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Everything posted by SergeTroy

  1. Congrats, as long as it got worked out at the end, no real issues. Have to admit I didn't have much in the way of suggestions beyond regurgitating what I've picked up from Gopher and Kelmych's guides, etc., sometimes a little better phrased if you're an uber layman, like me, othertimes not so much. :P Yeah, once the comment was made in regards backing up the originals I went mad with that, making sure to back up and 'read only' the first launcher ini's as well as the fINIp3 when first set 'vanilla.' I haven't done my current experimental-finale of the ini's, mostly because I'm still suspicious of things. :shrugs.
  2. Just for the obvious troubleshooting, did you do a full uninstall of the prior device drivers (using a program like Device Driver Uninstaller)? That's one of my preferred methods for resolving graphics related issues at the start, a clean uninstall for the install of the up-to-date drivers and such. After that, definitely checking on the .ini's naturally. You do remember Fallout 4 is a triple A game, right? Bugs Galore await ... :D I'm probably just going to keep playing my 3 - 7 year old games and watch YouTube load up with vids on it, myself.
  3. Seeing as I don't use Fallout Wanderer's Edition, I've typically had to concern myself with the vanilla game's difficulties when it comes to keeping the regular Caravan Merchants (Doc Hoff, Crazy Wolfgang, Crow, and Lucky Harith) alive throughout the playthrough. The way I typically went about this was just by creating batch file that made the 3 members of each caravan essential, and than further equipped them with better options (the caravan guards usually got the full combat armor as well as a standard minigun at 100% condition, and a backup Chinese Assualt Rifle). I think I *might* have given Lucky Harith a Plasma Rifle for his primary weapon, but I can't remember. Now, I've looked at the UF3P - Exotic Caravans by Alo Bautist, and it certainly looks good. I still prefer my own set up, but I have to admit that an additional guard per caravan makes a lot of sense; 2, not being a modder and lacking real knowledge of scripting, making the caravan guards continuously alert also sounds good (just wish there was something to make certain of the traders a little more agressive, rather than seeing some of them (Crow, I believe) just run away and cower when combat start. Having folks get some extra health and heal post combat also helps avoid the 'need' to give these guys the Essential flag. So, for those that may use this or otherwise have some opinions in a more generic way, is it recommended to use this mod over a batch file? I know that I still - regardless of how this ends up - plan on using a batch file I'll title, "Fallout Wanderer's Cache" to give my character a large number of items he can stash at start (I don't plan on using them really, they're more there to keep me from going mad hunting down anything and everything, and occasionally reloading areas to get better loot). Whatever feedback I can get on this - prior experiences, general opinions and so on - is REALLY appreciated. :) After this, my game is basically ready to go except for getting my Wanderer's face just right.
  4. Alright, thanks guys. Was considering enabling the button via the currently extracted Disabler, deleting it and the readme, and than just re-attempting the process; but I think I'll just let it roll.
  5. Preface: So, I'm closing in on the finale of my own Modded Fallout 3, a very Non-FWE LITE experience. I've launched a new game from the next-to-final profile; I've cleaned all the mods that required it with FO3Edit, and created a Bashed Patch as best I could (I'll admit I skipped over the Bashed Tags section as I'm just out of my depth there), so the only thing I HAVEN'T done is use DDSopt to optimize the textures that need to be, or use FO3LODGen. The Issue (Is it?): The 'LIVE' button is visible, though when I click on it, it just dims the menu options so it alone is visible, and another click on it returns everything to norm. I've got FOSE working fine, confirming FOSE with "GetFOSEVersion" results in "FOSEVersion=1"; I've run Games for Windows LIVE Disabler from the desktop and left it on the desktop, and I chose the option to hide/remove the LIVE button. I haven't run into this before, does anyone know what could be causing it? The Mods I've installed in their relative installation and activation order. My Load Order as per LOOT fallout3.ini FalloutPrefs.ini
  6. I am going to continue with MO, I just have a strong reaction to my system rejecting me (needed to walk away for a while, :D) I'm thinking right now it might very well be the .Ini that I messed up on, though I'm not sure how, or it's just as likely (more likely, honestly) to be part of the 4 mods I threw in (Dynavision, Cinematech, the Imaginator, and Director's Chair). I'm going to be extremely ticked if I can't get Dynavision included under any circumstances, that's one mod I require to be included in my setups, but I can live without the other 3 (I just don't see why they couldn't be included). Honestly, I suspect I just need to do various tweaking through the manual installation, and keep making sectional Profiles and trying to include them all up to the finale. It definitely wasn't the multicore tweak: although that wasn't part of the non-MO .ini (which is part of the guide, right?), I've used it extensively on all other iterations and it was the only thing that really kept the game running. No, I'm using a standard US version as a def, I have run into the issue of being gifted non American versions of my favorite titles before and it was always funny when I wondered, "Isn't the PEGI rating a European one?". I honenstly didn't have Free Commander XE installed this time around as I'm pretty sure from the way I read the guide it wasn't supposed to be (didn't need to be?) by the time of the UI set up. One odd thing I came on was that I had run Wrye Flash, I just didn't do anything with it (I think I had somehow gotten the idea that I needed to run it as soon as I extracted it within MO, not sure where I got that from). So I had a bashed patch at the end of the mod order that was created previous to the last mod added, I don't really know if that matters (honestly never used Bashed Patch mods before this guide, it's something I'm still working on to pick up in language and usage). I'm going to take another run at things with a more 'purely by the guide' example than previous; no Dynavision, etc., until any one 'section' is completed (first section after the base 'Clean and Present Danger' one being 'Base UI,' than 'Core Fixes,' 'Supplemental UI,' 'Additional Fixes,' and so on). Definition of patience, coming back at ya ... in X hours. :D
  7. The load order described is indeed exactly what I have, save for the optional .esp file for adding Mr. Burke's key (which I've had problems with in the past as have a lot of people). The only reason this particular profile was named 'Fixes and UI' was based off of Kelmych's recommendation, with 'Fixes and UI' being intended as the starting point with what's already there for other fixes to be added (such as UUFO3 and Stutter Remover). Prior to that there were the 3 profiles recommended, and named exactly as per the guide (my imagination was lacking). 'Default,' 'Vanillla Fallout3,' and 'Clear and Present Danger.' It should be mentioned that when I ran FOSE from the desktop, it did not have DarN's UI in place, very obviously just from the launch screen (well, the first screen where New Game is an option). FOSE was working, GetFOSEVersion was fine (='d '1' I believe), but as all the .ini changes were in the virtual editor, I guess that the desktop version wasn't doing much for me. In all honesty, I'm actually really considering just redoing this whole thing in NMM, as the last time I did it there I didn't have any issues save that I wasn't really able to incorporate Mr. Burke's key into the mix (which I'm still not sure was or was not an issue more related to cleaning of the .esm's, or if it's just adding keys in, or what). OTOH, I might just go through the guide in full but without checking at every section start and finish to see whether or not everything is working fine. I'd still create the new section profile, but more for review after. (Apologies if I'm starting to lose coherence, just a combo of tired, frustrated, and not eating right, :p). I am definitely thrown by the FOSE option. I just don't know where that issue is coming from. Base game was a clean install, cache verified correctly; the biggest difference is that normally I haven't before used a virtual area for anything. Is it the .ini's? It's just really damn weird. (BTW, epic jealousy of your VRam, currently working with a slightly buffed AMD 7950 and 2 GP VRAM).
  8. GrantSP, thank you for replying but I don't think you really read through my full post ... that or I didn't provide the full level of detail necessary, in which case I apologize. I have actually watched a number of tutorial videos (mostly Gopher's I'll admit) and read through the 'Clear and Present Danger' guide (as well as the Quick Start DDSopt Guide, the Fallout Guide, and the Mod Organizer Guide). I can't deny that in some places I may have skimmed, but mostly when it was clear I was not approaching that stage yet (DDSopt as one example). In this particular instance, Fallout 3 will launch through the 'default' fose launcher on the desktop, but has no real success through MO. Previous to coming on Kelmych's fantastic guide, I had never cleaned the Bethesda plugins before (mostly because I ran into issues between how a tutorial / guide would describe cleaning and the options available in the xEdit version I had (outdated material, you know)). So for that reason I was concerned I had done something that messed with the set up of things (the appearance (from my understanding) of using both the un-cleaned .esms (in data) and the cleaned .esms (in mod) really made / makes me wonder). I have also never used the fINIp3 mod before, but that - honestly - went through without a hitch, so again I'm unsure. As stands, I'm considering re-doing the set up but making sure to actually put in the Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch & Stutter Remover ahead of when the guide recommends.
  9. - Asked & answered elsewhere, ignore. :D
  10. Hello all, this is my first crack at the 'Clear and Present Danger' guide in practice, with some subtractions from the Core list as I'll note. The big item going ahead right now is that I am not using FWE and have no intention of doing so for my own personal aesthetic. Not too suprisingly I ran into a stumbling block when after I'd finished setting up the basic game including the UI basemins the fixes (as per the guide) I attempted to run FOSE through Mod Organizer, which is how I imagine you're supposed to launch a modded game profile, and the game crashed, and locked up, forcing me to unlock with task manager. So now I'm wondering what I did wrong and thought I'd look to the boards for whatever suggestions you can give me. :) I'm really not sure where to start, so let me first throw out the exact list that makes up what I threw together for the 'Base UI' section of my own modded setup. Spoiler tag for space. [spoiler=Personalized Base UI Mods]1. DarNified UI a11 7z version 2. DarNified UI a11 hotfix - For this mod, on its download via the Archive Install, I chose Manual as with the base 3. Advanced Recon Trap Detection 4. Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision – Detect Traps Patch (merged per guide with above) 5. Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision - Chose to NOT unpack / extract the BSA(s) X. Mr Burkes key - Have not as of yet done anything with this mod beyond downloading it. Neither installed nor enabled (obviously) 6. Advanced Recon Range Finder 7. I Dream of Electric Sheep (Cyborg – Thermal and Nightvision Implants) - Chose to NOT unpack / extract the BSA(s) 8. Advanced Recon Stealth Armor - Chose ‘Relaxed: Stealth Field (25 point) when sneaking and standing still’ - Chose to NOT unpack / extract the BSA(s) 9. DYNAVISION – Dynamic Depth of Field 10. The Imaginator for FO3 – Visual Control Device 11. CINEMATECH – Film Grains and Styles 12. Directors Chair – Total Visual Control 13. Adjustable HUD – aHUD 14. Immersive HUD – iHUD 15. UIO – UI Organizer Be aware that while LOOT was used to sort the load order, I did not clean the mods (beyond the Bethesda base .esm's) nor did I create anything like a merge / bash patch (not there yet, and it wasn't said in the guide that I should for testing at this stage). My Load order looks like this, per sorting from LOOT [spoiler=Load Order] 0 0 Fallout3.esm 1 1 Anchorage.esm 2 2 ThePitt.esm 3 3 BrokenSteel.esm 4 4 PointLookout.esm 5 5 Zeta.esm 6 6 Detect Traps.esm 7 7 Advanced Recon Tech.esm 8 8 ImaginatorFO3.esp 9 9 CINEMATECH.esm 10 a aHUD.esm 11 b iHUD.esm 12 c DarNifiedUIF3.esp 13 d Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp 14 e Detect Traps - DLC.esp 15 f Detect Traps - Perk.esp 16 10 Advanced Recon Gear.esp 17 11 Detect Traps - The Traponator 4000.esp 18 12 Advanced Recon Tech.esp 19 13 Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp 20 14 IDreamOfElectricSheep.esp 21 15 DYNAVISION - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp 22 16 Directors Chair - Fallout 3.esp 23 17 Advanced Recon Armor.esp 24 18 Advanced Recon Armor-Stealth With Drawn Weapon.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp Now, one thing I'm wondering about is if I messed up somehow in the 'Cleaned Vanilla ESMs.' I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions there to their entirety, but let me run that by you: After I'd cleaned each of the .esms (Save Fallout3 of course), I closed out of Mod Organizer and went to <Fallout 3 GOTY\Mod Organizer\overwrite> and found the folder created, "FO3Edit Backups" which contained the un-cleaned .esm's (I assume based on both the guide and the fact of their own size in kb's). Outside of the FO3Edit Backups but still in <Fallout 3 GOTY\Mod Organizer\overwrite> were the 5 cleaned .esms, each a little smaller than the uncleaned ones. I cut the cleaned .esm's and navigated to <Fallout 3 GOTY\Mod Organizer\mods> where in a newly created folder (titled "Cleaned Vanilla ESMs") I pasted the newly cleaned .esm's. I than went back to the FO3Edit Backups folder and moved the "originals' backups" to the <Fallout 3 GOTY\Data folder>. Per the guide, I renamed each .esm to it's original naming convention (e.g., Anchorage.esm). I did receive a warning message from windows in regards how this can cause issues with file paths (or something like that, I didn't copy down the info) but proceeded. Once finished, I found the listed mod in MO's main panel called 'Cleaned Vanilla ESMs' and check-marked it across all profiles, confirming each time auto archive invalidation was still checked. Last thing I have is a screen shot I will try and post of MO when it's on the current profile set up. Obviously let me know if there's further information I can provide. Thank you so much for taking the time just to read all this, and more so if any suggestions come to mind. Also, be aware I'm not using the SteamLauncher mod, because I really don't care about the overlay, etc. EDIT: I've gone to the INI editor in MO and corrected the [Fonts] section of Fallout.ini so that there is only one 'sFontFile_5,' the "sFontFile_5=Textures\Fonts\Darn_Sui_Generis_Otl_13.fnt" which was an error I apparently have not been the only one to make. I also changed - in FalloutPrefs.ini, under [Grass] - 'fGrassStartFadeDistance' from the guide recommended 18000 back to the original 7000, just in case (performance hit, I dunno. 3 cells is fine by me). Editx2: I see that in the Data tab of MO's right pane (where other tabs going left to right are, 'Plugins, Archives, (Data), Saves, & Downloads) that there are 6 red mod listings highlighted in red which I assume to indicate errors. 5 for Cleaned Vanilla ESMs, and 1 for DarNified UI a11 HOTFIX. I don't know what to do with the hotfix (I'd hoped that was done as correctly as it could have been, not being included in the guide), but in regards the Cleaned Vanilla ESMs: Due to the conflict errors I’m seeing in the MO Data Panel, I will be unchecking the ‘Cleaned Vanilla ESMs,’ removing that folder from the <C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty\Mod Organizer\mods> path and moving it to <C:\Games\Odd Mod Backups>*, along with cutting the uncleaned vanilla .esms from the Fallout 3 GotY Data folder, and replacing them with the cleaned .esms. Let’s see how that works out. Result: It didn’t. Same crash. In MO, there are now 2 alerts rather than 1 in the ‘Problems’ area. - There are files in your overwrite mod, no guided fix (that was already there) - AND NOW Missing Masters, no guided fix (that’s new). Reversing steps taken ... *Note that the Odd Mod Backups was just a folder I created for just-in-case purposes. So, I'm really confused. I can see I may have done something wrong with the DarN's UI a11 HF, seeing as that wasn't included in the standard guide, but why are the Cleaned Vanilla ESMs acting up (or being listed as conflicts (red highlight)) when I'm really sure I followed the steps there to a T. The one mod I'm thinking of beyond those is the Advanced Recon Stealth Armor, as that's not at all part of the Base UI section, and it may have issues, I dunno. Frus-Strating. gah!
  11. To everyone that posted while I was MIA, thank you very much. I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier to you, 13thGeneral, or you, Kelmych, I'm afraid I've been pressed with over 15 projects and a medical issue that's become a real time sucker. Fallout 3 and Dragon Age Origins have been my go to games for relaxation, and it's haphazard when I get a chance to play. Looking forward myself to implementing the guide in full and playing FO3, even when FO4 comes out I doubt I'll bother moving on for at least a year; Bethesda Games and patching, you know :D
  12. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17876/? Just wondering as I really did like the effect it had for me visually when I ran a similar set up under NMM. I was also using the Imaginator, Cinematech, & Directors Chair (all of those are by MyGoodEye and/or Gopher I believe). If the Dynavision available in the FO3 Mod listings is not recommended, would the far better supported version in Fallout NV work instead and be easily ... crossed over into the older engine? I'd prefer not to go, "Tale of Two Wastelands," as I just vastly prefer Fallout 3 pure & by itself, so that's why I'm wondering.
  13. Hi there all, returning to the Capitol Wasteland after a fairly significant absence (the Mass Effect series called). Previously I've only used Nexus Mod Manager with some pretty soft knowledge of the whole process through Gopher's Fallout 3 Tutorials and other info I scrounged up. As an example, I've never used Wrye Flash and my knowledge of FO3Edit is pretty much confined to what Gopher had in his base tutorial. With that said and out of the way, there were some mods I noted were not listed in the Guide that I was interested in using as they made things look nicer in my opinon, and I was also curious about an error I'd received when using the Advanced Recon series. The mods I liked for visual fluff and enhancement were Dynavision, Cinematech, the Imaginator, & the Directors Chair. Now, I understand these mods may be considered obsolete in the wake of ENB's, and I'm willing to keep that in mind, but I did want to know if anyone else had made use of at least Dynavision and what their experience was there. The errors I'd received with Advanced Recon were ... weird. The game didn't crash on start up or anything like that, but when I ran FO3Edit (again, limited if any cleaning, and no real Wrye Bash) I received the following error: When I brought this up on the Nexus, a very helpful and experience member suggested it appeared that the Items added by some of the Advanced Recon series were not correctly placed in their intended locations, and also there may be an issue beyond that with the Mr. Burke's key 'patch / add-on'. They were helpful enough to created a fixed plugin for me and that did in fact get rid of the error in FO3Edit. If I had any question here, it's that I noted in the Guide, that Kelmych suggested merging some of the Advanced Recon .esms (or just esps?) into one; also, there are obviously other mods I use that have altered the various locations, such as the UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch, and so I wonder if by either the gift of MO's profile set up or perhaps the cleaning of the plugins I should see the error disappear regardless. Any comments and suggestions / advice / feedback would be appreciated; I know that there's a huge 'NEWB' stamp featuring prominently across this whole post, so let me say all of the above is actually doubly appreciated. :) I don't plan on using FWE or MMM as I really do just like the default game, save for improving the visual and performance aspect with some other little add-ons (DC Interiors & Advanced Recon, obviously :) ).
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