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  1. Thanks all of that is super helpful. I have an 11" chromebook I use for traveling, it has an IPS screen and I've been very impressed with how good it looks for what was intended as just a really inexpensive travel browser. The colors just seem more vivid than on my PC monitor. I'm not too concerned with viewing angles for the PC as I just sit right in front of it (we have a projector and huge screen for 'serious' movie night :D ) but it seems like the IPS just has better color for whatever reason, the technology eludes me. Pretty irritating when I sit the chromebook next to the monitor and the chromebook screen looks better than the monitor which cost as much as the chromebook, lol. This one actually looks pretty nice and is a serious size upgrade: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236584
  2. Hello there helpful people :) I am totally overwhelmed and confused by the seemingly vast array of monitors out there. I'm trying to pick through them all and decide which would make the most sense for use with playing mostly Skyrim and Witcher, doing some photoshopping and watching movies. I do like to take screenshots but i'm playing for the game, not the screenarchery. I'm using mostly 2k/1k textures in my build, stuff like Vivid Landscapes and aMidian, and I currently have a 23" Asus 1920x1080 LCD. I'm moving cross country and trying to lighten the load...some things are cheaper to replace than to ship and I'm thinking this might be a good opportunity/excuse to upgrade. My graphics card is a gtx 970 and my CPU is an i7-4790 16gb I don't have any complaints about the 1080 monitor per se, but then again I don't really know what I'm missing and I'm seeing people with 2k and 4k monitors, and then there's all these "gaming" monitors...it gets confusing. Plus i'm wondering if these crazy expensive monitors would really make a difference in an older game like Skyrim. I think I would like a monitor with a larger display but even there i'm uncertain because i'm not sure if a larger monitor taxes your GPU more, or what. If anyone can point me in a direction I'd really appreciate it. I don't want to spend a ton of money (i'm seeing monitors for $500+ and that's too much for me) but I got my current monitor 3 years ago for $120 so I don't feel i'm wasting money if I splurge a little either. Thanks in advance! alicia
  3. This post just saved me wailing and gnashing my teeth in horror, thanks
  4. Possibly the bloom? I don't know, I'll swap out the ENB when I get back to my home computer and see what happens, that at least is a really easy thing to check!
  5. That's odd, because I don't use any weather mod, and my ENB is Grim and Somber Jyggalagg, not exactly a bright ENB at all.
  6. I didn't realize there were only a handful of billboards for each type, so 5 TreePineForest in Vurt's, which makes the idea of editing the dds seem a lot simpler than generating the 2d or 3d ultra models. So let me get this straight, after I edit the offending dds files I re-run the lod but just for the trees, not the whole process, is that correct? Is this still applicable, from the Nexus Dyndolod site: To just update tree LOD select desired worlds top left, uncheck 'Generate static LOD', uncheck 'Create texture atlas', uncheck 'Generate DynDOLOD', then click OK. Also, should I follow the whole update procedure when just doing these trees- disable the mod, new save, delete the cache, delete the contents of the output folder, generate a new esp, etc? Or is there a simpler way since I'm only doing trees?
  7. Do you know a way to easily identify which trees are the culprits that I would want to edit in Gimp, or would I just open up all the dds files and check them out? I am using SFO 2.3 and its related billboards, as well as RAT and its billboards. If I wanted to use 2D static billboards as you suggest would I just skip the step where you Set TreeFullFallBack=1 ? Actually yeah one of the first things I thought was that it looked like some of them didn't have shadows applied, especially because as I move closer they gradually get darker, like the shadow is blending in. Would you mind taking a look at my ini's and letting me know if the shadows are right? I'm not sure which would be the ones to apply here. Skyrim.ini: SkyrimPrefs.ini: Thank you both
  8. Alright, I have an issue the same as a couple others have posted within this topic which is I have too-bright trees popping in at the mid-close distance which are very bright and do not match the color of the rest of the trees. As I move even closer to the trees, they darken. From what I have gathered out of this topic there may be two possible solutions to this issue: 1. Use the optional ultra trees guide: after reading the text file about this I am uncertain whether my system could handle the performance impact, and besides that, I am intimidated and confused by this: "WARNING: this can create HUGE static LOD files depending on the size and complexity of the full model version. It is advised to create optimized 3D static LOD versions. Because source shader settings of the full models are copied, this can potentially create invalid *.bto files causing the game to CTD." So I also would need to create optimized 3D static LOD versions? How? 2. Adjust the brightness in the advanced tab: This seems like the easiest way however considering only some of my trees do this and only at the point they pop in, wouldn't this setting lower the overall brightness values for all trees all the time? Essentially that would make the dark trees darker and the bright trees less bright but still brighter than the dark trees? So I'm not sure which option I should attempt for this specific issue. Here is a picture of the brightness difference when they pop-in, noticeable on the trees to the right vs the left: And here you'll notice those same trees on the right, once I move closer to them become dark again: And here is the video from the person who posted 30 pages or so ago with the same issue I have:
  9. Ah, yes looking back over the page I see that it does. It has the esp as an option if you don't have MCM capabilities. Still interested as to an esp would be needed if you could just use a couple texture files, but as I'm not likely to use EBT it probably doesn't matter, just curious :)
  10. I'm hesitant to install EBT on my Requiem setup. I'm also wondering why does EBT need an esp file to remove the screen blood when this "Bloody Screen Removal" is apparently doing it with only a couple texture files?
  11. I used to have this tweak and don't recall any map crashing. I've removed it now to be safe, but I'm wondering is there some other way to get the blood off the screen? Would this be recommended? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/471/? It's just a couple texture files.
  12. As it turns out, it's not just the Halo mod. If the mods affected by FNIS are in any way different between the two separate profiles, this behavior will surface. Just thought that should be known.
  13. Yeah I probably just went to the TES5edit Nexus page out of habit. Or I might have forgotten one should never drink and mod. Or both.
  14. Ok, sooo... this TES5edit is no longer what we need? So when I updated Tes5Edit I should have downloaded this FO4 one instead? Just making sure I understand you right. If that's the case GamerPoets video going to need an update.
  15. Ran Dyndolod, started a new game and noticed some issues with some LOD textures: They all "popped in" when I got close, but I don't remember seeing this behavior before. Especially weird with the waterfalls being partly animated and partly vanilla icebergs. Is this something to do with my Dyndolod install or should I be looking elsewhere? Again, this is Dyndolod on a new game, version 1.47, and just updated TES5Edit 2 days ago.
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