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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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I've seen those on the LOTD website, but most of the quest mods are already part of Lexy's guide, aren't they?


EDIT: ok, I've just seen that those two are additional to this guide:

Project AHO

Path of The Revenant (never heard of it before though)


And Skyrim Underground for new dungeons

I'm using Wheels of Lull, Ravengate - Riften Underground, Barely Used Vanilla Actors Recycle Project, Thane Weapons Reborn, Daedric Realms Volume I - The Hunting Grounds, Mystic Condenser, Ruin's Edge, Sands of Time, The Ice Blade of The Monarch, The Staff of Sheogorath. It seems like not all the extra mods I'm using are exactly additions to LOTD (at least in the SSE version)! Cases of Beyond Reach and Wyrmstooth which I'm also running. Though I think some used to be in classic. Also, knowing it's not adding stuff, I use Quaxe's Questorium. I have tried Project AHO but had a consistent CTD that I couldn't find the source of, so I uninstalled it. I used to run Skyrim Underground and thoroughly enjoyed it, but have since dropped it for Skyrim Sewers (less content but also less conflicts). Also using a ton of location mods, like Palaces and Castles Enhanced, Dawn of Skyrim, Settlements Expanded, Inncredible + More Tavern Idles, Whiterun Underground Lair, Better Docks, Solitude Exterior Addon, SNOW CITY - The Great Expansion of Windhelm (greatest Windhelm expansion I know, my port from classic, minor (really minor) overlapping with DoS and nothing affecting NPC movemen). Also using ETAC's Darkwater Crossing and JK's Dragonbridge and Rorikstead in replacement of Arthmoor's corresponding villages, besides JK's Falkreath (only Falkreath addon that I know that doesn't conflict with Helgen Reborn) and JK's Morthal. I know JK's mods add a ton of useless clutter that kills FPS and I've always wanted to address that in my build but haven't got to it yet... Still, I prefer them because they add great atmosphere that I haven't found another mod adding.

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OK, so I'm back to converting Better Dynamic Snow - NSUTR Patch.esp until we start Smashing mods.  ::): :thumbsup:

I know I also mentioned Smash here but haven't got around to testing it... Still pleased with manually resolving conflicts and Wrye Bash just does its trick for levelled lists without any configuration (besides setting up bash tags). Can a mega-merge can make all the fine decisions we make when manually patching, some of which are arbitrary (and get them all right)? What's your experience with it, Deco? Could it replace the need to manually patch most stuff?

Edited by godescalcus
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Hi minos55, at the moment the guide's policy is to not add classic Skyrim mods that need custom conversion, and wait for official ports instead... Correct me if I'm wrong.


Well All it takes is just open in CK and save, so we Kinda are doing that already arrent we?

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Also sorry for double post couldn't edit last one, but when i open wrye bash i get a warning concerning Enhanced Landscapes Marsh Pines Standalone is that normal? something about old plugin?

no the Enhanced Landscapes Marsh Pines Standalone esp should of been run the the CK then added to the trees and flora merge.


Edit: I did provide a already pre-converted esp for that one.

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Well All it takes is just open in CK and save, so we Kinda are doing that already arrent we?

Depending on the mod, it can be a little more complicated than that, you may also have to convert meshes, havok animations, even certain texture formats are no longer supported in the SE. The trouble with asking people to port mods is that the procedures are prone to error and it would be necessary to provide support to those ports on an ad-hoc basis. Again, I ask Lexy to correct me if I'm wrong, but we're only using the CK to fix mods that were "incompletely" ported, but are "official" SSE ports you can download on Nexus.


Having said that, I'm doing my own ports, one of them being the relatively complex CCOR (the port itself seems simple, but it means also porting WAFR and dealing with the patches for LOTD and several mods that are included in CCOR). But it's my problem to make them work and to figure out bugs and stuff.

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Well the mod i gave the link to is only an esp that adds the condition spotted in the quest of the thugs, so that it doesn't trigger if you didnt get spotted

You can always do the conversion for yourself :) And thanks for the heads-up, hadn't spotted that one before.


I myself am trying to convert a patch for CFTO and iNeed to make carriage and ferry trips give you the rested bonus as if you had slept. Apparently you need to set the conditions to activate the perk/effect that makes you "well rested" if you travelled by any of those means. The problem is that the classic version used for the patch doesn't match the latest SSE version exactly, and I need to remove all content related with Frostfall, which I can't. I tried it, didn't crash the game, but didn't give me the bonus either.


If anyone knows of another patch just for cfto and ineed, I'd love to use it.

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I myself am trying to convert a patch for CFTO and iNeed to make carriage and ferry trips give you the rested bonus as if you had slept. Apparently you need to set the conditions to activate the perk/effect that makes you "well rested" if you travelled by any of those means. The problem is that the classic version used for the patch doesn't match the latest SSE version exactly, and I need to remove all content related with Frostfall, which I can't. I tried it, didn't crash the game, but didn't give me the bonus either.


If anyone knows of another patch just for cfto and ineed, I'd love to use it.

Would love to see resting on carriages/ferries implemented in this guide - though the Rested perk might make more sense than Well Rested. You are, after all, on the back of a wooden cart driving over rough roads, so not going to be the best sleep you ever had.

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Would love to see resting on carriages/ferries implemented in this guide - though the Rested perk might make more sense than Well Rested. You are, after all, on the back of a wooden cart driving over rough roads, so not going to be the best sleep you ever had.

You're right. Besides, it would make less of a difference getting the same bonus from short trips or longer ones. How hard could it be to make that patch from scratch? I suppose you don't need a special script to trigger the perk and its duration, because the patch I mentioned for classic skyrim had only the plugin. So, maybe one could do it simply by either setting a condition in the "rested" perk form, or by triggering it from the "climb on back" or equivalent ferry form? I'm totally unfamiliar with these mechanics.

Edited by godescalcus
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I know I also mentioned Smash here but haven't got around to testing it... Still pleased with manually resolving conflicts and Wrye Bash just does its trick for levelled lists without any configuration (besides setting up bash tags). Can a mega-merge can make all the fine decisions we make when manually patching, some of which are arbitrary (and get them all right)? What's your experience with it, Deco? Could it replace the need to manually patch most stuff?

My only experience with Smash was back in February when it was still at Hotfix Release v0.4.1 and we were trying to decide if we wanted to use Wrye Bash or Smash.  I played with Smash and got it to work, but I really didn't know what I was doing, as I'd never played with it before.  DarkladyLexy decided to use Wrye Bash instead of Smash and I stopped playing with it.


Smash (btw) has seen two hotfix updates in the last 4 days.

[spoiler=Hotfix Release v1.0.2 (7 May 2018)]Changes


Made a few more tweaks to get ForceAll working cleanly

Added Preserve ITPOs setting

Now using UTF8 string encoding

Fixed bug with skipping first override





[spoiler=Hotfix Release v1.0.1 (3 May 2018)]Changes


Improved language loading failure message

Fixed issue with patch name on plugin selection form truncating at space

Made name of the Quick patch button more consistent

Quick Patch button now doesn't change setting for plugins set to Smash.*

Fixed issue with Smash.ForceAll


Edited by Decopauge123
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My only experience with Smash was back in February when it was still at Hotfix Release v0.4.1 and we were trying to decide if we wanted to use Wrye Bash or Smash.  I played with Smash and got it to work, but I really didn't know what I was doing, as I'd never played with it before.  DarkladyLexy decided to use Wrye Bash instead of Smash and I stopped playing with it.

Having said that, I think Smash has the potential to do what you described, but I don't see how automatic CR can completely replace manual CR.  You'll still want to check the output, especially if you have specific tweaks to the CR you want.

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Having said that, I think Smash has the potential to do what you described, but I don't see how automatic CR can completely replace manual CR.  You'll still want to check the output, especially if you have specific tweaks to the CR you want.

That's why I think I might leave Smash for TES6! Still, I'll be glad to tread on tried ground if Lexy includes it in the future.

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That's why I think I might leave Smash for TES6! Still, I'll be glad to tread on tried ground if Lexy includes it in the future.

I'll be a good little Smasher if DarkladyLexy decides to add it to her Build.  :cool:  It will be another tool I've learned how to use, and that's a good thing. :thumbsup:

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