Edited by godescalcus
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Just so everyone knows I have decided to push Morrowloot up my timetable just waiting on the Pre-Release MO2 to get an updated on the Nexus Page.

Mod Organizer 2 is now at

[spoiler=Version 2.1.3] Improvements


* Added ability to download mods from additional nexus pages (like oldrim for SSE or FO3 for TTW)

* New mod column for source game

* Info window allows changing the source game

* Download query info will request source game

* Flag and optional warning for mods from alternate sources

* NOTE: You may need to re-register the NXM handler to capture all supported games.

* Added support for translating python plugins (thanks AnyOldName3)

* Add "Sort Mechanism" flag which currently disables the sort button for unsupported games but may allow additional sort integrations later

* Shortcuts

* Added Ctrl + Enter / Return keyboard shortcuts to the main window modlist that will open the selected mod(s) in Explorer

* Added Ctrl + Enter / Return keyboard shortcuts to the plugin list that will open the first associated mod containing the selected plugin in Explorer

* Added F5 shortcut to the main window to trigger a profile refresh

* Fixing inactive links in the about dialog, mod info dialog, etc.

* Mod Info Dialog

* Changed the Mod Information Dialog to always open the first enabled tab from the left

* Users can choose what tab to open by default by dragging the tabs

* Added "Open Mod in Explorer" button over the file listing in the Mod Information Dialog

* Changed Mod Information Dialog "Next" and "Previous" buttons to remember what tab is currently opened

* Added "Delete" keyboard shortcut support, in the Mod Information dialog file listing and Overwrite Information view, to delete files and folders

* Keep the window(s) on top when launching and switching games (more often)

* Installation

* Extraction threading has been improved to handle the latest 7zip 18.05 release

* FOMOD XML requirement failures will now provide more useful error messages

* Archive type detection has been improved and will prefer file signatures over extensions

* Downloads

* Removed an old error check which was causing download failures due to the Nexus CDN reporting the wrong file type (error 299)

* Added download speed to the download progress bars




* Corrected language files so the vast majority of the UI will now be translated correctly

* Skyrim SE

* Supports downloads from LE

* Skyrim VR

* Added SkyrimVR.ini support to local settings

* Fixed potential issue enabling local saves

* Removed built-in sorting until provided by the LOOT release

* Supports downloads from LE

* Fallout 4

* MCM mods will be flagged as valid Data contents

* Fallout 4 VR

* Fixed potential issue with texture BA2 extraction

* Removed script extender code until it’s supported

* Updated settings INI file handling for local settings

* Morrowind

* Added numerous directories as valid Data contents


* Supports downloads from FNV and FO3

* Fixes for virtualized exe launchers starting in the correct locations

* Redownloading a mod archive will no longer cause failures if it finishes downloading before answering the rename prompt

* You will not be able to download the same archive multiple times simultaneously

* Mod index generation has been corrected for ESLs and sorts quickly and correctly


* Fixed WB folder in use error under specific conditions

* Avoid some extraneous mapping of files outside of the virtual folder

* Will now remember when files are deleted (during the current application run) rather than grabbing the next version of the file in the VFS

* Fix potential problem in GetModuleFileNameW hook with inadequate buffer size


Other Changes


* Removed all traces of old QScript classes

* Upgrading the boost library to 1.67

* Disabled "Hide inactive plugins" checkbox in settings as it does not work with the new vfs

* Updates to the Nexus API to use https only and migrating to the legacy-api subdomain

* Reworked the load order parsing to no longer move inactive plugins to the bottom for old games

* Skyrim LE may still do this if a tool changes the plugins.txt but not the loadorder.txt

* The C# fomod installer utility has been updated to be compatible with the latest NMM code


on the Nexusmods SkyrimSpecialEdition.


As a safety precaution, remember to back your MO2 directory before updating automatically or manually: Mod Organizer v2.1 - Upgrading and Installation

Edited by Decopauge123
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hello all.. I've been following this guide with some excitement for some time now.. especially now that the itch to dive back into Skyrim is slowly coming back.


I've been playing these packs before

Skyrim Vanilla
Skyrim Revisited - Legendary Edition

Skyrim Revisited - Legendary Edition (with my own attempt at adding LotD)

Skyrim Revisited Legendary Edition Extended - Legacy of the Dragonborn version


the most polished was definitely SRLE, and I had quite few issues when playing that. How is this pack in terms of stability and needing to xEdit, console fix etc during gameplay? I know it's in Alpha, but it's been like that for quite some time now.. I also know that SSE is supposed to be a much better platform for these modding behemoths :)

Basically what I'm asking is.. if I started to play this behemoth how many times would I be pulled out of my "immersion" needing to fix stuff? and if that amount is still somewhat high.. what is the ETA on moving the pack from alpha to beta to even release one day?


Thanks in advance and thanks for trying to make the ultimate pack.

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heads up gust the mod SSE SSE High Quality Voicesit is very big 7.2GB will make an apperance ion my next update so you all might want to get a jump start at downloading that took me over 40 mins per part to download on my crappy internet connection. Due to it's sizer I highly recommend downloading manually now back to waiting for my mass spectrometer to finish chundering.

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Is anyone else having problems with MO2 v2.1.3 unpacking BSAs automatically?


I installed "High Resolution Textures-11802-4-0-4" without setting the BSA extraction plugin to "yes", and the BSA was extracted.  I set the BSA extraction plugin to "yes", but don't get any BSA extraction dialogue.


Checking on mod page.

Edited by Decopauge123
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Is anyone else having problems with MO2 v2.1.3 unpacking BSAs automatically?


I installed "High Resolution Textures-11802-4-0-4" without setting the BSA extraction plugin to "yes", and the BSA was extracted.  I set the BSA extraction plugin to "yes", but don't get any BSA extraction dialogue.


Checking on mod page.

if you have perviosuly told the message not to appear it wont show up and just extract the BSA.

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if you have perviosuly told the message not to appear it wont show up and just extract the BSA.

OK, I fiddle with it.  If I remember correctly, I initially told MO2 to not extract BSAs.




Wait, I didn't tell MO2 anything about BSAs.  I keep fiddling.  ::):

Edited by Decopauge123
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OK, I fiddle with it.  If I remember correctly, I initially told MO2 to not extract BSAs.




Wait, I didn't tell MO2 anything about BSAs.  I keep fiddling.  ::):

I unzipped the "High Resolution Textures-11802-4-0-4" archive and there is no BSA: only interface and textures folders.

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heads up gust the mod SSE SSE High Quality Voicesit is very big 7.2GB will make an apperance ion my next update so you all might want to get a jump start at downloading that took me over 40 mins per part to download on my crappy internet connection. Due to it's sizer I highly recommend downloading manually now back to waiting for my mass spectrometer to finish chundering.

Myania has also posted SSE High Quality Music, who posted that This mod will replace the vanilla music files with new ones, in much higher quality (192kbps), made with audio records from my PS4 playthrough.

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