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Updating from version 1.1.18 for USLEEP



Hello to one and all.  I am hoping very much my solution to updating problems I have may work.   Last time I tried to update by overwriting MO to  where I have MO on my computer, which in my case was My Documents, My Games (yes, I know it is not the best place for it, and it should really be in the steam/steam apps/common/skyrim folder), I had umpteen error messages about missing dll files (despite the fact the dll files were all there in the original folder, not to mention the new folder being pasted in) and unsupported image formats, that I - thankfully - just put back my 'back up' MO v 1.1.18 back from an external drive and carried on playing.   The only reason I wanted to update was I found I could no longer endorse mods, which was very annoying as some mod creators were convinced I hadn't even downloaded their mods.


Recently, though, I thought I would update to USLEEP, so following the excellent video from Gamer Poets, I tried using the USLEEP swap masters script following downloading latest unofficial patches and the USLEEP patch.  However, I noticed that in the right pane plug in, the latest unofficial skyrim patch would no longer allow itself to be placed at the top above the other unofficial patches. A check on google suggests this is because I am using MO 1.1.18 and need to update.


Therefore, I am thinking of installing latest MO to the steam/steam apps/common/skyrim folder, and simply moving my mods and profiles folders over from where i have MO 1.18, then deleting 1.1.18.   Will the new MO automatically work with the mods and profiles ok?  Many thanks for any assistance.

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MO does not need to be installed anywhere specific to work, it is preferable to install it away from any UAC folders such as "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)".

  • Make a folder anywhere and install MO.
  • Copy over the 'downloads', 'mods' & 'profile' folders from your external drive
  • Verify that the settings are pointing to those folders
  • Play
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Thanks for the swift reply.  It worked very well where it was, auto updated fine until v 1.1.18 which then required an manual update, but when  i tried to do the manual update overwriting 1.1.18 it was a disaster and unfortunately my technical knowledge was not good enough to understand why I got the annoying and numerous error messages.  


Do I need to delete the old MO 1.1.18 in My Documents/My Games folder after I have transferred the downloads, profiles and mods folders before firing up the latest version in the steam/steam apps/common/skyrim folder?  I appreciate what you say re. it not being necessary to put it there, nonetheless I thought I would follow the gamer poets video as much as I could, which is where he seems to install MO.


I thought the settings were to ensure the executables paths were correct, and that MO would automatically use the old folders I transfer across, as they will be in the same MO folder?   Anyways, i suppose I will soon see if it has picked up the mods and profiles.

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Yes, remove the old install once you have moved everything across. Why? When you download files from Nexus the 'nxm' handler from the previous install will probably install them into the old location.

To be sure, once you have the new one installed click the globe icon to initiate a Nexus page, this should force the new MO to be used for all future downloads. Running "NXMHandler.exe" from within the MO folder will also do this.


MO will automatically use the folders if you move everything into the defaults, but it never hurts to check. ;)

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Well, some interesting points...thanks so much.   It seems to have worked - mods and profiles are shown in the new latest version MO UI, the game starts using the new MO shortcut on my desktop, nexus can indeed be summoned by clicking on the globe, I set executable paths for FNIS and Bodyslide and see it recognizes LOOT and Creation kit in their location in program files, but I shall move these also to skyrim folder and reset their executables accordingly.


 But, there's always gonna be a slight hiccup, and sure enough despite filling in the nexus tab on workarounds with my nexus name and password and having 'automatically log in to nexus' ticked, at the top of the MO UI it states - not logged in - and sure enough I still can't endorse mods - I get the highly annoying java message saying I haven't downloaded the mod and cannot endorse.   Perhaps this is due to the nxm handler you mention in the old MO install.


In addition, despite being ticked, I am not sure apacheskyhair is working and a few other little details I can't quite put a finger on.  I suspect, perhaps, it's because I need to redo the USLEEP swap masters script again following gamerpoets video.


As for my older v 1.1.18 MO, it no longer has any mods or profiles loaded when activated, just the unmanaged skyui, ipsleep, hearthfires, dragonborn and dawguard, which I unticked.  I shall back this up and delete it from my docs/my games folder.    Many thanks for the support.  Much appreciated.

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For the Nexus problem. Try right clicking in the left pane and select "All Mods" and then "Check all for update". MO will filter the display, which you can reset from the filter panel, and try a download again.

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 But, there's always gonna be a slight hiccup, and sure enough despite filling in the nexus tab on workarounds with my nexus name and password and having 'automatically log in to nexus' ticked, at the top of the MO UI it states - not logged in - and sure enough I still can't endorse mods - I get the highly annoying java message saying I haven't downloaded the mod and cannot endorse.   Perhaps this is due to the nxm handler you mention in the old MO install.


Check the FAQ, about 15 questions down the list.

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Just about there. Thanks to all who have helped.  I sorted the logged in by opening nxm handler in the folder directly, so MO now reads logged in.  I have LOOT working, and now just need to redo the usleep master script swap things for all profiles.  


Still cannot endorse some mods, however, so tried the right click left pane mod and select 'update mods'..........but I now have a square, red highlighted area of mods that are not the latest update.....how on earth do i get rid of this and get back to my usual left pane with the mods in order???  MO is annoyingly unintuitive at times.   

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Posted (edited)

new post as for some reason I don't have permission to edit my own damm posts. Jeez, what a day. anyways.....


Grrrrrahhhh!!!!!!!! After all that gnashing of teeth and cursing the lack of intuitive step to reverse the red highlighted panel of mods needing updates,  (nothing in the filter menu would 'reset' the damm thing ) closing MO and then.... by sheer chance hitting priority to get my mod left pane back......I still cannot endorse nexus mods!!  This surely has to be a problem at nexus end, as my new MO is running as it should?

Edited by TboneTones
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Posted (edited)

....and despite managing to edit the previous post...but not the one before it....once again, I don't have permission to edit what i edited a few minutes ago....so...sorry for yet another post....( I need a drink! lol)  However........I can endorse mods.    ::):   Although, I still get the java message that I cannot for the odd one or two...perhaps I am going too quick, as it seems to take a little while to register...but I have endorsed a good half dozen.  Hopefully, I will never have to touch that 'update all mods' red highlighted trap nightmare again.....and can just use MO to play da game   ::D: .  Peace, and thanks again for the help and advice.

Edited by TboneTones
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Just about there. Thanks to all who have helped.  I sorted the logged in by opening nxm handler in the folder directly, so MO now reads logged in.  I have LOOT working, and now just need to redo the usleep master script swap things for all profiles.  


Still cannot endorse some mods, however, so tried the right click left pane mod and select 'update mods'..........but I now have a square, red highlighted area of mods that are not the latest update.....how on earth do i get rid of this and get back to my usual left pane with the mods in order???  MO is annoyingly unintuitive at times.   

Once you have applied a filter and want to go back to the unfiltered list, right click on any of the filters (like ) and click Deselect Filter. Repeat this for any selected filters until the text changes to Filter () at the bottom.

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Thanks for the tip, Greg.   I can now select that update mods, get the red highlight and get back out of it.  What I cannot do, or at least to any degree of consistency, is endorse mods.


  I manged to endorse one, via right clicking one in MO and selecting endorse.   Great, i thought, I have cracked it.......but no.....no other mods would permit themselves to be endorsed, and nexus sends me the 'you haven't downloaded this mod, etc etc' nonsense, which is now wearing a bit thin, frankly. 


 All seems to be working tip top in MO, I am logged in, can download, post comments, run FNIS, TES5Edit.....what I cannot do is visit nexus forums for some damm bizarre reason, and endorse mods.   It is not so much myself I am bothered about...but these mod creators have spent time and skills making amazing mods, and dumb nexus will not allow me to endorse their efforts.

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Thanks for the tip, Greg.   I can now select that update mods, get the red highlight and get back out of it.  What I cannot do, or at least to any degree of consistency, is endorse mods.


  I manged to endorse one, via right clicking one in MO and selecting endorse.   Great, i thought, I have cracked it.......but no.....no other mods would permit themselves to be endorsed, and nexus sends me the 'you haven't downloaded this mod, etc etc' nonsense, which is now wearing a bit thin, frankly. 


 All seems to be working tip top in MO, I am logged in, can download, post comments, run FNIS, TES5Edit.....what I cannot do is visit nexus forums for some damm bizarre reason, and endorse mods.   It is not so much myself I am bothered about...but these mod creators have spent time and skills making amazing mods, and dumb nexus will not allow me to endorse their efforts.

Could you please invoke the context menu on one of those mods that are not allowing you to endorse and select "Open in explorer". Open the 'Meta.ini' file with Notepad and paste the contents here inside spoiler tags.

If you're not sure how to do that check the STEP Citizenship Guidelines link found at the bottom right of every page, that will also explain to you why you can't edit posts.


Generally speaking ANY issue with Nexus, as called from MO is due to:

  • a change in how Nexus handles things such as the cookies that store that information (not likely in this case)
  • MO has a copy of incorrect data in its 'webcache' folder which can be fixed by deleting the contents of that folder (possibly the case in this instance)
  • the user is not logged in as the same user that downloaded the file originally (not likely)
  • the file is not from Nexus (?)
  • the internet connection is flaky and commands are not being processed in time for a response (?)
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@GrantSp.   Okay, thanks for that.  I now understand why I couldn't edit a post.   As for the meta.ini....here it comes for the noticeboard mod.




installationFile=The Notice Board-70142-2-2.rar
nexusDescription="manny.png?dl=1&token_hash=AAEIEPhxKj2lO3\r<br />\r<br />V1DZCmn.jpg\xa0 \xa0\r<br />

vwtqpWt_jbk jcEs1UQft2M ptc9lnybtaI \r<br />\r<br />Welcome to\r<br />MannyGT\x2019s Skyrim Mods\r<br />THE NOTICE BOARD\r<br />RADIANT QUEST OVERHAUL AND FRAMEWORK

\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />

* WARNING *\r<br />This mod will destroy your social life\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />* AVAILABLE TRANSLATIONS *\r<br />

Italian Spanish French Czech Russian German\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />* DESCRIPTION *

\r<br />\r<br />This mod adds new and alternative radiant (and side) quests. It was inspired from other good games like The Witcher which make use of notice boards in their gameplay. There are two kinds of notice boards:\r<br />\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 Quest notes Notice board\xa0 \x2013 always on a pole with and candles\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 Messages Notice board \x2013 it\x2019s the one without the pole\r<br />\r<br />These notice boards can be found ouside inns in every town of Skyrim. A patch for Raven Rock in Solstheim is also available.\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />


\r<br />This notice board contains many different quest notes. Every note starts a quest when it is selected (it immediately show you the quest description once chosen). Most of them are radiant quests. This means that are repeatable (with different characters or locations). A few quests are executed only once.\r<br />The titles and texts of every note are customized depending on the items/NPC quest givers. Selection of NPCs, location, items, etc. are all randomly chosen. This may includes NPC/location outside Skyrim like Solstheim. It can also choose NPC/location of other mods like Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, Summerset Isles, etc.\r<br />Also, the location can be choosen from epic dungeons (I mean big dungeon) and/or other quests dungeons.\r<br />\r<br />Here the list:\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 "Retrieve an item\x201d: retrieve an item in a dungeon. Reward: Double price of the item\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201cGather Ingredients\x201d: Gather Igrendients for a merchant. Reward: 1 skill point in alchemy\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201c\x43ollect Blacksmith Materials\x201d: Collect ingots or ore for a blacksmith. Reward: 1 skill point in smithing\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201cGather Pelts\x201d: Collect pelts for a ranger NPC. Reward: 1 skill point in sneak and archery\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201cRetrieve Armor Set\x201d: Collect parts of a complete armor set for a NPC. Reward: 1 skill point in heavy armor and blocking\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201c\x44wemer Technology\x201d: One shot quest \x2013 Retrieve three particular dwemer artifacts for a court wizard mage. Reward: Powerful dwemer armor set\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201c\x42ook Collecting\x201d: One shot quest \x2013 Retrieve five books in five different dungeons for a court wizard mage. Reward: 1 skill point in every mage skills\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201cHave you ever visited... ?\x201d: Simple quest to explorer a \x201cnever visited before\x201d location. Reward: Another visible map marker in your map :-D\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201c\x42\x61ndit Leader Bounty\x201d: Same as vanilla. Reward configurable via MCM\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201cGiant Bounty\x201d: Same as vanilla. Reward configurable via MCM\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201c\x46orsworn Bounty\x201d: Same as vanilla. Reward configurable via MCM\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201c\x44ragon Bounty\x201d: Same as vanilla. Reward configurable via MCM\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201cItem Delivery\x201d: Be a courier. Delivery a missive for a NPC. Reward: 300 gold\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201cRescue Citizen\x201d: Be a hero! Rescue a citizen kidnapped by bandits. Reward configurable via MCM\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201c\x45scaped Criminal\x201d: Be a bandit hunter! Catch an Escaped Criminal and send him back to the Prison. Reward configurable via MCM\r<br />•\xa0\xa0\xa0 \x201cSlay the Beasts\x201d: Go to slay some beasts! Reward configurable via MCM\r<br />•\xa0\xa0 \xa0\x201cInvestigation request\x201d: Be a detective, speak to the Steward to get a City Guard Report about disappeared Citizens\r<br />\r<br />


\r<br />Quest notes have a tiny summary in the right side of the screen where explains what you have to do.\r<br />If you don't like this radiant quest then drop the note WITHOUT READING IT, and go in another Notice Board in ANOTHER Hold.\r<br />\r<br />zBtWFP6.jpg\r<br />


\r<br />\r<br />Sometimes you will see mercenaries viewing the notice board (one leader, one companion). If you get close to them, the leader will drawn his weapon. It means he's going to a dungeon to kill a leader bandit. You can go with them if you want. Also if you speak to the leader after he has drawn the weapon, you can offer your help.\r<br />If you have decided to help the mercenary leader then a new quest will starts. If you kill the bandit and the leader mercenary survives, he will give you a reward (30 gold per player level). If the mercenary leader is killed before ending the quest, the quest fails.\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />


\r<br />This is the \x201c\x66unny\x201d part of the mod. Every Message may contains information about local people, love letters, pranks, non-senses missive, story letters, etc. You may discover that Faendal is not so in love with Camilla Valerius in Riverwood :-) \x2026 Or yes. Random stories can be found in these notice boards.\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />


\r<br />This mod is released as fake ESM so it can be used as master for modders entertainment. I added a full documentation of how this mod works and what you have to do if you want to add your quest note for your mod or adding new irrelevant notes (which I strongly encourage you to do that). If you\x2019re not a modder but you want to share some ideas about irrelevant notes, just write yours at the right forum. You will find some instruction to how write notes.\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />

* AVAILABLE PATCHES *\r<br />\r<br />

gcVLD1t.jpg\xa0 \xa0\r<br />High Resolution Patch by fadignsignal\r<br />The Notice Board for Legendary Cities patch by filloax\r<br />Falskaar patch by AndrealphusVIII\r<br />Alternative Dragonborn Patch by AndrealphusVIII\r<br />Beyond Reach Patchby AndrealphusVIII\r<br />Wyrmstooth Patch by AndrealphusVIII\r<br />Agent of Righteous Might Patch by AndrealphusVIII

\xa0 \xa0\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />


\r<br />This mod works with other mods and can interact with them if necessary. As I said above, your quest givers and/or destinations can be found in other lands.\r<br />This mod USES vanilla leveled lists\r<br />This mod ADDS new custom leveled lists.\r<br />This mod is fully compatible with Unofficial Skyrim Patch and Unofficial Dragonborn Patch (if you install the Dragonborn Patch).\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />

* THE \x2013THANK YOU\x2013 SECTION *

\r<br />I would like to say \x201cThank you\x201d to Franky and Shinji72 for their betatesting and irrelevant notes suggestions. Shinji72 is also the author of the video about this mod. They helped me a lot.\r<br />Also, I thanks Carboniac for ideas, writing large amount of Messages and fixing typos.\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />


\r<br />\r<br />\r<br />

* FOLLOW ME *\r<br />Don\x2019t forget to like my Facebook page:\r<br />






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Okay I can replicate this with that mod so there is at least something odd with the way Nexus, MO or that page's settings that is messing with the UI in MO. Whenever the 'Meta.ini' is generated for this mod the line is missing that stores the endorsement state.

Now to fix it is very easy. For every mod that is giving you this odd behaviour open the 'Meta.ini' and add this line to force MO to recognise it as endorsed:


If you don't want to endorse it change it to:


If you want to avoid endorsing change it to:


Now the actual problem here is MO is by default viewing the "Endorsement state is unknown" value whenever this line is missing but unfortunately we can't change that via the UI.


If you want to revert MO to see that condition you change this line to be:

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Thanks for the solutions.  Okay, so let me see if I got this right.  To endorse the mods I need to, I can use endorsed=1 which will auto endorse these in MO and nexus ...or if I use endorsed=2, MO/nexus will allow me to endorse these either on nexus or in MO?

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