YES it has in fact worked the problem was the antivirus blocking DynDOLOD access to Command Prompt thank you sosososososo much for your help as this is a truly great mod and you have been amazing i can never truly tell you how greatful i am :) :) :)
YES Right we've made progress as I have unabled my anti-virus and it has in fact opened the CMD and has continued the installation fingers crossed it works!
Right it makes the file and * however no.command prompt was ever spawned as far as I could tell. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
I tried limiting it to 1 core however this just took it longer to crash, I will upload the Mod Organiser Log, I hope they help and thank you for helping me :) if you need other files or anything just say the word - MO Log
here is the file you wanted - and it suddenly skyrockets to 100% CPU the stays there for creating the atlas then freezes and closes both MO and DynDOLOD i just thought that might have been maybe a tiny bit helpful info :)
OK so far i have done the following: 1) Installed the new test Version to 0 success 2) configured the ini file to what you said to also zero success 3) I did check to see if it was memory that was causing a problem and I found that it used about 30% of my CPU until however it reached the end where in fact it did use 99.8% I will upload a screen shot on it now maybe it will help and then upload another one with evidence of it reaching 99% - Thank you so much for your help so far :)
Hello, I have recently completed my installation of S.T.E.P Extended 2.10.0. It was running very smoothly through the installation and i have been following the guide to the letter (Apart from the higher Resolution Textures) However DynDOLOD refuses to co-operate with me. I have been trying to find a solution for well over an hour and thus far made no substantial results. i have tried Un-ticking (For lack of a better word :)) the Bashed Patch and unistalled Gildergreen Regrown as this had helped another user. DynDOLOd just freezes at the production of the Tamriel Atlas and the only files are the textures and the meshes. It does not make a crash log for it so i cannot show you however i can show you my mod order and plug-in order. hopefully it can be fixed ion haste as i love the mod and really want it to work :) thank you for the help in advance - Cclaw loadorder.txt modlist.txt plugins.txt
How may i ask do you merge the for your SRLE : Explorer's Edition patches plugins because I am using the Merge plugins tool but it always comes up with cant merge critical errors