ninilenain Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 hi neovalen do you plan to add "pure waters" in the future (last version seems great) thx
Aiyen Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 SR is using WATER instead of pure water. Mainly because it has more features and some extra options that are nice. If you just like the pure waters texture more, you can install WATER and then make copies of a texture from pure water, and rename them so they fit with the WATER file names. Pure waters has 3 different textures WATER has different textures for different types of water and also some normal maps etc. You only need to replace the ones called "ocean, river" etc. Then you get the best from both if you are so inclined. Aside from a small (hardly worth mentioning but it is there) color issue with the waves option in WATER DB then everything fits together nicely. This effect is also strongly dependent upon ENB and/or lighting mods you might be using.
ninilenain Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Quote SR is using WATER instead of pure water.Mainly because it has more features and some extra options that are nice. If you just like the pure waters texture more, you can install WATER and then make copies of a texture from pure water, and rename them so they fit with the WATER file names.Pure waters has 3 different texturesWATER has different textures for different types of water and also some normal maps etc.You only need to replace the ones called "ocean, river" etc. Then you get the best from both if you are so inclined.Aside from a small (hardly worth mentioning but it is there) color issue with the waves option in WATER DB then everything fits together nicely. This effect is also strongly dependent upon ENB and/or lighting mods you might be using.thx Aiyeni m using RealVision ENBÂ i m going to try your tutoninilenain
Neovalen Posted April 25, 2013 Author Posted April 25, 2013 'Iroha said: Quote 'Neovalen said: After reviewing the current state of SR (and the Bash Patch created)' date=' I have decided to NOT use a Bash Patch. Will update the guide to this recommendation for now. It's currently not providing any benefit and is actually causing detriment with Trade and Barter.[/quote']Interesting. I've been having trouble with Trade and Barter. (The merchant golds does not re-spawn consistently correctly.) What is the issue? Is it specifically related to some other mod in SR or some other cause? Will the lack of a bashed patch cause issues with other mods that we might add to SR? High Level Enemies?Skyrim Immerisve Creatures?101 Bugs?Diverse Guards?Cloaks or Winter is Coming?Deadly Dragons?Coin Replacer?Stealth Skills Reblanced?ASIS?How do you tell it is not needed? (I'd like to look through the one I have and check.) EDIT: I think I see what you mean about Trade and Barter - some of it's settings are being overwritten. The author thought it important that the Merchant Gold values all be set to "Use All"' date=' but the Bashed Patch is changing them to something else.[/quote']we must use bashed patch for Skyrim Immerisve Creatures and High level enemies and all that alter levelled lists (spawn of npc, loot, stats of items etc.), overwise we can lose some content. We don't need bashed patch if we have few mods that alters levelled lists (mods that alters LL listed in bashed patch.esp->right click->rebuild->levelled lists. Well, those that known by BOSS and/or those which have tags assigned by authors or by you). Technically, you can create bashed patch without trade and barter, rename it and move up, I don't know in which section trade barter placed by BOSS - never installed it - I already have much MCM mods and one more mod with settings I'll never tweak seems redundant for me. No offence. I think that skyrim economy is miserable too. ASIS is post-bashed patch. and it benefits from bashed patch (if you've build it). No offense taken here, use what you want this your game after all. I'm just stating that in its current state the bash patch does more harm than good. Could just be bad tagging from BOSS but honestly I'm not a bash patch guru. Will evaluate on a case by case basis moving forward but for base SR its not needed and is detrimental. As far as settings tweaks... probably going to post my recommended in game settings tonight.
statmonster Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 I'm wondering if using BUM to move T&B down below the Bashed Patch in order might help. (Building my an compatibility patch between T&B and Bashed seems like a lot of work if it has to be rebuilt everytime I run WB to update the Bashed Patch.). I think I'd like to keep using a Bashed Patch for High Evelyn Enemies, ASIS and maybe Skyrim Immersive Creatures (Lore Friendly Version) if I add that. But the way the patch screws up vendor's gold is pretty obnoxious. I think it also used to do ths to Economics of Skyrim too.
Luinithil Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Quote SR is using WATER instead of pure water.Mainly because it has more features and some extra options that are nice. If you just like the pure waters texture more, you can install WATER and then make copies of a texture from pure water, and rename them so they fit with the WATER file names.Pure waters has 3 different texturesWATER has different textures for different types of water and also some normal maps etc.You only need to replace the ones called "ocean, river" etc. Then you get the best from both if you are so inclined.Aside from a small (hardly worth mentioning but it is there) color issue with the waves option in WATER DB then everything fits together nicely. This effect is also strongly dependent upon ENB and/or lighting mods you might be using.Thanks Aiyen. I'm just wondering how does one know which of the Pure Waters textures is the right one to rename/replace the WATER texture with? Open it up in NifSkope? I'm assuming that is for lakes, while would be for any body of water that's moving? But then what would be replacing? Fast moving water? *is muddled* Any help is appreciated.
statmonster Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Have you looked at using Dungeon Treasure instead of Coin Replacer? There's a note on STEP suggesting using the former. Comments in the latter indicate it can cause issues with the weight functions. Do your edits correct this?
Aiyen Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Quote Thanks Aiyen. I'm just wondering how does one know which of the Pure Waters textures is the right one to rename/replace the WATER texture with? Open it up in NifSkope? I'm assuming that is for lakes, while would be for any body of water that's moving? But then what would be replacing? Fast moving water? *is muddled* Any help is appreciated.There are only 3 different textures, so just try them out. My test was very limited, since I found out how to fix my ENB issue with WATER, so I had no more need for the pure waters texture. I did not find any big issues with mixing the types... but then again I did not know where to look properly. So no promises. As for the bashed patch issue... would it not be enough to just remove trade and barter from the bashed patch ?
rootsrat Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Hi Neo. Some feedback and troubleshoot question at the same time. I am actually not using SR - I have my own Skyrim build, however I follow your mod cleaning and patching suggestions. I am stuck at creating patch for Realistic Room Rental Enhanced and Bring Out Your Dead. In the instructions you state: Quote Expand "Non-Player Character (Actor)" under RealisticRoomRental.esp and select the "00013479" node.Right-click the column for RealisticRoomRental.esp and select "Copy as override into...".Select "" and click [OK]. In the resulting text box type "RRR-BOYD Patch".Drag the "Script" record named "WIDeadBodyCleanupScript" from Bring Out Your Dead.esp to RRR-BOYD Patch.esp.I am unable to see said script record, all I see is this: Shall I look somewhere else for the "WIDeadBodyCleanupScript" record? It is not very clear to a newbie like me ;)
Neovalen Posted April 25, 2013 Author Posted April 25, 2013 Quote Hi Neo. Some feedback and troubleshoot question at the same time. I am actually not using SR - I have my own Skyrim build, however I follow your mod cleaning and patching suggestions. I am stuck at creating patch for Realistic Room Rental Enhanced and Bring Out Your Dead. In the instructions you state: Quote Expand "Non-Player Character (Actor)" under RealisticRoomRental.esp and select the "00013479" node.Right-click the column for RealisticRoomRental.esp and select "Copy as override into...".Select "" and click [OK]. In the resulting text box type "RRR-BOYD Patch".Drag the "Script" record named "WIDeadBodyCleanupScript" from Bring Out Your Dead.esp to RRR-BOYD Patch.esp.I am unable to see said script record, all I see is this: Shall I look somewhere else for the "WIDeadBodyCleanupScript" record? It is not very clear to a newbie like me ;) Update your TES5Edit sir.
Neovalen Posted April 25, 2013 Author Posted April 25, 2013 Quote Have you looked at using Dungeon Treasure instead of Coin Replacer? There's a note on STEP suggesting using the former. Comments in the latter indicate it can cause issues with the weight functions. Do your edits correct this? Haven't seen dungeon treasure until today... will look.
rootsrat Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 Quote Update your TES5Edit sir. I knew I was missing a file in a tracking centre on Nexus... Thanks!
DanielCoffey Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 NeoValen - I would like to thank you for the detail you went into when formatting the Guide. After multiple sessions over several days I have just finished the installation adhering very strictly to the Guide. Apart from one case of User Error where I missed an optional in Race Menu (hardly surprising given there are around 360 mods or optionals to be installed) the game fired up flawlessly first time. Excellent work, sir. I do have one recommendation for an edit to the Guide, specifically to do with the version description for the Better Males mod... You currently state "Geonox Faces Without Beard, FavoredSoul Meshes" as the download options to select. The first was obvious but I got the second file wrong. The only reference to FavoredSoul Meshes in the file titles pointed to the two naked versions. I incorrectly assumed that clothing would be applied later and picked the second version. I would suggest that you change the recommendation to "Geonox Faces Without Beard, Underwear - Default". Let us just say that in the Keep under Helgen, when Ralof told me to help myself to Gunjar's gear, Gunjar was a... um... bigger boy than I was expecting! Talk about surprised! I felt decidedly weird getting dressed as I found my eyes dragged back to Gunjar's corpse! I also have further questions which are mainly to do with subsequent optimisation... 1. Do you advise running the ModOrganizer directory through DDSopt to resize any large textures down to 2048? I know you can tell DDSopt to put any resized textures into a new directory and they could be packaged so that they can be turned on or off if needed. 2. Would it be advisable to select any of the Apachii SkyHair styles that we know we don;t want to use and remove them as recommended in this tutorial or is there no benefit once we are past the character generation screen? Do random bandits select from that list of new hairstyles too?
Vond Posted April 25, 2013 Posted April 25, 2013 As for 2., there is no instability caused by Apachii if you grab the optional download from RaceMenu. :) And no, NPCs won't use those hairs unless you have a mod that specifically tells them to do so
Neovalen Posted April 25, 2013 Author Posted April 25, 2013 Quote Let us just say that in the Keep under Helgen, when Ralof told me to help myself to Gunjar's gear, Gunjar was a... um... bigger boy than I was expecting! Talk about surprised! I felt decidedly weird getting dressed as I found my eyes dragged back to Gunjar's corpse! I also have further questions which are mainly to do with subsequent optimisation... 1. Do you advise running the ModOrganizer directory through DDSopt to resize any large textures down to 2048? I know you can tell DDSopt to put any resized textures into a new directory and they could be packaged so that they can be turned on or off if needed. 2. Would it be advisable to select any of the Apachii SkyHair styles that we know we don;t want to use and remove them as recommended in this tutorial or is there no benefit once we are past the character generation screen? Do random bandits select from that list of new hairstyles too? Your proclivities for staring at male genitalia are your own sir and are of no concern to me. ;) The mod is clearly marked as adult content and that was indeed the intent in my recommendations for realism. I do not shy away from such things. 1) I usually DDSOpt my texture files and place them in their own mod directory only if I am changing size (I.e. halving normals). 2) Apachii hairs are only for the player as currently implemented. So beyond char creation no benefit.
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