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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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I don't understand the warning on remakng the patch for Wolf Armor and Skyforge Steel and GDO using the new ESP from the DSR optional patch.

It relates to the esp included in the Dual Sheathe Patch that you need to replace the .esp file in the Amidianborn wolf armor mod. So you would be editing the replacement esp not the original one.


On topics 'Amidianborn' related, both Scaled Armors and Saviours Hide are now obsolete as they are included in the new book of Silence update.



Thanks. I understand, sort of...


I assume we need to keep the original Skyforge weapons .esp and the edit to forward the unofficial patches from that, no?


EDIT - on second look it seems not, that the new esp in the DSR patch has the same name and thus will overwrite aMidianBornb's original .esp.  Further I assume Neo has forwarded the content from the unofficial patches and thus we do not need to edit the file to incorporate these.  I think ....


Expand "Armor" under Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and select the "00013948" node.

Right-click the "Keyword" entry for "ArmorMaterialIronBanded" in Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and select "Remove".

Right-click the "KSIZ - Keyword Count" in Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and select "Edit".

Type "6" then click [OK].

The USKP no longer bothers to remove that keyword, so that edit can probably be deleted.



I don't understand the warning on remakng the patch for Wolf Armor and Skyforge Steel and GDO using the new ESP from the DSR optional patch.

It relates to the esp included in the Dual Sheathe Patch that you need to replace the .esp file in the Amidianborn wolf armor mod. So you would be editing the replacement esp not the original one.


On topics 'Amidianborn' related, both Scaled Armors and Saviours Hide are now obsolete as they are included in the new book of Silence update.



Thanks. I understand, sort of...


I assume we need to keep the original Skyforge weapons .esp and the edit to forward the unofficial patches from that, no?


EDIT - on second look it seems not, that the new esp in the DSR patch has the same name and thus will overwrite aMidianBornb's original .esp.  Further I assume Neo has forwarded the content from the unofficial patches and thus we do not need to edit the file to incorporate these.  I think ....


Yes I forwarded the uskp change.


Did Arthmoor really not clean his mod (Point the Way)?  Or are these intentional?


He really forgot to clean it. He released the clean version today.


Expand "Armor" under Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and select the "00013948" node.

Right-click the "Keyword" entry for "ArmorMaterialIronBanded" in Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and select "Remove".

Right-click the "KSIZ - Keyword Count" in Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp and select "Edit".

Type "6" then click [OK].

The USKP no longer bothers to remove that keyword, so that edit can probably be deleted.


Will look.


Ugh...was enjoying the most stable and amazing new playthru with SR. Got to level 11...now everytime I enter a building in whiterun I get CTD...any thoughts? What a swing of emotions....was enjoying the game for the first time in a year ugh


Ugh...was enjoying the most stable and amazing new playthru with SR. Got to level 11...now everytime I enter a building in whiterun I get CTD...any thoughts? What a swing of emotions....was enjoying the game for the first time in a year ugh

Clean SR installation or, a bit more extended? Try to disable mods which modifies interiors for test (SMIM, RLO if you use, may be some others, skyrim project optimisation if you use)...





I don't understand the warning on remakng the patch for Wolf Armor and Skyforge Steel and GDO using the new ESP from the DSR optional patch.

It relates to the esp included in the Dual Sheathe Patch that you need to replace the .esp file in the Amidianborn wolf armor mod. So you would be editing the replacement esp not the original one.


On topics 'Amidianborn' related, both Scaled Armors and Saviours Hide are now obsolete as they are included in the new book of Silence update.



Thanks. I understand, sort of...


I assume we need to keep the original Skyforge weapons .esp and the edit to forward the unofficial patches from that, no?


EDIT - on second look it seems not, that the new esp in the DSR patch has the same name and thus will overwrite aMidianBornb's original .esp.  Further I assume Neo has forwarded the content from the unofficial patches and thus we do not need to edit the file to incorporate these.  I think ....

Yes I forwarded the uskp change.

Looks like I misunderstood the instructions as well - I thought it was weird to have to edit Neo's version, the instruction for DSR says to re-do the patch with AWASW and the new esp, but I read it as do all of the editing on the new .esp. The reason for this though is that I didn't see why the guide would tell you to edit the original .esp and then make a patch before throwing it out and re-doing the patch. Of course a user would need to edit the original if they were going to test the game before getting to DSR. I'm not sure that that is the reason though - could be clearer in the guide I suppose.


Anyway apologies for the misleading information - it was half right.




P.S. Neo the other two Amidianborn non-integrated mods, scaled armors and saviours hide are now integrated and so can be removed at least according to MO and the mod page.


Ugh...was enjoying the most stable and amazing new playthru with SR. Got to level 11...now everytime I enter a building in whiterun I get CTD...any thoughts? What a swing of emotions....was enjoying the game for the first time in a year ugh

If it's every building in Whiterun, then do a file search for mods that alter the 'meshes\architecture\whiterun' and 'textures\architecture\whiterun' folders and disable all of them, then selectively re-enable while testing. Might be a corrupted file that's causing the issue.

jasonstory44 Wrote: 

Ugh...was enjoying the most stable and amazing new playthru with SR. Got to level 11...now everytime I enter a building in whiterun I get CTD...any thoughts? What a swing of emotions....was enjoying the game for the first time in a year ugh

Your level is kind of irrelevant in this since it sadly does not say what you where doing at the time. Are you just following the main quest... just walking around in general.. which quests have you activated etc. etc. This sort of information is required if you hope to get any help. 


If you could go into all the buildings earlier without any issue then the problem is most likely not a mesh or texture problem. But more likely due to a mod conflict due to a quest or script of some sort. Start papyrus log´s and reload your game and try to go in now... Then check the last few entries too see which mods are going haywire, if any.


Also I assume that you have tried to start an entirely new game and went to whiterun and then see if the problem is there from the getgo.. since then it is most likely because of something you have done wrong in your install (The the before mentioned meshes or textures etc.). Another thing to try out is wait until another time of day before you enter the building... if you are using any lighting mods then this might be the issue. 


Also are you using any mods other then the SR ones ? In short we need more information :) 


Only reason I bring up my level is in the past this has been the point where major CTDs and problems have reared their ugly head. I'm running pretty much bare bones SR with a couple other mods (left hand rings, immersive weapons), have diasbled everything else for this playthru. I started out in a bandit camp and made my way to whiterun...Had CTD when entering the weapons shope and Belathors...but each resolved on reload. Was going up to Dragonsreach to disenchant some weapons and thats where now I crash everytime I try and enter.


Only changes prior to this issue...Updated Point the Way to the clean version. I wouldn't have thought that would do it.


Could it be I need to go to helgen first to get the main quest started beforeentering these buildings? I know the game is designed to have the main quest running by the time u get to whiterun. Thanks guys


Try using alternate start to begin a game in Whiterun (Breezehome and/or Companions) and see if you can enter and leave all of the buildings. Or if you have a prior save from this play through that was in Whiterun you could try using that. You need to figure out if it is something corrupted in your current save game or something in your mods.


Quick question: if I followed the STEP proper guide for mod installs could I use the SR TES5edit notes for specific cleaning procedures where applicable? I didn't do any mod cleaning after installed the latest STEP v2.2.4. Only using Wrye Bash.


Or would I be better off going back to vanilla and doing a full SR install? I think the work done on this guide is crazy awesome, wish I knew about it sooner.


What's the best course of action in doing a fresh install of Skyrim/SR when using MO? I know the wiki has some info on doing a fresh Skyrim install but it doesn't mention how to proceed with Mod Organizer when all your mods are listed. Do you have to wade through the entire mod listing, activating as you go or is it better to just delete everything and start from scratch?

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