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  1. Yeah the bash bug, sometimes the dmg is really high, i didn't knew there was a fix for that. I will try the 3rd mod, seems very cool the implementation used. But ok, its nothing to worry about...
  2. I have finally finished installing the mods and tested the game, its hard having a job and familly to take care, time is a problem ^^' I'm just curious about the time needed to process the LODs, cause it took me the sunday evening for this task. Generate terrain LOD: 72 minutes Paint roads on terrain LOD: 1 minute Run TexGen: 31 minutes Run DynDOLOD: 117 minutes On my Ryzen 5600X, with a NVME SSD and 32GB ram at 3600MT/s. Is that normal?
  3. Is the dual wielding block/bash bug fixed with the Step2.2.0? Maybe i should use these mods if i'm using a dual wielding build? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/85505 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/83581 Or even better, this one? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37332 Whats your opinion guys?
  4. I have a premium account on Nexus... Its just this particular link that doesn't work, all other mods from SSE, FNV, Oblivion and more, all work fine.
  5. Any tips for integration and bug fixes, for the the new land maps Beyond Reach, Bruma, Falskaar, Midwood Isle, Vominheim, and Wyrmstooth? There so many bug fixes and other mods related to these lands... in the past i have completed Faalskar and Wyrm without serious bugs, but that was during Skyrim LE times
  6. It wasn't working, I have tried in 2 pcs and different browsers. Tks for the link, more people must have this difficult too...
  7. On STEP 2.2, 04-Foundation, the 7th mod (DynDOLOD DLL NG) can't be downloaded... any tips?
  8. Has anyone tried this guide before? https://github.com/Tyler799/Morrowind-2020/blob/master/Morrowind_2020.md It seems very complete for me, i will give a try when i come into some free time for modding... I never beat TES3 in the past, worth a revisit now i guess :)
  9. This SSE 2016 is so stable for modding, i just love it! My actual setup have all the STEP mods plus lots of my personal choices: Category - Mods name 6.5 - FNIS PCEA2, PCA 1hm overhaul, PCA6.8 - KS Hairdos, Ashanti Redgard6.11 - Basic Location Damage, Blessings for days, High Level Enemies, Imperious, Mundus6.13 - ESO Skyshards6.15 - SPERG6.16 - A Matter of Time, Improved D-Pad Bindings, RaceMenu High Heels Fix, UFO6.17 - Bruma, Dark Tower, Falskaar, The Evil Mansion, The Lost Dwemer Castle, WyrmstoothMisc (after 6.18) - Celestine, Hel Rising, Dragons Bane Bow, Better Arrows Dragonbone, Liliths Carver, Summermyst, The Chill Pill, Cassandra Frost Witch, Diin the Ice Mage, Emfy Cleric, Gwelda Red Riding Hood, Merta Black Rose, SofiaAll the mods with patches for everything they need. The game runs very smooth at 1440p, 85~100fps(its set to 100fps max due to my monitor refresh rate) with a overclocked RX 5700, high preset. I will keep this setup from now on, saved in external HDD if i need to reinstall in the future. But how about your SSE? How do you guys mod it?
  10. I like to point out that "kryptopyr's Patch Hub" have an outdated version of the patch "Improved Closefaced Helmets - WACCF" LOOT is reporting this... Instead of using this patch, i use the www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21747 which i merge into the original "Improved closefaced helmets (SE)" mod. No more warnings in LOOT now.
  11. yeah i was thinking on doing that right before the DDLOD patches. the game is working very well now, SSE is really very good for modding :D
  12. No more bashed patch? I think i still need one... After installing ALL the mods of the last guide version 0.3.0b, i also add some of my personal favorite mods: - Sylvanas Queen armor - Abyssal Swords - Demon Hunter Plus armor- Iban's Staff- Celestine and Tfollowers pack #1- Elven Wizard armor- High Queen Freydis's Sword- Lilith's Black Sun armor- Awekened Eye of Chaos- Doombringer- Imprefvicticious Daedric Bow- The Lost Dwemer Castle (Playerhome)- Summermyst (and its patches anywhere it requires)- Apocalypse (and its patches anywhere it requires)- Hel Rising - Falskaar (and its patches anywhere it requires)- Wyrmstooth (and its patches anywhere it requires)- Bruma (and its patches anywhere it requires)- SPERG (and its patches anywhere it requires)- Imperious- Death mountain- High Level Enemies- ESO SKyshards So, i suppose i still need to create a bashed patch right? AT the very end maybe?
  13. I have 600 hours of Skyrim just like this, so this isnt a problem at all, trust me. But something bad happened when i was testing Enderal and i cant fix it anymore. I think i will use my next sunday and reinstall everything, including game and mods, because i never had this issues before and reinstalling partial things aren't solving my problem now =/
  14. I gave up of Enderal, it crashes a lot for some unknown reason... But now i cant play Skyrim anymore! Loot, WryeBash and TES5Edit cant see my mods anymore. After 4 hours reinstalling things, i dont know what to do now... Is there some problem in this screen? All the paths are correct.
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