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Everything posted by Mr_Moal

  1. Actually, there is no bashed patch at all. Requiem I think handles all that. I do use the TES5Edit merged patch, but that is different. Let requiem handle the de leveling. Really, it's better not to mettle with the awesome vodo magic that has been worked with the reqtificator for requiem. Edit: Re read your post, and what I described does not have anything to do with de leveling or bashed patches.
  2. Several months ago, the USKP grew so large that certain things broke. (Due to the number of records and such). The dual sheath redux patcher couldn't handle it. The only way around that was to delete a section of the USKP to lower the record number down. That dual sheath redux patcher has since been fixed and this is no longer a problem. I'll make a note in the guide about that. I guess I should have removed the note, would have been less confusing.
  3. Yay, my first fellow adventure who wants it all. Nice to to see some activity on this forum after so long. To answer your first question, yes, it's been "reasonably" stable. Yes, I get occasional CTD, but they are not frequent enough to ruin game play, just make sure that you save periodically, and no worries. I spent far too many hours getting my current build up and running using S.T.E.P. 2.2.9, and so I'm not going to muck with it until I have time (probably during summer), so I don't know what might affect it by using In that sense, you will need to look up patches for any new mods that S.T.E.P. has introduced, namely that AI mod I think was added. Other than that, please post and instabilies or problems you find, and I'll add it to my notes above. Happy hunting, and may you not die too often (unless you go straight to fight draugr at level 3, in which case please upload the video :). Oh, and if you install Dragon combat overhaul, don't start the main quest until level 25 and for the love of Talos, turn off 2 and 3 dragon attacks.
  4. Skyrim with Requiem (and everything but the kitchen sink) Trying to get a (reasonably) stable Skyrim Requiem Build. ----NOTICE---- Skyrim STEP has been updated. My setup is based on the previous build: https://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.9#STEP_Packs Some of the new mods, such as the AI mod, make very large changes, and therefore are not compatible with a large number of mods in my list, or need patching (on the level of Requiem). Since I've just gotten this setup working, it will be a while before I reinstall everything all over again to start over. ----Yes, you will need to start a fresh game if you are deploying the new STEP install. For that matter, you need to start a new game for this "Requiem + everything else" build as well.---- General Notes: Current instabilities / bugs: A quick overview of my current set up: - For my set up, I decided to go for broke and add in everything in my core bucket list. I did make sure to exclude any non essential mods (mainly because I hit the mod cap, and I already had a dozen mods combined to make more room) and any that obviously conflicted. Current set up: Merging Mods space is tight for esp's, so some stuff needs to be merged. TES5Edit Patch: Patching Routine Game Crashes I came across Settings and stuff MCM Start up Guide Next Steps from here. Finally time to play... So far, the game has been far more stable than previously, and considering how many mods are installed, I'm somewhat amazed it works at all. Some of my previous modding attempts with a fraction of the number of mods ended in disaster (ie the game "Played" for 20-30 hours, then a bugged quest triggered, and everything broke). If anyone else tries to install similar to what I have, please let me know how it goes, and if you do things differently, I would like to know to improve my install as well. I can't possibly find all the bugs by myself after all.
  5. Hello all. Sorry for having been MIA for over a month without mentioning anything, but the work trolls got me and I couldn't get away from them. I was reading some of the recent threads, and it looks like some more people are taking up the torch to get Requiem and STEP to play nicely together. In a previous post (https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4558-requiem-pack-wip/?p=133206) I list all the patches I've found as well as the load order I'm using. I also used TES5Edit to make its patch for everything pre requiem installation (place the pach esp above the requiem stuff). then I build on top of that with requiem mods and patches. I've found there to be "fewer" crashes, but things are not rock solid yet. If you guys find any additional patches, or discover a problem with any of the ones I listed, please let me know. I would like to do another write up of the installation process, since I've made some reasonably large changes since the last one (largely replacing the lighting (CoT) with Lumen ENB). Referring to this post (https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4558-requiem-pack-wip/?p=134692), Before I go looking for more patches, I'm going to have to look for redundant and non essential mods that conflict. I know that the Enhanced Blood mod, Complete Crafting overhaul, and some sort of Mining script are causing most of my problems, so some sort of patch is required there. My previous major bug where bears, Lions and Giants would launch me across the map seems to have been fixed, though I have no idea what fixed it:) sorry for the late reply: 1st: From reading the STEP form, you should be able to install STEP(Extended), and then add on to the end the Requiem Mods. I did that for REGS (minus RRR), Explorers Guide, Lighting, and The War Ensemble packs. At the end I installed Requiem. In terms of priority of things overwriting each other, it seemed to be ok... 2nd: I think you are supposed to rebuild DynDoLOD every time you add assets to the game enviornment. Granted the 1-2hr it takes to build can suck, but its well worth it. 3rd: MO is great right up until you install Requiem. The Requiem instructions specifically say you should manually order the requiem mods and patches. I've tried to use rules to set the load order, but in the end I would just manually order the Requiem stuff, then group select the mods, right click > Lock Load Order, then use LOOT to order non requiem mods, then unlock the mods, and do any final tweeking. I've had bad stuff happen if I changed the load order after making the patches, so you need to re build all patches after you change stuff. junaid, How has your Requiem building project been going? Have you had success or run into problems? If you get a chance, could you let us know what order you installed the packs in, or if you re arranged the packs amoung the STEP install. Would like to know how it works out.
  6. SOLVED (mostly) Yes, when using Lumen, I was careful to not use conflicting mods. (the mod site explicitly says Lumen and ELFX Enhancer, while it won't crash, are not intended to use together. ) After seeking some advice from someone who does lots of photography, I was informed that the white haze was caused by my monitor (incorrect brightness, gammacurve and contrast). After lowering the brightness and boosting the Gammacurve, I get very close to what the Lumen ENB should look like. So its not a case of an incorrect installation, but a case of incorrect display set up. Shadows are close to what they should be, but the fire intensity is off during the day. Other than that, the contrast might be a little high for my liking, but its almost exactly like what the mod page screen shots show. Now its just a matter of me adjusting parameters to my liking. load order: Back to the previous CTD: After looking at the Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade mod, under "Conflicts" area, I note the /scripts/mineorescript.pex is overwritten by Requiem. This means that CCO-Remade Requiem patch has problems that need to be solved. (Correction, I don't have a CCO-Remade Requiem patch... so that would explain that problem.) I'll update my above installation notes to reflect the addition of my missing patches. I'm getting sooo close, I can feel it... Too bad Open Cities doesn't have some magical auto patcher so that it would be compatible with anything. Sigh... Follower Mods: I'm trying to find a follower mod that would be compatible with the set up, and have found 2 that seem to be reasonably current and have patches: - EFF: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933/ - with patches: (may be out of date?) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62188/? Or - Follower Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60763 Both have Requiem patches, and interesting NPC's. Both allow you to retreat (ie set followers to not engage and suicide) and both let you set the combat type (front line, ranged, etc). Biggest pain I have with followers is their unquenchable thirst to run head long into the first bandit camp they find, which really sucks in early Requiem when you don't have a chance in hell of winning. Does anyone here have experience with either of these (or other follower mods) and could lend some words of advice?
  7. Edit: I've adjusted the brightness and Gamma-curve, and the game is starting to look way closer (but not quite) like the screen shots on the Lumen ENB mod page. I also had to adjust the night time intensity of fire. The Shadows are not quite as deep as they need to be, but it's getting close. ---------- Having trouble with Lumen ENB. I've reinstalled as the mod page instructs, but its still not working. Uploaded some screen shots to Flickr, to show the problem. With the ENB on, it feels like there is a faded shade dropped across the screen, where everything is made a similar lighting, colors are faded, etc. When you turn the ENB off, the rich color returns, but then the lighting is back to vanilla. I'm not using multiple lighting mods (maybe ETaC changes something? that mod might muck with lights) I've tried moving the lighting mods to a higher priority, but that hasn't changed anything.
  8. I have not uninstalled any mods. This was on a fresh game that was used to test the mod set up stability. Before running the game, all automated patchers were run. I am aware that I'm running a very large number of mods, so there are bound to be some problems and instabilities at first. We are talking a mod set up with: - STEP:Extended - REGS - War ensemble - Weather and Lighting - Requiem all installed with patches. I have not run into this CTD while testing the previous STEP Packs. I've built this incrementally, and have saved all the previous stages in MO using profiles. At each stage before requiem, the game operated normally.
  9. Got my first CTD, and I'm trying to figure out what the problem is. Its crashed a couple times now, and each time its when I left white run, ran towards the watch tower and there was a battle going on (probably caused the be patrol mod). What should I be looking for in the papyrus log to help diagnose the problem? Here are the last few lines of the Papyrus logs (no way am I pasting the whole thing, that would be nutz)
  10. Don't know about a helper dll, just followed the instructions. I installed the performance version, and it did not make a difference. After mucking around I may have fixed. Using shift - enter to access the enb menu in game, I started switching effects to see what they did. One of the boxes labeled enbseries.ini has an effects tab. When I toggled â€UseOriginalPostProcessing" and "UseOriginalObjectsProcwssing" on, the game looked normal again... Granted, as I run around in dungeons and at night, the darkness is appropriate, and you don't see many colors in the dark, but when you enter an inn, it's all washed out colors, and very dim. Not at all the vibrant colors you see in the screen shots,
  11. Lumen ENB looks great, and I installed it as per the mod authors instructions, but the game does not look anything like the pictures. The effect is like a grey shader was dropped on the screen, no vibrant colors, all bright lights are dimmed and all shadows brought close to the ambient lighting (still faintly visible). Can't seem to figure out where the problem is. When I disable the ENB (Shift F12), then the game looks like normal again. Any ideas? Top one is with ENB, Bottom one is without ENB
  12. Might have an "alpha" build ready that "may" mostly work, I hope... I think I have "most" of the patches needed to make it work, but then again, unless the bug is really obvious or I get a CTD, I may not know its there, so does that mean it doesn't matter? :) I think I wrote down at least 95% of what I did, but there is always the chance I missed something that I changed. To test my install, I used the BFT carrages to visit every location, and enter every inn when there was one. I also used TGM, tcl, and player.setav speedmult 800 in order to fly around and load as much as I could. Beyond that, I have not started the Civil war, visited the extra lands, etc. There is lots to do to verify that the game is stable. Let me know if more information is needed. A0: Pre Requiem installation: B0 Requiem installation: C0: MCM start up settings:
  13. Edit: I'm thinking the first problem to solve will be reducing the number of esp's. I'll have to review the previous 4 mod packs and combine as many esp's to make more room. Edit Edit: I've begun making a table to list and track conflicts and their patches. This could take a while LOL Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I run TES5Edit and only load Requiem, then everything that does NOT get loaded I can cross off my list right away? Everything else TES5Edit loads will have to be reviewed one at a time. That did not work... Edit 3: I think I've narrowed it down to the "Requiem - Wyrmstooth.esp" If it is checked when I run the Reqtificator, the game hangs on start up. ---------- Game Hangs on Dragon Born Logo, Will not Load. Soooo, I've got Requiem "Installed". Right now I feel like this guy, right up until the game hangs on load... ( ) What I did: tracked down what patches I could find, and played with Loot until the Plugin order looked ok (I think.?). TES5Edit loads the mods, but when I launch skyrim, it hangs on the Dragon Born logo (not moving), and the FPS stops as 30.2 (as seen by the ENB, normally FPS is fluctuating continuously) I've left it for 6 min, nothing, CPU holds around 35%, and no disk activity. I don't know if it is the fact I'm at the absolute max for Plugins (Lowest plugin has priority 253, and TES5Edit tells me I'm stupid if I load even 1 more plugin) or a mod order problem. I had to combine the ETaC Patches to make it all fit. I rolled back to my Pre Requiem install, and the game happily loads. Thank goodness for MO to keep different profiles separate. My Next order of buisness will be to start combining plugins to reduce them. I understand that maxing the number of plugins is not the greatest idea in general. List of Requiem esp's: (Edit July 11) Below is the load order and plugin order. may need to drink something before going through the list, what is 350 Mods Loaded, and some 253 esps. At the very Least, I know my Previous 4 step Packs work, so it is atleast something to do with the above Requiem mods and their patches. (and the load order of them. loadorder.txt (Edit July 11)
  14. I will read those notes for making a compatibility patch. It may work (though I also get flickering/toggling in the Another Life mod start, and I know that is caused by the torches outside the cell) I've got the majority of the mods installed (and am at 250 esp's :) so later in the week I'll finish the reqtificator and then start stress testing it. Could I get some pointers on testing? I want to do some preliminary testing before I start a play though. High crash locations? Areas other people have encounter bugs, known major bugs? Etc. Thanks.
  15. OK, I've got REGS, Weather and Lighting, Survival, and War Ensemble installed. Basic superman test (fly randomly all over the place and make areas load) did not turn up any major problems. I noticed occasional light flicker/toggle, but only in buildings (skylights seem to be a culprit, and those darn inns). It seems like 2 mods are trying to add lights to the same areas, and instead of overwriting each other (which would be good), they both have their lights, and that causes the flicker. Haven't narrowed down the culprits yet, may have to learn how to use creation kit and make a patch. Darn, I'll have to learn some thing now and do some real work. I'm going to start focusing on the Requiem install. if anybody comes across any Requiem 1.9 related patches, please let me know. I need patches for lots of stuff I'm guessing, though from reading the Requiem read me, I may need fewer than I think. I've updated my main post with details: https://forum.step-pr...k-wip/?p=132277
  16. Will do. Since I'm not an experience modder, I'll be sticking to the pack as close as possible. So far: - REGS: I've added Inns to the ETAC pack (with or without inns have lights flickering on an off, and Requiem + RRR = bad), - Note: I'm experiencing some considerable light flickering, and from reading up, there is a game engine limitation of 4 shadow casting lights at a time (in your field of view), if there are more, then a random light is disabled. If anyone knows a solution.... Please tell me :) - Lighting and Weather: I've added the ELFX Enhancer (I know ELE says its incompatible, but still, the I just "can't" play without it :) and I added CoT Weather patch to allow me to use Realistic Nights and its patches (again, can't live without those dark moon lit nights where stuff goes boo) I'll keep editing my previous post < a href="https://forum.step-project.com/topic/4558-requiem-pack-wip/?p=132277" >HERE< /a > Since my end goal is to make a killer requiem set up, I'll keep track of my progress in this thread. let me know if I should post somewhere else.
  17. Awesome, please keep these kinds of items coming. I'll add that to my first post. Thanks a bunch!
  18. Edit: Collecting my notes and progress at the bottom: ---------- Good to hear. The STEP instructions are almost to the simplicity of IKEA assembly instructions, and I was getting worried I couldn't follow simple instructions. Since I will need to do the most work/investigation with the Requiem install, I'll do it last. I have already installed the REGS pack (minus the optional 3 mods, and stress tested it using TGM with flying and super speed cheats), and I will be installing Weather and Lighting, Survival, and then War Ensemble next. ----- Stop me at this point if I'm being overly optomistic with getting all 4 of those + Requiem working happily together. I'm going to make the (masive) assumption that I'll be able to get all 4 working stable before moving onto installing requiem. ----- I am thinking of using Requiem 1.9, as it has some new automated patching built in, but if I can't find the core patches, I'll use the suggested 1.73 instead, wish me luck... If you could provide some pointers or a boot in the right direction, that would be awsome. Step 1: To establish compatibility between Requiem and STEP:Extended; I will need to install some form of the patches listed on the Pack:Requiem page, as well as look at the master in the esp provided in the "Patches for STEP CORE, Extended and SR:LE section. Am I correct in my thinking that the mods patched by the esp will all be listed as masters? That will give me a starting point. I'll make the ASSuMption that if it isn't mentioned, then I'm probably fine. Step 2: establish compatibility between Requiem and the other for STEP PACKs. As I install the other STEP Packs, I'm making notes of places where compatibility with Requiem is explicitly noted (on the mod page / in step). As long as I follow these instructions to make sure stuff is compatible, I'm thinking I should be ok... ? - REGS: Patches to look for have been listed on the requiem page already. - Weather and Lighting: Can't see anything that will conflict. - Survival: Notes compatability with requiem 1.73 Will need to find patches for 1.9 if I can, or stick with Requiem 1.73 - War Ensemble: This is where things get dicey and I start to develop a twitch. Will CWO and Requiem play nice? no mention of Requiem is made on this PACK. Summary: - Use the provided information to make Requiem and STEP:Extended play nice. Keep REGS and Survival in mind, and pray that CWO+Requiem+EverythingAndTheKitchenSink does not make it all blow up in the end. Thanks, and wish me luck. (And just a shout out to the STEP Extended set up guide contributers. When I finally got into the game and saw what STEP Extended did to it, I was speechless. Wow. I'll never play vanilla Skyrim again.) Edit: I'll list Requiem related patches I'll be using here. Thanks in advance for suggestions Found Patches: Still Looking: Installation Progress:
  19. I'm having trouble installing the Requirm Pack onto my STEP:Extended installation. 1) my first problem I encountered was installing the last "Requiem - Patch Central" item: "Requiem - Improved Closefaced Helmet Legendary Patch" Upon installation, it said it was missing a master file: "Improved Closefaced Helmets_Legendary.esp" I attempted to solve this by downloading "Another requiem Patch Central" and activating only its "Requiem - Improved Closefaced Helmets.esp" This esp was happy with the "imp_helm_legend.esp" that is installed with STEP:Extended 2) second problem was following the instructions to make the merged patch. I had to exclude 3 esp's from the patch to get it to combine properly: "Requirm - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp" , "Requiem - Improved Closefaced Helmets.esp" and "Requiem - USKP Patch.esp" If these are included, I get a warning that the patch did not copy right and probably won't work. When I excluded them, the merged patch completed without errors. 3) last problem is that the downloaded "STEP Pack Requiem Patch" has missing masters: "Improved Closefaced Helmets_Legendary.esp" , "Requiem - Dragonborn.esp" , "imp_helm_imp.esp" The "Requiem - Dragonborn.esp" is included in the merged patch I made. Any ideas where I should start to resolve these problems? Other than the 2 places listed above, I have not deviated from the Requiem Pack or from the STEP:Extended installation.
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