Neovalen Posted May 11, 2013 Author Posted May 11, 2013 Quote Just a little note regarding Blaze of Eventide - the mod author indicates that it should be added to Automatic Variants block list, or Blaze will be assigned a normal skin. Is having a "normal" skin the intention of SR?No normal skin is not the intent, however as many times as I've cast Blaze I've never had the issue described...
Solist Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 xp32 released a new XP32 Maximum Skeleton that fixed some bits in the original 1.6 release today.
statmonster Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 With Skytest and Hearthfires - is there a conflict in Worldspace, 0001A26F, 0001A270, Block 0, -1, Sub-block 0, -1, 0001A276 (Whiterun Plains District04), XCLN Location? Or does this not matter?
statmonster Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 Quote A proper install for full SR using the new installer is:BetterQuestObjectives.espBetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-MoonlightMasteryPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-NECPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-PersidRRentalPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-TheChoiceIsYoursPatch.espand of course the scripts folder. All the DLC options you selected are merged into the main plugin. Using the MO Integrated FOMOD installer fails to install "BetterQuestObjectives-MoonlightMasteryPatch.esp". Unticking this and installing with the mod's installer works fine.
Aiyen Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 Man... we really need to make a rule that we only update Apachii natural textures once a week! That mod has the most silly update schedule ever, considering the size of the mod! :D
WilliamImm Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 Quote Using the MO Integrated FOMOD installer fails to install "BetterQuestObjectives-MoonlightMasteryPatch.esp". Unticking this and installing with the mod's installer works fine. This is why I said to not use the integrated FOMOD installer on the main page of the mod. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Vond Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 In regards to SkyTEST, SR guide only mentions cleaning needed for the main file. While the Dawnguard module is clean, Dragonborn module has 17 ITMs
Vond Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 Quote Here is whats going on with Dagi-Raht Khajiit (and also with Ethereal Elven Overhaul, etc): is back online as of right now, so I'd expect the other mods to be available once again soon.Â
dstansberry Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 As an ease-of-use suggestion, the installation instructions for SkyTest indicate a conflict with Ars Metallica (and the solution), but the instructions appear in the guide prior to the installation of Ars Metallica itself. It might be easier to attach the patch info to the Ars Metallica installation (or perhaps reference it during that portion of the installation for folks like me who aren't bright enough to bounce back and forth without forgetting something. :o)
statmonster Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 Looks like the Paarthurnax Dilemma got updated to 1.2.4. And TESVEedit is being updated - More Cleaning to Come! Changes: Version 1.2.4 Minor script optimizations. Updated cleaning with TES5Edit 3.0.30. (Unless Arthmoor meant 3.0.29)
Vond Posted May 11, 2013 Posted May 11, 2013 tes5edit wasn't updated yet, he's using the pre-release version
Vond Posted May 12, 2013 Posted May 12, 2013 Interesting read about Duel that I figured should be shared here, considering it's currently the combat overhaul of choice for SR: Quoting only the last part: Quote Conclusion:At first glance, DUEL looks like a remarkably impressive mod.The description page is huge, detailed, and seemingly very well documented. Looks can be deceiving.DUEL only makes 100 Record edits (many of which do nothing) and has less than 7 kb in scripts, making it a lightweight in the modding community.It wouldn't take an experienced modder longer than an hour or two to reproduce DUEL. It is by no means an intricate mod. The only thing huge about DUEL is the number of modding malpractices the author managed to cram into such a tiny package.I've looked through many mods in my search to build a good load order, and I can say that on a semi-objective level,that the author of DUEL has managed to put more mistakes per unit space into DUEL than any other mod I've ever examine. The blocking mechanic is broken.The stagger engine causes minor bloat and functions based on RNG.The sneak tweaks are unnecessary, as are most of the other minor edits made by the mod.And the combat AI adjustments are for all intents and purposes, non existent. At the end of the day, the only thing impressive about DUEL is its massive description page.Perhaps the author should stick to flowcharts rather than making mods.
statmonster Posted May 12, 2013 Posted May 12, 2013 The new animals in Riverwood behave strangely when attacked. The goose had no loot when killed (it didn't try to flee but I might have killed it in 1-2 blows). The pig just stood there while i killed it - no loot. The first cow stood there while I kill it - had loot. The cow tried to run away when I attacked it - but got stuck in some trees. The bull tried to come save it and attacked me. I don't know why the pig and the first cow just stood there while I hacked away at them.
statmonster Posted May 12, 2013 Posted May 12, 2013 Quote Interesting read about Duel that I figured should be shared here, considering it's currently the combat overhaul of choice for SR: Brutal! Does make one wonder whether we should be using it. Some testing seems justified. I would also be interested in others judgement of his critique. I do appreciate his attempt to look under the hood of mods and see what they actually do. One questions re his archery critique - using Duel, NPCs will often cower behind cover when being shot at - Is this also a a vanilla thing? I thought it was form Duel. When I looked around at various combat mods (such as Duel, Deadly Combat, Duke Patrick's and larger overhauls such ACE, SkeRe, etc.) the attraction of Duel was that it was lightweight but promised to make combat more interesting. Grimy's own SkyAI was also interesting.
walkman80 Posted May 12, 2013 Posted May 12, 2013 Quote Interesting read about Duel that I figured should be shared here, considering it's currently the combat overhaul of choice for SR: Quoting only the last part: Quote Conclusion:At first glance, DUEL looks like a remarkably impressive mod.The description page is huge, detailed, and seemingly very well documented. Looks can be deceiving.DUEL only makes 100 Record edits (many of which do nothing) and has less than 7 kb in scripts, making it a lightweight in the modding community.It wouldn't take an experienced modder longer than an hour or two to reproduce DUEL. It is by no means an intricate mod. The only thing huge about DUEL is the number of modding malpractices the author managed to cram into such a tiny package.I've looked through many mods in my search to build a good load order, and I can say that on a semi-objective level,that the author of DUEL has managed to put more mistakes per unit space into DUEL than any other mod I've ever examine. The blocking mechanic is broken.The stagger engine causes minor bloat and functions based on RNG.The sneak tweaks are unnecessary, as are most of the other minor edits made by the mod.And the combat AI adjustments are for all intents and purposes, non existent. At the end of the day, the only thing impressive about DUEL is its massive description page.Perhaps the author should stick to flowcharts rather than making mods.Wow, impressive read. I'm not qualified enough to lean one way or the other, and I only played vanilla briefly. But I don't remember the enemy tactics when using archery, for example, being as varied as they are when Duel is enabled. I could be wrong though and now I'm interested for sure.
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