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Everything posted by manguz

  1. Hi Sheson, just a quick stupid question.. I have a tree model that appears in the 3d lod but disappear approaching it near in the cell. What am I missing? It means the hybrid model is there but the full is not?
  2. Thanks for MaxLodGen, even if my previous memory issues were my fault for not having page file activated. This can relieve some stress to our systems cheers
  3. yeah, sorry for that. I had file paging disabled btw, probably because I'm quite dumb sometimes. Again thank you for what you do edit: it works flawlessly
  4. Hi Sheson, I successfully build dyndolod. Added LockTexconv=1as you said but I don't think Texconv is to blame. This time I started with an unloaded system, just rebooted, and for some reasons the first lodgen default generation ended before the other started so I ended up having only 3 lodgen running at time. Each lodgen process took 7Gb of ram., but it managed to end. I suspect that in loaded systems or with less ram texconv will simply run OOM sometimes on some random texture operation. I used basically default dyndolod settings, with ultra trees, occlusion seasons and all the rest. The entire process took 45 minutes. Hope this helps, thank you for your great work and help
  5. Indeed it seems texconv fails on a texture [13:07] FAILED [decompress] (8007000E: Le risorse di memoria disponibili insufficienti per completare l'operazione.) [13:08] Error: Texconv error 8007000E textures\wizkid pole\wiz_pole_06_rock_n.dds "D:\SKYRIM TOOLS\DynDOLOD 3.00\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Texconvx64.exe" -nologo -y -m 1 -aw 256 -f R8G8B8A8_UNORM -o "C:\Users\Mangus\AppData\Local\Temp\DynDOLOD_SSE" "C:\Users\Mangus\AppData\Local\Temp\DynDOLOD_SSE\8DCA575F94F5432EB28FA814E893BDB8.dds" I found another response of yours suggesting to run the command manually but I can't for some reason, or I'm dumb C:\Windows> "D:\SKYRIM TOOLS\DynDOLOD 3.00\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Texconvx64.exe" -nologo -y -f BC7_UNORM -bcquick -o "D:\SKYRIM TOOLS\DynDOLOD 3.00" "C:\Users\Mangus\Desktop\Nuova cartella (2)\wiz_pole_06_rock_n.dds" In riga:1 car:70 + ... S\DynDOLOD 3.00\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Texconvx64.exe" -nologo -y -f B ... + ~~~~~~~ Token '-nologo' imprevisto nell'espressione o nell'istruzione. In riga:1 car:78 + ... ynDOLOD 3.00\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Texconvx64.exe" -nologo -y -f BC7_ ... + ~~ Token '-y' imprevisto nell'espressione o nell'istruzione. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken Sorry for the Italian language. Fact is, that texture belongs to Lanterns of Skyrim II , a very popular mod, and I never had problems before. texconv runs out of memory while decompress it. Should not be a problem of the texture, but I somewhat end with no RAM left. have to say that I run Dyndolod before easy with the same load order (minus the New season stuff), No idea of what is happening Thank you for your help and work
  6. Oh God, I can't run dyndolod anymore. I implemented seasons in my load order but Dyndolod fails and crash eating all my 32Gb of Ram with 4 lodgen generation simultanously (one per season I assume) . I tried messing up with LODGenThreadSplit but didn't helped. How can I build one lod at time to not overload my system? Thank you bugreport.txt
  7. Obviously was an error by my side. I fixed it by adding exceptions to Windows defender. My mistake was I moved MO folder some time ago to a faster disk and update it to a beta version in the process. MO was NOT running with administrator privileges, I forgot. This probably fixed it. Sorry for the noise
  8. ahhh sorry for being dumb, **** windows thank you, God amongst men
  9. Hi Sheson, all was fine for some time then Texgen failed on me with this error [12:44] Can not copy resource textures\architecture\whiterun\wrcitywall02_n.dds to D:\SKYRIM TOOLS\DynDOLOD-Standalone.3.00-Alpha-44\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\DynDOLOD-temp\textures\darthwayne\castle\stonewall_n.dds Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato impossible find specified path I really don't know from where this called texture comes textures\darthwayne\castle\stonewall_n.dds , I don't have it it doesn't belong to my load order (seems coming from this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71234?tab=description I know nothing about this mod Any clues? edit: I installed that mod and another error with another unknown texture Can not copy resource textures\landscape\snow01_n.dds to D:\SKYRIM TOOLS\DynDOLOD-Standalone.3.00-Alpha-44\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\DynDOLOD-temp\textures\landscape\snow01landscape_n.dds Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato. It seems I cant run texgen anymore, I 'm at loss
  10. Yeah, I searched through my installation and this should come from Skyrim Witcher Experience Enhanced mod. the building is half broken mixed with lod nif's. But It is placed there by dyndolod I think, I don't know why dyndolod picked this up and placed it there , as I am not really into the internals of how dyndolod really works :D (magic). I will find a way to exclude this mod from next dyndolod generation or I think I can just disable it in my save. Thanks for your amazing work
  11. Hi Guys, can someone tells me where this broken building come from? It seems a part of the bard college lod and comes from dyndolod.esp. It's located in the whiterun tundra, near the luxury suite https://imgur.com/nvqt3JD Any clues?
  12. Does F4SE work with MO2 alpha4?
  13. Sorry Sheson , I think it was something messed up in my system bios. I reverted some changes and now it seems it's building, I'm 15 minutes in and seems fine now. It was some overclock thing , dont really know why It had this strange side effect
  14. here.it is Thank Sheson TES5Edit_log.txt
  15. I cant build dyndolod anymore, with last fo4edit , fresh install. usual procedure but I have this critical error Exception in unit process line 814: Access violation at address 00405B2A in module 'TES5Edit.exe'. Read of address C30F5D3C this is the only relevant line in the tesvedit log. Any hints? edit: this is the tesvedit bug report https://pastebin.com/JphvV3xd
  16. Great work Sheson, you magnificent beast :P It worked on the (cleaned) save I uploaded before, dyndolod is up and running again with its objects. I have no sons and I'm not planning to have some so I'm sorry :p Glad you go through this
  17. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bw0_bgX5BstWaDI5clk0TDlIWlE Here they are, probably NSFW :P It's a clean save from dyndolod that had dyndolod previously running fine. It's in interior in lakeview manor of HF, sorry but I started there with Alternate start Thank you, I hope you find something, no problem for me to restart
  18. I cant get that save to load dyndolod. With the new scripts you linked the message is only 'dyndolod deactivated' in the MCM. I rebuilded from scratch two times, cleaned again, it didn't work. New starts works fine instead hope this helps somewhat, I'll keep the save for further tests if you want thanks
  19. Thanks Sheson, sure the save isn't corrupted, just dyndolod won't start properly. I have papyrus utils 3.1 and racemenu 3.4.4 , my installation is up to date. I always do the same procedure when updating Dyndolod or rebuilding for some reason, double clean save and save tool cleaner usage, never had any problems. One thing that comes to my mind is that this save is very early stage where I was configuring mods for a playthrough and I probably start it (but Im not sure because I don't remember well) with a dyndolod rebuild WITH new glow effects enabled. Then I rebuilded (from scratch always) with NO glow effects. And It doesn't work. Now Im going to rebuild again with glows active to see what happens, it's the only thing that comes to my mind thank you for your kind help
  20. My save is corrupted too it seems. Was working fine, then I redid the whole dyndolod from scratch and now dyndolod cant initialize. I did a clean save before updating with the usual procedure . Same installation and same plugin works fine in a new save.
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