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Posted (edited)

I sent a pm to Lifestorock awhile ago. He replied but because of the number/amount of items in there it basically was on me to compile my own lists. I think he's working on some other mods as well. However, it has been a few months. I honestly don't know how to fix the ICH part. The recipes are easy and actually in a patch I made for my own game.


Edit: I should have prefaced that with the fact I was talking to him about Skyre and the reproccer. At the time I didn't know how the reproccer handled recipes and things, so my focus was more on stats and whatnot crafting. I didn't ask specifically about ICH.


Edit2: Kryptopyr is aware of the crafting issues and following things with SRLE. I can't speak for him but he's continuing to work on CCO and WAF. I'm not implying there will be an ICH fix only that CCO/WAF will continue to improve. In fact, there's a automation tool available on the CCOR nexus forums that can handle the recipe issues.

Edited by ipmlj
  On 8/11/2014 at 2:10 AM, Neovalen said:

To the topic of SiC Helmets...He basically made a copy of every vanilla armor set in the game for use in his mod.

Does anyone know WHY he did this?  I assume there is some reason that necessitated it, but even beyond all the patching this requires, I find it a bit annoying to have all those duplicate items in the game.


So would the better solution not be to alter the vanilla meshes with proper ones then ? It is not like the change would be globally bad... assuming the meshes have all the proper values. 


I never get it why 360 walk and run plus is never included when making such STEPs.I mean how on earth the vanilla walking and running style is acceptable to modders.

I also highly recommend immersive sound aural assortment 

 Elaborate Textiles

Other than that most mod i would would be prone to much debate but these three i am sure makes game much more immersive and fit with subtlety in game.

I also like immersive npc in dark.

I am listing only what else i  like that was not included in  your SRsetup.( i learned about iShadowMapResolution=2048 tweak.Thanx for that.)


Regarding the SIC items, I don't know why they are in there. They look like normal items to me. The majority are not playable. It would probably be easier to just flag them all as non-playable and let the npcs drop whatever loot is in their loot table.


Decent size updates today, any questions or concerns please ask. :D New Unofficial Patches got dropped, I didn't see anything major that should blow up any patches or anything so I went ahead and updated. Will see as mods update over the next days.

  On 8/11/2014 at 11:55 AM, kryptopyr said:

Does anyone know WHY he did this?  I assume there is some reason that necessitated it, but even beyond all the patching this requires, I find it a bit annoying to have all those duplicate items in the game.

I believe he duplicated the armors to add support for the beast skeleton races that are incorporated in the mod.

  On 8/12/2014 at 8:37 AM, vidalia said:

I believe he duplicated the armors to add support for the beast skeleton races that are incorporated in the mod.

The additional racial support was my first thought, but why not simply add the new armor addon records to the existing armors?  This would have avoided duplication, the need to create all the new tempering recipes, and would have made patching for other mods much easier.  Actually, I can probably answer my own question: this would have made patches more essential, since SIC would be directly overwriting changes to the armors made by other mods, so I suspect it was probably done to avoid this.  Still, it makes patching for consistency's sake much more tiresome.


I think ipmlj's suggestion to flag most of the armors as non-playable is probably the easiest solution for patching, particularly if many of the armors are already flagged this way (I didn't think this was the case, though).  Armors for ghosts and specters are almost always marked as unplayable in the vanilla game (since the armor is supposedly spectral as well, and it would lose this appearance if dropped), and armors for goblins and other odd creatures could conceivably be too mis-shapened for the majority of the playable races to wear.  If many of the new armors are being used by humainoid skeletons, though, then this still isn't an ideal solution.

  On 8/12/2014 at 2:02 PM, kryptopyr said:

The additional racial support was my first thought, but why not simply add the new armor addon records to the existing armors?  This would have avoided duplication, the need to create all the new tempering recipes, and would have made patching for other mods much easier.  Actually, I can probably answer my own question: this would have made patches more essential, since SIC would be directly overwriting changes to the armors made by other mods, so I suspect it was probably done to avoid this.  Still, it makes patching for consistency's sake much more tiresome.


I think ipmlj's suggestion to flag most of the armors as non-playable is probably the easiest solution for patching, particularly if many of the armors are already flagged this way (I didn't think this was the case, though).  Armors for ghosts and specters are almost always marked as unplayable in the vanilla game (since the armor is supposedly spectral as well, and it would lose this appearance if dropped), and armors for goblins and other odd creatures could conceivably be too mis-shapened for the majority of the playable races to wear.  If many of the new armors are being used by humainoid skeletons, though, then this still isn't an ideal solution.

Yes I guess the author's intent was to avoid making edits to the vanilla armors and thereby conflicts with other mods.


If I remember correctly the armor worn by ghosts, specters, goblins and SIC variations of dremora are indeed marked as unplayable but the armored skeletons wear lootable/playable armor. Also SIC adds playable variations of the Falmer and Draugr armors...


I can certainly understand the desire to avoid conflicts, but I don't think creating duplicates is generally a very good practice for doing this.  Can you imagine if every mod author did the same thing to try to avoid making conflicting changes to the vanilla records?  Sure, it would probably reduce the number of patches, but we'd end up with, for example, 20 different iron armors, many with slightly differing stats, keywords, names, etc.  And this sort of thing isn't nearly as easy to resolve with TES5Edit or other tools.  At any rate, it is what it is.  Fortunately, there aren't many modders that have chosen to take that route.

Posted (edited)


Files to merge:

Custom Options:

  • Uncheck "Renumber FormIDs"

Output file:

  • SRLE_CoTMerge.esp

Special Instructions:

  • Post merge rename output file to CoT-WeatherPatch.esp to maintain compatibility with patches and BOSS ordering.

What last section means? Post merge rename....??


What exacly shoud we do with this SRLE_CoTMerge.esp file? Should I make another folder and name it "Merge CoT", then put this SRLE file inside and activate it.


What about merged files in folders? One file is not merged (I think it's ..Night:Level.esp) while this 6 mentioned here are. And that file stands inside folder that i need to uncheck.


It would be easy if all folder contains only one file. And that Merge guide was not helpfull (the source mod). What is source mod in this case as there are lot of sources here.


Could you explain little bit more where i need to put SRLE file and do I need to leave other folders checked, but the files that i merged put in "Optional Tab".


The way I understood merging is that you can merge more plugins into one preserving plugins space while you have to activate merged plugin and uncheck plugins that you use to create merge one.


Hope you will understand

Edited by killmenow

What you need to do is change the name of SRLE_CoTMerge.esp to CoT-WeatherPatch.esp once you have completed the merge.


There is no instruction to install any of the night level patches so you should not have any of them in the source mod (In this case CoT Weather Patch).


Place this file in the CoT Weather Patch folder (after you have moved all the .esp files into the optional folder - right click mod then select Information then select optional esps then use that to move all the non-merged esp files into optional).


This will leave you with your merged esp now called CoT-WeatherPatch.esp and can now be sorted correctly by BOSS.


Hope this helps.



  • +1 1

Good, but if inside folder where is CoT-WeatherPatch.esp (the real one) is another esp that is not used for merging, should i move that to optional or leave it?


I do understand to move files to optional (ones that i merged), just not clear with steps. Like, if i mege 10 files from 10 folders. Can I create 1 folder for merge one and uncheck all others. Don't mean that i put them in optional tab, just to uncheck complete mods.


Or could i put merge file into one of these folders and move other files that i use for merging to optional tab?

And how do i determine in which folder to put merge one. In this case is the folder where CoT-WeatherPatch.esp was existed. But why exactly in this one folder? Is this cause it's "Main file" and all others are depend on him?


Or both of this steps are correct?

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