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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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About Static Mesh Improvement Mod If you get more CTD´s all of a sudden in Riverwood then this is the most likely cause. This mod hits Riverwood hard with polygons and high quality meshes. Also the newest version is implementing 4k x 4k textures that you might not want to install! They affect lanterns... and there are quite a few lanterns around the world!

So install with care!


How will SR move from 1.8 to 1.9? Just curious, with the amount of mods in the guide.


Fortunately, I did heed your advice about turning off auto updates in Steam. Bless you! ;)


How will SR move from 1.8 to 1.9? Just curious, with the amount of mods in the guide.


Fortunately, I did heed your advice about turning off auto updates in Steam. Bless you! ;)


I'm likely going to make a backup copy of my current 1.8 then once I feel 1.9 isn't overly out of reach do an update.


How will SR move from 1.8 to 1.9? Just curious, with the amount of mods in the guide.


Fortunately, I did heed your advice about turning off auto updates in Steam. Bless you! ;)

Even though you turned off auto updates, if you run the Skyrim Launcher (vs. the SKSE launcher or ATTK launcher) you will get Skyrim 1.9 installed by Steam, so be careful not run the Skyrim Launcher.

Now that I think on it more... think I'm going to bite the bullet and do the update to get a head start. Before I do that I will make a backup of the 1.8 guide on the wiki as the "stable" build. If you have a game in progress I highly suggest you stick with that for now.


How will SR move from 1.8 to 1.9? Just curious, with the amount of mods in the guide.


Fortunately, I did heed your advice about turning off auto updates in Steam. Bless you! ;)

Even though you turned off auto updates, if you run the Skyrim Launcher (vs. the SKSE launcher or ATTK launcher) you will get Skyrim 1.9 installed by Steam, so be careful not run the Skyrim Launcher.
Thanks for the heads up! That would not have been fun. 

I have been running 1.9 most of the day here (Australia -> so that's about 10 hours gameplay), and I am not noticing any stability issues...


Currently running SR with COT 2.1 / RLO 4.0.7 (and respective patches for those) atm, and about to add Skyrim Redone and it's Proccer (with Balbour), will let you know if I see any degradation of stability...


So far I have updated the unofficial patches, and SKSE and skyUI to 3.4... and the only change that needs to be done is the set the community uncapper to autoupdate until it comes with a new version.


But the game starts and plays seemingly well enough, will do a longer play though later tonight, but for now there are not critical flaws in SR that prevents an update to 1.9.


So guys, I've only been using Mod Manager for 3 days. I have everything setup for skyrim revisited and its running great. Whats the best way to update everything?


I'm guessing let steam update the bethesda files...replace the installed packages as necessary with the updated mods and then go back thru and go thru each mod again TES5Edit and make all changes suggested in the guide again?


I also need to reclean all my esp.s with the new and updated TES5edit. Is there an easy way to reinstall the original esp that MO stores? Or best just to resinstall all mods that need cleaning from scratch? Thanks guys


Jason: Make a backup of your 1.8 setup first


Then update the game via steam.


Update SKSE


Update the unofficial patches


In the community uncapper ini set the autoupdate entry =1


This will allow you to start the game without issue. At least mine does, and I got more mods installed then SR... as for how stable it is I wont find out until later tonight! :D


Hi Neo.  Was just wondering if the new dspsob would be 1.8 or 1.9 compatible?  And if the former how long before we see it?


No rush, but it affects whether I start a play through now or whether I wait to upgrade and most of the big mods like COT to come out with all the new goodies (eg another month).


Its frustrating that we have this beautiful mod and I haven't even played past a few minutes into the story.


Hi Neo.  Was just wondering if the new dspsob would be 1.8 or 1.9 compatible?  And if the former how long before we see it?


No rush, but it affects whether I start a play through now or whether I wait to upgrade and most of the big mods like COT to come out with all the new goodies (eg another month).


Its frustrating that we have this beautiful mod and I haven't even played past a few minutes into the story.


Right now it is built with 1.8 as the 1.9 creation kit has not been released yet. Obviously not finished yet either of course. Works great for the most part ATM and think I just discovered how to fix the last issue I was having (pending more testing).


I'm my own worst enemy with my rigorous testing.


Just wish I had more time... between work, family, and being sick recently(damned cold) I haven't gotten to work on it as much as expected.


Okay finished with my test run for tonight.

No really bad issues or bugs so far. Tried with all mods activated expect magic duel, since that is just too buggy for me to use, perhaps I will use it again when the author updates it to his reborn version.


Also works nice with CoT and RLO etc.


In fact the performance increase and better memory management does show! I could run for much longer before my first CTD, and I noticed that in general the game was much better at keeping the RAM usage below 3Gb in areas that easily went past it before if I had traveled around. So I see no reason not to recommend an update.

I did a little tes5edit checking and compared it with the guide... most entries are still valid since most of the mods are not updated yet so no real reason to go through everything once more after you update. Better to just wait until a mod gets updated, and then look it over as part of that process.

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