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Posted (edited)

under 1.E.1.2. Nvidia Users please change the following:



Make the following changes via Nvidia Inspector, otherwise leave the defaults (they can be tweaked later if absolutely necessary).

  1. Download Nvidia Inspector. This is a portable program and requires no installation. Simply place in a convenient location and create a shortcut to the executable.
  2. Within Inspector, select the "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" profile and keep all of the default settings except for the following changes:
  1. Set Antialiasing - Mode to "Application-controlled". Apparently, SkyrimPrefs.ini dictates the level of AA, but the video card drivers can dictate the method of AA. If set to "Override", AA will be turned off in Skyrim, regardless of the Skyrim INI setting!
  2. Set Antialiasing - Setting to "Application-controlled / Off" (for better performance), or set to use 2x2 (or 4x4) Supersampling if the video card can handle it (for better quality).
  3. Force Anisotropic filtering mode by setting Anisotropic filtering to "User-defined / Off".
  4. Set Anisotropic filtering setting to 16x. High values may cause texture shimmering in mid to long range texture LODs. If this happens, adjusting the LOD bias can help to remedy the issue. (See the Detailed Information link above for more information)
    • ENBoost users should skip the driver anisotropic filtering and set ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true in the enblocal.ini.
  5. Set Vertical Sync Tear Control to Standard if not already.
  6. Set Vertical Sync to Use 3D application setting. (Recall that vsync should be running via ENBoost's enblocal.ini!)
  7. Click Apply changes twice and then close, accepting any overwrite when prompted.







Make the following changes via Nvidia Inspector, otherwise leave the defaults (they can be tweaked later if absolutely necessary).

  1. Download Nvidia Inspector. This is a portable program and requires no installation. Simply place in a convenient location and create a shortcut to the executable.
  2. Within Inspector, select the "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" profile and keep all of the default settings except for the following changes:
  1. Set Antialiasing - Mode to "Application-controlled". Apparently, SkyrimPrefs.ini dictates the level of AA, but the video card drivers can dictate the method of AA. If set to "Override", AA will be turned off in Skyrim, regardless of the Skyrim INI setting!
  2. Set Antialiasing - Setting to "Application-controlled / Off" (for better performance), or set to use 2x2 (or 4x4) Supersampling if the video card can handle it (for better quality).

          ENBoost users should skip the driver anisotropic filtering (step 3 and 4) and set ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true in the enblocal.ini.

      3. Force Anisotropic filtering mode by setting Anisotropic filtering to "User-defined / Off".

      4. Set Anisotropic filtering setting to 16x. High values may cause texture shimmering in mid to long range texture LODs. If this happens, adjusting the LOD

         bias can help to remedy the issue. (See the Detailed Information link above for more information)

      5. Set Vertical Sync Tear Control to Standard if not already.

      6. Set Vertical Sync to Use 3D application setting. (Recall that vsync should be running via ENBoost's enblocal.ini!)

      7. Click Apply changes twice and then close, accepting any overwrite when prompted.




Red emphasis mine.


Reason: I always do step 3 and 4 and then I read I don't have to do it, so now I'm wondering.. what were the settings before I changed them?!? etc. Things that should be omitted from an install guide should be noted before the S.T.E.P.s for it are described.

Edited by JUNKdeLUXE

6 answers to this question

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  • 0

For STEP, AF should be set to false in the enblocal.ini and the driver for AF should be used instead...as we have it set up. Driver version is a bit better quality in the far distance and is a tad bit less performance heavy for lower-end users...though most will not notice any performance difference. We are aware of Boris's recommendation of the opposite, however, we have never experienced the issues which he claims and have never had any user reports of such issues either. You have to read between the lines with Boris. Often his recommendations are simply his views of how he thinks things should be. An example of such is his recommendation of keeping iBlurDeferredShadowMask at a value of 3; however, testing has shown that changing this value has no negative impacts in regards to ENBSeries.



It's set up like that on purpose for STEP. Using the driver or ENB AF can be user choice as there's little measurable difference between the two.

  • 0

Well.. then the STEP guide is even more wrong as it tells the user to set AF to TRUE (as quoted in the first block). The STEP guide might later change it back to FALSE, but that is just a redundant step then :)


Btw.. my quoted blocks have nothing to do with Boris. They are from your own guide.



The only change I made between your S.T.E.P guide and my recommendation is to move the notice (in red) up before the steps changing something that you were not supposed to do :)

  • 0

so just to be clear...


  • In Nvidia Inspector: Anisotropic filtering mode should be set to?
  • In Nvidia Inspector: Anisotropic filtering setting should be set to?
  • Enblocal.ini: ForceAnisotropicFiltering=false
  • 0


so just to be clear...


  • In Nvidia Inspector: Anisotropic filtering mode should be set to?
  • In Nvidia Inspector: Anisotropic filtering setting should be set to?
  • Enblocal.ini: ForceAnisotropicFiltering=false


NI AF Mode = User-defined / Off

NI AF Setting = 16x

enblocal.ini AF = false.

To be clear, it honestly makes little difference but testing showed that driver AF to be very slightly better in the far distance.

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