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Everything posted by Mandalay

  1. personally i prefer continue to use the independant bsa extractor tool. this simply because sometimes you need to extract one BSA from a mod and not the other one.
  2. "Missing Master Legacy of the Dragonborn.esp" i had this issue earlier today but i can cinfirm that after a new download this is no more the case.
  3. Lexy for immersive KS hairdos it's written you are requesting using old files section for 2.1 but the 2.1 is the active one. The 2.0 is in old files.
  4. Darth This one looks really like an improvement for the immersion and don't limit the modification to just your avatar.
  5. Hello in the guide , the link for this mod leads to an error Lexy's LoTD SE - Conflict Resolution CR Update for 1.02.3 (TESTING)
  6. Vivid weather & patch ofr truestorm have been updated. VW now introduced a rollback in the last version "...Introducing with this Update is Vivid Weathers SE Classic. This will set the Tonemapping back to the Reinhard Tonemapping instead of Fimlic. As a result the Image is more sharper , crisp and more fantasy like. It is also prefered to be used with third party weathers introduced by mods and patches like truestorms. Please make sure your ENB is compatible with the Classic version, though as i have not changed weathers it should be most likley. To fall back to filmic Edition just disable the Vivid Weathers SE - Classic.esp. Changes...." Personally i'll go for it as i didn't like so much the new shader orientation. don't ask me why, i can't explain it but... i prefered the old one.
  7. Hello Lexy LOTD has been updated today (fomod package too) Probably the same mentionned previously, sorry, but they are dated on 04/03
  8. Lexy, in the latest version, immersive Fallen tree has it's esp name changed. the merge page still mention the previous one (with SSE)
  9. FNIS generated and Dyndolod too for test purpose without issue. start without issue Will try wrye bash as soon as possible
  10. Lexy, so your target is CACO and CCOR when available ? No Snow Under the roof - Hall of the Vigilant fix has been updated to 1.3 this morning i just finished to rebuild the merge patch. Will wait a few days, it is changing each day now
  11. Personnally, as your guide is using mods that generates harder combat, i would prefer a small regen than no regen at all. But i'm more an explorer than a fighter.
  12. with etac updated to 3.0, we stay with riverwood as the lonely improved town actually ? Are you targeting the other town later or will you stay with rivenwood only into the guide. just to know if tester are needed for the new town or not.
  13. And another update : FNIS has been updated to 7.1 yesterday Added patch for TK Dodge SE, TK Ultimate Combat SE and other tktk1 mods; added behavior parameters for the corresponding Skyrim LE modsMade "Proper Spell Cast Direction" selectable via FNIS ini fileAdded FNIS.ini functionality (currently only for switching off the PSCD bug fix - copy FNIS.ini0 to Skyrim Special Edition/Data/FNIS.ini and modify)Added new Papyrus function FNIS_aa.SetAnimGroupEX() which allows SetAnimGroup() without forced setting of 3rd person view (call will fail, of course)Fixes an error 9 bug (index out of bounds) when generating with more than 16,000 animations in XXL versionFixed several incorrect warnings ("Unknown Skeleton", "Warning: Incompatible template file") when using NMM Virtual Install with mods on separate driveFixed wrong warnings for tagged hkx files in the HKX File Compatibility Check.Improved checking for and reporting installation problems
  14. another short question May i have your opinion before trying on my side to add one of those two mods. - Vilja in skyrim - Rigmor of Bruma What is your ipinion on those quest followers ?
  15. Ok , i was thinking to this method but i was unsure. so it is the way to follow. Thanks
  16. Just a question Lexy I have looted everything based on instructions given for mods but when i want to merge some of them based on your guide, there are some case where the merge tool refuse to do it as merge targets are not near themselves. What am i missing ? Sacrosanct has been updated to 5.0.6 SSE
  17. Thanks lexy for the configuration pictures for Merge tool. When you are not enough expreienced, it's more clear than the video (video very well done but covering three differents methods of use) Mandalay
  18. on my side, the guide is installed again on both test installation. I still have doubt about nif optimizer on two modules (the head question) but it works really well. Did a long walk again in many places without issue.... before starting merging mods. i followed the configuration procedure mentionned into the guide and as soon as i merged the AAE and audio section (2nd and 3th part), without any errors, it looks like the merge tool corrupted MO2. Now when launched with or without the AAE and / or audio merged patch, the menu screen freeze. One thing i noted too is the fact that since first merge tool use, loots seems corrupted too. It sees errors where there aren't. loot says that there are missing masters but they are activated. checked. Freeze even if i recheck all patches incorporated into merge one. So i'll rollback (did a full disk backup) to the pre-merged status and retry at the merge first launch configuration step. This issue is of course related to my own level of knowledge and not coming from the guide as others forum members don't have this issue. Thanks for the very good job.
  19. Lexy, The vigor mod is titled Wild cat in the combat section of the guide.
  20. Simple Face to Face Conversation is currently in upload of a bugfix upgrade (1.0.1)
  21. When nif optimizing is needed, to be sure of our actions after your discussion We need to check if facegen data is present into meshes directory if yes, first pass of nif tool with just "head parts only" checked targeting the facegen directory ONLY then a second pass with all three options activated and head only desactivated on the meshes directory (those modifed by the second pass won't be targeted then as already modified) Is it the correct conclusion of the debate at this time ? Thanks Mandalay
  22. Thanks Lexy, i thought there were some requirement. Learned something new so. (but i have so much to learn)
  23. Just a question as the guide is reoriented to UNP instead of UNPB, CBP physics will work with unp ?
  24. Undeath Remastered - Classical Lichdom has been updated yesterday
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